Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, August 29, 2014

Thoughts on ISIS

Hi Everyone,

          I wanted to share my thoughts on the militant group ISIS. Okay, here's the deal. ISIS is suppose to be a militant group founded out of the middle East. I have lots of suspicions about this so called ISIS. For those who are not aware of the underline codes of ISIS. ISIS is really a group that was hired by some very powerful beings. If this is suppose to be a rural group that comes out of the middle East, why is it that they have neatly tailored flags? Where did they get their ammunition? Why is it that they have video clips in HD? Why is the leader of ISIS wearing a Rolex watch? All of these things must be questioned.

        Why the name ISIS? If the group is suppose to be Islamic than why did they not think of an Arabic name for the group? Don't you find it interesting that they named themselves after an Egyptian goddess? These are all clues. They did NOT steal the U.S. Passports. Someone GAVE them the U.S. Passports. Think it through with me. The evidence is right there in front of us. So with that in mind the media is actually letting us know that ISIS is right here in America already, and if they are so "savage" as they are portrayed in the news, than they would have attacked U.S. already wouldn't they?

      Again, what is the mystery behind the white flag on the Brooklyn Bridge? That's basically a symbol of America's downfall message to us. How the people here retired their flags in various spots of America. What is with that ceremony? Definitely not to replace the old flag with a new one. All of the clues is right there in front of our faces. We just have to look harder.  I know that it can be hard to believe that the government has gone rouge but it has. Which leads us to this. Why is ISIS so big on the so called headline news?

      Because, they are the key to taking out America. The leading distraction towards this "New World Order" which is taking place right now, whether we are all aware of it or not. Why is it that martial law is being practiced or drilled all around the world. Not just America, with Ferguson, but with Thailand, Hong Kong, Ukraine, and even Pakistan. All the leaders from all over the world are staging military coups. They are getting ready for a global collapse. Once that happens people are going to protest and show their dismay. The military coups or martial law is basically a brutal armed tactic to keep "law in order".

       To conclude, ISIS is not really a terrorist group. It is an organization formed by the Beast to put in place the Ultimate Plan. To usher in this "United One World Government." That's it. Nothing more and nothing less. Let the brothers and sisters united under Yashayah have power to understand the things written.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

More Demonic Entities On Earth

Hi Everyone,

          I have been kind of hidden for a while. Sorry about that, but I'm back again to deliver some more messages leading up to my final message. However, we have a minute before we get to that stage. Right now as we speak, the Earth is shifting to a more negative realm. There is more negative energy now than there was just a year ago. Even, a few months ago. The Gates of Hell just opened about two weeks ago, give or take and now we have demons loose. There is going to be more riots, more violence and more killing. All of this is due to the new energies that is coming into our planets. You can feel it in the moon and sun. Many people will start (if they have not already) doing bizarre things. I know because I have seen some pretty weird moments from people. This is all due the energy that we may be experiencing.

         Now, I have came across some skeptics that think the Gates of Hell is a load of bull. I come to say that it isn't. See we have been fooled to believe that we are smarter than anything else, but that is not the case. The demons are here but they are not going to just hall off and attack at one swoop. They're going to watch us and attack along the way. That's their ammo. For example, bad things will start happening to you. Whether, its a car situation, house situation, billing situation or what have you, it's always something really bad and you have no way to get out of it. This is how you know that you are being attacked and that you are on the right track. I definitely encourage you guys to continue on the right path and walk in the ways of the Heavenly Father. Yes, I know that its not easy. I feel it too but we must push onward with our heads held high and have our faith and hearts within the Father's Hands. He will not let us fall nor let us go.

          As the month's go on, it's going to be increasingly worse. There will be many suicide tempts, or much killing as I have stated before. Many will carry a heart full of hatred. No it is not the person doing this, but the demon that has possessed him/her to do so. Some that are fainthearted and lukewarm, they will have more of a struggle. There may be changes within their diet that is not the best or change in their behavior that is just not rational. For instance, if a person has eaten steak well done since a youth and then they start eating med-rare meat or raw meat, than those are huge indicators. These things well not just pop up out of the blue these behavior changes will be strategic. What I mean by that is it will happen in time frames. An exapmle of this is when someone is a peacemaker but has shown some signs of aggression even though he or she had no known history of aggression that that's an indicator.

           Remember that we are dealing with spirits here and they are not the good kind. So we have to stay strong in the Faith of the Father through Yashayah. That's the only way. There isn't another alternative. This is serious business. These negative entities are strategic mind manipulators. So if we see any negative changes our love ones or even us we must IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Father. Ask Him to help us with our current situation and He will help. Trust me, He wants to protect His Children, but how can He if we are busy distracted by other things that has nothing to do with our connection with the Father? He can't get through to us if our hearts is elsewhere.

          So please be on the look out and remain strong in the faith. We are going to face an increase of demon possession world wide. Be safe out there, guys.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Rapture is Coming: Are you ready?

Hi Everyone,

            Yep, I'm talking about the rapture again. We seem to be getting closer and closer to the end of our journeys here. So, I hope that everyone is ready for the real deal. As of now there is a huge heap of energy coming unto the earth. So much that the vibrations will fill your spirit. This is the Father's spirit coming in. This is what keeps us up and remind us of the struggles of everyday falseness. The society that is. As I speak, the society is having a hard time keep up with Earth's changes. All they know to do right now is to distract. Thats it. They are trying hard. They are trying to start wars, and race wars and even more miscellaneous stuff just to keep you here. 

             My main reason of why I speak on the rapture so much is the fact that. There are many apocalyptic movies coming out. Also, they tell you plainly about what their movies are about. Most of them are about the rapture. So they even know that its about to happen because they focus on what happens afterwards. If this isn't a wake up call than I don't know what is. We must be prepared. Detach from all of this worldly stuff. No one wants to be attached to anything. If you are I advise you to start detaching now. It makes the process even harder if there is a pull from spirit to Spirit. The Father can sense this and will not take you up.

                 The rapture is very much real. It's talked about in many books of the bible followed by other religions. The issue is that people think that it's impossible to just disappear in the midst of daily functions. However, it seems to me that many of us seem to forget who we are talking about here. We are taking about the Creator of Heavens and Earth. He created many galaxies, many dimensions, and billions of planets. Our planet is not the only one that exist with life on it. As a matter a fact, that's the BIGGEST LIE they EVER TOLD!! As stated in the Bible, nothing is too hard for the Father. So why do most of us think that it's so far-fetched for the Father to just zap us out of danger. 

               As for the TRUE CHILDREN OF THE LORD! THE ELECT!! The time due is already been paid. It doesn't make sense for you guys to keep going over the tortures again. It's over! Redemption is coming right here and right now. So why are you guys not believing in the rapture? Once the rapture happens all hell will break lose. I have seen some pretty horrific visions and it not pretty by a long shot. Trust me. You want out. You don't want to stay here at all. It may look nice. But even the most bad tasting candy comes in pretty wrapping. Trust me, its going to be really bad! 

Get Ready guys! This is no game...

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

moon cycle