Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ebola: What's the Real Plot Behind This?

Hi Everyone,

        I want to touch on Ebola and my thoughts on Ebola. Well, its a no brainier that they are trying to spread this crap on purpose. But why? What are they trying to do? Well for those who probably know the answer, I'm just going to re-confirm some stuff. Ebola is also goes hand and hand with the Agenda 21 depopulation control. That's why its spreading like wildfire. In the Book of Revelation, we learned that the Beast is given power to destroy 1/3 of the population with whatever weaponry he can get his hands on. Ebola is just like all of the other diseases. It was made in a lab and it is composed of all kinds of other diseases combined into one. 

        Now with it spreading all over the place...Men, Women and Children are getting affected with this disease due to the airborne nature. Just because the CDC says that it may not be doesn't mean that it isn't. Within fake news, try your best to go with what the originally said because if they switch it than that means that it was the truth. This "Medical Quarantine" is a sweet setup for the FEMA Camp plot they have. Where they group an X amonut of people and throw them in FEMA Camps and just go ham with the full time enslavement. 

    Also, I just want to also let you know on some information I just received from another source. The new Ebola Vaccine is suppose to help fight it but why in the world are they putting RFID Chips in the Vaccines?

RFID Chip Vaccinations?

       I was shocked and stunned by that. So be leery of the Vaccines not just the Ebola one but All of them. We shouldn't be taking vaccines in the first palace because we have antibodies already. It's something how they can try anything and everything to get this chip into place. Obama has already taken out one of the insurance companies because they didn't follow a policy and now the employers who have that particular insurance company will either fall under the ObamaCare or would have to go with another independent insurance company. We all know what the requirements are for ObamaCare. No one wants that. 

     As far as the Ebola situation, I took the liberty to switched the words around. Both my mom and I and we came up with Leoba. St. Leoba was an Anglo-Saxon nun who lived in what is now called Germany and have been doing missionary work until she did.  I believe that this disease is named after a Catholic Nun who was a miracle child. Her mother was barren and prayed to have a child. Miraculously she conceived and had Leoba. Leoba could also work miracles and apparently can stop storms with her words. Pretty much a female version of "Jesus".  She was canonized and several miracles were attributed towards her grave site. 

Statue of St. Leoba

       The details are pretty deep. She was highly favored by Pippin III and Hildegard, the wife of Charlemagne. Boniface gave her the most authority when she was working with him during missionary works. She died in September 28, 782. This is also her feast day. So, I find it strange that the Ebola crisis happened a week or so later after her feast day. Doesn't that sound strange to you guys? It does to me. It's very interesting though. I do give them that. So Ebola is definitely another ritual. 

Agenda 21

        Mostly, I see that Ebola is the start of the depopulation agenda. Ebola is also like a sweet set up for Chip Vaccinations and FEMA Camps. The matrix is coming down and this is their last chance to maintain control and carry out their dreams to enslave everyone worldwide. I do believe that Ebola will spread globally. They already got Spain they just need to spread it to the rest of the countries. They have already started doing their plans. That lets me know that the Father is right at our doors. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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