Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Climate Change or Solar System Gone Rouge? Hmmm....

Hi Everyone,

            Again, I am sorry for not really getting back on the scene like I should have I have been looking inside of myself and communicating with the Heavenly Father and he has shown me much details about what is going on. Most of it is doom and gloom because of how humanity has been towards the earth. Now we must be honest with ourselves. We have not been treating our Earthly Mother right at all for the past several eons. Now all of this is going to bite us in the rear. Due to greed and lust of power, our world governments have went crazy and is destroying everything that the Heavenly Father, has put on Earth to keep us healthy and have longevity. That is part of why we are getting what we are getting. The other part is the fact that Earth has been knocked off her axis and is moving elsewhere. 


           Because of this we are experiencing a lot of abnormal activity. Right? Right. Unfortunately, it is going to get even worse, because now the earth is rocking and she is rocking right out of her place just like the other planets that are orbiting with her and around her. More storms are going to be kicking off and more blasts are going to be fired from the storm this year and its going to keep turning up and up and up and up. This is something that society cannot wish away and think that eventually everything is going to go back to normal. No way. Even in Matthew, he stated that this is the beginning of sorrows. 

         Now do I think that all of it is climate change? No. It is something much more deeper than that. The whole entire solar system is not even in the same place it was before. If we were to go outside right now and look towards the sky, you will see that the once vivid blue sky is no more but it is more of a grayish-teal looking sky. Not the way I have once remembered it. Also we will see that the Sun and the Moon are at war. Yes, they are fighting in the midst of our day. Yashayah the Christ has stated this a lost book that the Sun and the Moon will be fighting each other. This is going on right now. When you look up you will see the Sun and a few miles either to the left or the right depending on your location at that point you will see the Moon. Of course they are trying to chem-trail it to death but at the end of the day you can still see it. This is not normal at all. There are many signs that are popping up right about now and what does society do when things are going belly up and they don't want people to question it?


          They know what the deal is but they want people to get so distracted with all of this crazy mess on TV and fancy the public with their little toys so we won't see what time it is or have a fighting chance to get right with the Heavenly Father. I tell you this life is a major test and the world that we live in is a huge monopoly game. When the pole shifts completely, will we even get a chance to see what the world would look like after she flips? 

            My answer is no. We will not. Millions of people will die during this cataclysm. The great earthquake that was predicted in the Bible will be so strong that the people who decide to go underground will not be able to survive because the crust of the earth is going to fall on them. Did it not state that no flesh will survive in the Bible? I mean, yes this is the future map of the world but by the way things are looking I highly doubt humanity will live on to see this future map come into florescent. I think we might see some of it happen but not the whole thing. That is for certain. 

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