Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, December 5, 2013

There Is Only ONE Alpha and Omega

Greetings Everyone,

            I wanted to talk about a major problem that is like sweeping through the whole entire world. Too many people on this earth wants to be God. However, there is only one God and there is none other. That is what people need to come to grips with. God is the only authority in the whole entire universe. He judges everyone accordingly and fairly. So I don't know what makes people think on the "my way or the highway" tip. That's just not the case. Now people think just because someone says that they are better than a particular group or people doesn't make it so. I will get into that later. As of right now, those who are trying to control everything and try to make their way the absolute truth, then there is a problem.

              My thing is this. We are so conditioned to think that just because there is a particular group of people that are, or what it seems to be, ruling the world then we should follow them. My thing is this, you are you for a reason. Even those who belong to this certain group of people. Let me ask you these simple questions:

Are you up there? Are you the one getting the attention? Are you the one being broadcast on t.v.?

               Because the people on TV, think that they are better than you. It is just a vicious cycle of pure ignorance that will tumble down. Another form of idolatry. Another false belief. Just like it is a false belief to think just because your ancestors got it good then, you will too. Like I said this world is going to get what is coming to them. And as for the ancestors who have done wrong to other people and oppressed them, when Abba raises them up from the dead, they will get a full compensation of what is going to happen. Full compensation of it all.

                  All of this sayings of what a certain person is worth, what a certain person should get what, what house they should live in, what car they should drive, what land they should have, what clothes they should wear... The list just goes on and on and on and on. So if someone is making these assumptions then what does that sound like to you guys? Who are they trying to be? Because when I think about that, they are trying to be God. There is only ONE TRUE ALPHA AND OMEGA. And it is no other way. It is what it is. There is no changing it. So lets all stop this madness of ignorance because its highly overrated. 'Kay guys, lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

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