Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, May 30, 2014

Milky Way: Dwelling Place Of The Heavenly Father

Hi Everyone,

              Wanna know why its so hot and its barely dark outside? Well that is because the Earth is getting closer and closer towards the Milky Way. This will be a fulfillment prophecy of the Mayans. Our whole entire solar system is traveling within the Milky Way and we are getting towards the two gates as stated in the Bible and the Testament of Abraham when he said that he saw two gates, a small gate which lead up to Heaven and a big gate which leads into Destruction. We are getting close toward that point. The small gate for the good souls, the Phoenix will rapture us up and the big gate of destruction is the black hole. This is very, very important. Inside of the Milky Way resides the Four Heavenly Creatures and around them are the 13 Elders that I have talked about in a previous blog. Why do we think that NASA is focusing on the Milky Way so much if its suppose to be billions of miles away? Why are they trying to measure Dark Matter?

            Dark Matter is a scientific name for the Heavenly Father, though it is disrespectful. However, the problem is it is impossible for us to measure something that we cannot see with physical eyes, so they are wasting their time trying to measure Him and they are in for a rude awakening if they keep on going up in space messing around with Heaven. They are going to get what they have been asking for. Like seriously. Anyways, this is also why I have posted the Rapture blog with all seriousness because we are so close to the Heavenly Father. This is absolutely amazing and I hope that you guys are very excited as I am about it. Okay, buckle up because this year and all the other who are left behind is going to get crazier and crazier and even more supernatural. Alright guys that's all I have right now. Be safe and spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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