Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, December 16, 2013

Abba Is Here...

Greetings Everyone,

           Sorry for my dormant state as of lately. I have been having some technical issues that I needed to address. As for the topic today, I wanted to tell you that Abba is here. He is paying a visit to all of us. Why do I say this? Because there has been many signs and wonders. As for where I live, I have never seen so many active storms form back to back to back in the country that I live in. These storms have been very dangerous and spontaneous. I hope that you guys have been taking the tip about going outside and experiencing nature and you will see for yourself the dramatic changes that are been put into place. It is an exciting feeling and a very scary one. As we get in tune to what is going on we are starting to feel Abba's presence and everyday it is becoming more and more dominant than what we are use to feeling from the earth. Remember the earth comes from Abba. I also say that Abba is here because I have noticed that people in society are waking up to the things that are happening right now.

           And you have probably woken up as well. If you have not then you would have not visited this blog or may have not taken any word that I have said seriously.

It's time to wake up....!!!

                Have you asked yourself that you are tired of the same routine over and over again? Have you noticed that you are getting way less than you deserve? Have you noticed that everything is 100% repetitious no matter how you slice it? Have you ever came across violence being accepted against little children such as being shot and killed, ran over, or sold into slavery? Has the justice system already turned their backs on the innocent and start to lock them up for nothing and the ones in the wrong get away with everything? Have you ever felt like you are living someone else's life and not yours? Do you feel like you have lost yourself some kind of way and you are trying to figure out how in God's name you got this way? Have you ever felt like you were in a never-ending nightmare and you want to wake up so badly?

          If you have noticed these things then "Yes". Abba has awaken you from your slumber and is showing you what the world really looks like. Yes, it is the most unattractive world you can ever live in. Waking up to the truth that this world is nothing but a slave society built to keep you working and serving until you die. This is the hardcore truth of it all. Now some of you may argue and say that this is everyday life. Well, there are more slaves today then they are "free" men and women and children put together. Slavery was never abolished. It was nothing but a huge lie. However, I will speak on this later. As of now, I want to focus on Abba. I just know that He is here. I sensed it a few months back. I remember telling my mom about it. Its just an overwhelming dominant presence that you cannot shake. Dominant but very gentle.

         Things are going to start getting even more bizarre as the things in this world are coming to a close and the new Heaven and Earth are coming together. Remember brothers and sisters not to be afraid, even though these things go far from comprehension. Yeshua said not to be afraid and to trust in him and believe and him, in which we can be saved. My brothers and sisters we have been fighting this war ever since we were in the world. It sounds daunting but remember, not to give up, not to lose faith, and keep on waling the path of righteousness.

Abba is waking up our souls!!!

           Our souls are waking up and seeing the madness of what the world truly looks like. Once you have awakened from this fantasy land you cannot go back to sleep. You will become very conscious about what is happening in the world and things will begin to look different in its entirety. Your family and friends may even look at you different and see you as a different person. The world will look "funny" to you and the world will find you "out of place" with society. So in a nutshell it is you against the world literally. This feeling is not a curse but a huge blessing because your relationship with Abba is strong and He has chosen you to share this information with. 


            Now with all of this said, not everyone is going to wake from this fantasy land dream because they seem to be comfortable of where they are now. They will start doing the following:

  • Deny everything that you just said about the end of days. No one once to hear that because they don't want the end of days to happen in their lifetime. But who does. If Abba allowed all of us to live our lives out then it will keep on turning. 
  • Continue with life and even buy cars and houses even though this part is going to end. They continue to live under the slave mentality. What ever you say makes no sense to them. 
  • Everything mainstream is golden. They will follow mainstream media and believe everything that they say. They will not understand that media is being controlled and that they often spew lies. 
  • Cannot face reality. When you do manage to tell them about the world and how it is really. They cannot stomach the fact that they are not living in a free society. They will think that this is free will because this is the only thing that they know. They will fight you up and down over it. 

         Does that mean that the will not wake up forever? Well, there will be a great multitude that will not be able to shake off the sleep. Since Abba is here and is paying everyone from around the world a visit and those who are deemed worthy will wake from their slumber and start walking the path of righteousness. Remember brothers and sisters, this is a blessing to know the Truth rather than curse the Truth. The Truth must be known by everyone so everyone can still have a shot to get into Heaven. So I encourage you brothers and sisters to tell your family and friends. Spread the word of the gospel, okay? Alright guys, be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always. 

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