Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Executive Orders Go Out Of Control

Hi Everyone,

         Since the President of the USA is procrastinating with the orders that he has to do before getting out of office permanently, he has gone executive order crazy. He really has. He is just signing all kinds of bills. Bills that we haven't even known he has signed. All of then to mess us up royally. He has completely gone rogue. What do you guys think the title Renegade President means? It means that he is going to turn on America thus bringing her down. As prophesied, she will blown up and sinking down to the ground. Before that happens, she will be sold to foreigners which has already happened. My brothers and sisters, America... Miss. Old Glory, is gone. She is gone, gone, gone. I told you already that they have to make a new matrix. In order to do that they have to get rid of America. In history, she was born after Britain and there is where she will return.

        Then Britain is back under control again. Remember, Obama's there to destroy America not help her. Then control will be taken and put elsewhere. Mostly Britain. I mean there has already been a bill passed on July 1st about the dollar collapse and martial law. If you do not believe me then by all means YouTube and/or Google it. It'll definitely pop up. This is IT people!!

        We have to ask ourselves, why? Why are there so many movies mentioning America's downfall. Better yet the Apocalypse. There are A LOT of celebrities RETIRING!! Why? I know for the fact that they know something that we don't know and they are not trying to clue us in. Instead, they are going to taking their "happy" tails and go in their underground bunkers and we are left to feel the fire. That is how dirty they are! And it's not just them its the governments too from all over the world. That is what it is, guys! This is really it! This is what we have been waiting for with much anxiety. The Real Battle Between Good and Evil.

        So let's buckle up guys because its going to get crucial from this point on.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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