Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Earth Retrograde

Hi Everyone,

           I just wanted to post a short blog about the Earth Retrograde. The Earth Retrograde is very real. Though it may not be explained in the Biblical Prophecies. (I think that it was in there it just got taken out. They have done some edits to the Bible.) It is explained in the Islamic Prophecy. Once the rapture happens and the tribulation sets in place that is when Earth goes into retrograde. The sun will definitely rise in the West and all hell is going to break loose when this happens. See the problem that I have with NASA is that they want to tell us a full lie or a half truth. Its either the whole truth or a lie. Since I know who NASA serves, its going to be a whole bunch of lies in the first place. Especially, when they told this notorious lie about the astronauts landing on the Moon. That was the biggest LIE the EVER TOLD! At any rate, since all the planets retrograde, it only makes sense that the Earth retrogrades as well. 

        Unfortunately for the Earth, its going to retrograde in a Black Hole. However, all of the wicked will be on the Earth. To prevent future chaos, they well travel in the black hole and perish forever. So I encourage you guys do not miss your rapture ride. Then you have to fight for yourselves to get into Heaven. Also, who in the world wants to go inside a black hole and perish. Once you get into the black hole that is it. Even Angels stay far away from that. So that's not a good sign at all going inside of the Black hole. I encourage you guys to stay steadfast in the Faith and in Prayer. Be sure always to KEEP THE HEAVENLY FATHER FIRST!! This is real stuff guys. It may not seem like nothing is going to happen, but that's how it is. Once you get comfy, the cushion is snatched right from up under you. No one likes surprise attacks. So please brothers and sisters, keep watch and be in good courage for the Return of Yashayah/Jesus. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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