Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Original Sin

Hi Everyone,

              I am covering the Original Sin that was created. We were all fooled to think that Eve was the only one who created the Original Sin:

But it wasn't Eve that created the Original Sin, it was Adam that created the Original Sin. Yes, they knew of good and evil but Adam was the one that was sown an evil heart. Not Eve. 

" For a grain of evil seed was sown in Adam's heart from the beginning, and how much ungodliness it has produced until now—and will produce until the time of threshing comes!" - 2 Esdras 4:30

              Adam was the one that created this Sin. Now what was so bad that He had to be kicked out? Well, I thank the Heavenly Father for allowing the Holy Spirit to help me get to the bottom of this. Okay, this is what was given to me. 

There is a tale of Adam having a first wife. She was made out of the same dust as he was. And she was in equal status as Adam. 

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."  -Genesis 1:27

           However, Adam got caught up with the Serpent Seed. And decided that she was beautiful and cheated on Eve and got Cain. It wasn't that Eve (called Lilith in the tale) was angry because he wanted to have some type of power trip over her. (Though that could be some of it too.)  Yet, he has the nerve to cheat on his consort Eve with the serpent. Then, he grovels back to Eve and she forgives him and they had Abel together. Making Cain and Abel half-brothers. 

           The Father favored Abel over Cain for two reasons: (1) Abel was complete Seed of Woman. (2) Abel lived a righteous life. Abel was also the Shepherd of the Flock, like Yashayah is. As for Cain, he was part Serpent and Seed of Man: However, the serpent gene was just two strong for his godly side to subdue. Therefore, Cain submitted to the evil of the serpent. Which was actually present in both parents. The First Eve, was not the Eve that Adam was with but the Serpent which carried the name Eve. 

 So... what was Cain:

Seed of Man and Serpent Seed

       Cain hated his brother because the Father favored Abel and lived righteous. Even though the Father extended His hand to Cain, that serpent part of Him just didn't allowed him to go forth. This is probably due to the Adam's evil heart and Serpent blood which just overall made him a bad person. So Abel was highly favored because of Eve's kind and gentle heart and he being raised mostly by her. 

So...what was Abel:

The Seed Of The Woman

        That is why the Seed of Woman and the Serpent Seed must be separated. 

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed." - Genesis 3:15

This is how it is. The Original Sin and has always been the fact that mixing of blood came to be. Which eventually lead to all kinds of lawlessness due to the evil spirits that dwelt among them and then causing the flood to happen to cleanse all of the sin. 

Recap: It was Adam that committed the Horrible Sin not Eve. Adam cheated on Eve and got Cain. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and Evil continued to rise. Flood happens to wash away all the sins and to start anew. 

How did I get this conclusion you may ask?

  • There was no interaction of Cain and Eve.
  • Abel and Cain only ventured out together once when Cain killed Abel.
  • 2 Esdras talks about Adam transgression and not Eve's. Making Adam mostly to blame.
  • The tale of Lilith, (which is actually about the first Eve, but Eve didn't turn into a demon.) Lilith came from elsewhere.
  • Genesis 1:27
  • Genesis 3:15
  • Seed of Man can populate anything including genetically modified humans (serpent seed).
  • The Father Created Women in his own image and not from the rib of Adam.
  • The Father kept track of man through the Seed of the Woman in which he created in His Own Image. (X chromosome) 

That's how things went back then but there was so much mixing going on so now its mostly about the spirit of Israel. Who is spiritually Israel. Spiritual Hebrews.

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