Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, May 18, 2015

Global Coastal Event

Nostradamus prophecy is close to coming true. On May 28, 2015, there is a huge alignment. Venus, Sun and Uranus will align. Mercury, Venus and Neptune will align. Mercury Earth, the Moon, and Saturn will align. As well as Earth Mercury and Venus. Thus making a square. This could be huge. If this happens, California will fall in the sea and Japan will be hammered with unbelievable tsunamis.

Here is a piece of Nostradamus prophecy:

The trembling so hard in the month of May,
Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury and Taurus,
Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Virgo.
Hail will fall larger than an egg.

There is a YouTube video called Global Coastal Event in May 28, 2015.

Please check it out.

May Abba Be With You.
Peace Be With You.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Decoded: The Bride Of The Lamb

Hi Everyone,

        There have been some misunderstandings of The Bride of the Lamb. One in particular has been the HUGE MISUNDERSTANDING of who the Bride of the Lamb is. Okay, we have been told that we are the Bride of the Messiah. That is NOT the case. The Messiah is the "first fruits" meaning that He is Our Heavenly Father! Fathers do not marry their own sons and daughters. That is incest. So who is the Bride of the Lamb? It is Lady Shekinah. So we do have a Heavenly Mother. Now if we look at scripture, this is what it says:

"And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb." And he said to me, "These are the True Words of God."  -Revelation 19:9

        See? It says the Marriage SUPPER! Meaning we are INVITED to the RECEPTION!! Okay? You know how a person gets married and after the wedding there is a wedding reception where there is food and lots of celebration? So that means that the Heavenly Father would be already married. So he comes to invite His Children to His Wedding Reception. Hence the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It has nothing to do with us being the Bride. If that was the case we wouldn't be in this sinful world. That's how that is. I know that it's hard to wrap your head around this because of the lies we have been told over the years. But this is the Truth. Read Revelation 19 - 22 for yourself. 

        Yes, there is a brand new covenant and a brand new Earth and a Brand New Heaven. But we are NOT THE BRIDE OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER!! We are INVITED to the Supper not the actual Wedding! Okay? I wanted to go ahead and tell you guys this that way when we ascend up you would know what happened and not look like a deer with the headlights on. 

        Lady Shekinah is the Holy Spirit which is Feminine NOT Masculine. Like some of the Scriptures have said. She is the Bride of the Heavenly Father. Thus making Her our Heavenly Mother. So we must respect Her as such. So I hope this helps with the mix up. Because it can be confusing when you are taught all of these lies and then find out its not true. Most likely you would be frustrated so I wanted to make sure you know this. That way you won't be confused and taken off guard. So lets give Praises today and Celebrate!

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Friday, December 5, 2014

It's Officially Starting

        Well Guys,

                  We have officially gotten to the end of the wire here. The prophecies in the Bible are about to become a full reality. It is a matter of days before we see lots of  life changing events. I hope that everyone has been spreading the love while I was gone. I have been battling a few personal problems. Okay, let's begin:

We are going into the final stages of the Biblical Prophecies as well as other End Time Prophecies that are found in other World Religions. May not be as in depth as it is in the Bible, but it's there. We currently have a lot of unrest dealing with citizens from all over the world. Many people are protesting and the police officers are sowing some restraint but we all know that its just a matter of time before the get violent. 

Currently in America, we see the prices of gas drop from $4.00 to below $2.00. This is not about the economy getting better. It is about America getting prepared. For what? For War. They are going to go to war with Russia because of the depleted resources that are nowhere to be found on the land. So they have to fight for it. 

The Orion Project? That's a project made by NASA to not only see if they can continue doing man missions to Mars, but to see of they can go beyond the Kuiper belt and find another planet to live on. They are trying to leave us because they know that the Heavenly Father is coming to put the hammer down on all of these evil people that have done the righteous ones wrong. 

We also notice that there is much talk about a "possible" threat that talks about an asteroid coming to tear us to pieces. Even the guitarist for the band, "Queen" said that we need to have a Asteroid Awareness Day. They even said that the world leaders need to come together and start planning for it. 

We have the battle in Heaven raging right above our heads. For any advance people that have been studying things that relate to the Bible, I am talking about the First Heaven. Meaning the Sky. If you are deeply spiritually in tuned you will see all kinds of spirits fighting in the sky. Yeah I know sounds crazy but it's the truth and the next destination after the First Heaven is Earth. So imagine seeing all kinds of ancient spirits coming down and fighting and taking over the world. This is something that a regular gun and ammo can't fix.

Another thing, we have Prince William coming to America. He is going to meet President Obama, Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton. What is this meeting for? In one of my blogs, way back in the archives, I talked about Prince William being the cheap imitation of Yashayah the Christ.We got to watch him. This also indicates the Death of Obama. Obama is going to get killed it's just the matter of time. 

We have a huge sunspot that's going to blow any minute now. I mean the signs are like everywhere. The sun is not really a sun but multiple stars combined into one. We can even see a distant star in the back and it's red. That could very well be the Red Kachina from the Hopi Indian prophecy. All of this has been mentioned since the very beginning. All the way in Enoch's time. The Earth will be destroyed. There will not be another Earth and its going to be thrown into the Black Hole of Space. The Mayans and the Aztecs talked about it. Of course they thought that the Mayans were crazy but we got to remember, these so called crazy people are actually telling the Truth.

Also, I believe that there is some holographic technology going on because there have been some incidents that I have seen that are very off. Especially during the news. The celebrities have been ultra quiet except for the ones that have been caught in a scandal. It's just lots of things going on that indicate too much. We are getting down to the wire out here. We have so much evidence proving that the Earth is turning towards a more cryptic way of live. We can't get jobs or anything.

Most importantly, all of the righteous people are being attacked more than ever. Everything is going wrong. No matter how hard we try to make it work. It's just too much bad stuff happening. Believe me guys, all of this is happening for a reason. See the matrix is coming off. The elite knows this that's why they are setting everything up for the higher up demons to come and take over everything. Get ready guys. Tell your family and friends. Continue to spread the love and faith. Continue to hang on and know that the Heavenly Father is right here waiting for the right time to get us. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

"So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."  -Matthew 24:33

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Buckle Up Everyone: We're In For A Bumpy Ride

Hi Everyone,

      I wanted to bring up some important news. Where is everybody? Can anyone tell me where are the celebrities, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the media anchors? Where are they? I don't see them at all. The Media News are all re-runs of tapes in heavy rotation. As far as the stars, I don't see any one. Except for the ones that are being told to go out there. I don't understand this. However, I did pan into the entertainers and Pitbull is busy singing the Fireball song. Even in the NFL Halftime. I noticed that he must be talking about the asteroid. Yes, the asteroid that is going to hit Earth and change America as we know it forever.  It's really something. All of my movie watchers on cable TV, have you notices that the movie, "Deep Impact" is in heavy rotation? Why is that? Only thing I know is something is going happen. 

       My mom told me about her dream that took place early this morning and she told me that the Father showed her the asteroid that is coming in route. I felt a strong feeling that moved me. I knew then that this was huge. I know I have been talking about the asteroid since early this year but we all know that the Father gives us warnings way in advance. Also when I was in a hot debate of with a non-believer, she pulled up my May 10 prediction that I have made. This didn't make me mad or anything because its actually tells me that the asteroid event is going to happen. The water supplies is leaving stores like crazy. So if  you want water I suggest you go to the store and stock up on some. Also, this is a great indication of the Rapture event that is coming up. I have heard many people having similar dreams about the asteroid hitting and all of the believers going up. So please be on the look out. 

       Don't expect the government agencies to say anything. If they do, than believe that it was a last minute calling. Prepare yourselves and buckle up because this is going to get real. Not only that but all of the world governments are doing test runs right now. The are exercising martial law on all of the people in Ferguson and in Hong Kong and in Thailand and in all of the other places to see if it works out fine. They don't care about the casualties. They only care about whether or not their plan works. All of the world government militia is getting ready for battle and believe me when I say that they are all turning on America. There is a ancient Islamic prophecy about Russia doing the U.S. in. The elites have replaced our flags with either white flags:

     Or with flags that have the American Flag upside down:

      Sounds like they are ready for America to go down to me. Soon the presidents assassination is going to be done. They already caught people jumping the fences at the white house. That's just a little subliminal to us that they are going to kill the President. In the Bible we heard of the leopard and the leopard is going to be sacrificed to bring in the Dark Messiah, or the Anti-Christ. Everything is lining up to this moment right now. About America, or Babylon the Great. No Babylon is not Moscow, but America because America celebrates everything from Independence to Groundhogs. I can go on for days but I rather not do it. It'll take all night. Really, I tell you that all of these things are coming.

     All I got to say is be careful guys, its going to become a very crucial time for all of us. So please be watchful. Really armor yourselves with the Father's Words and Your Awesome Faith in Him and you will come out on the winning side. You will become unstoppable. Love you guys. Be Safe, Spread the Love, and Keep the Faith.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hi Everyone,

        I ran across a video that was pretty... I don't know it was not constructive about why all the religions where lies. Yeah, there was this video that said that ALL Religions are lies. Now, if we all understand the rules of reincarnation. Yes reincarnation is real. We all would know that the Father came down on this Earth more than once and traveled all over the world to teach us. Therefore resulting in different religious books. Now the question into why the animals don't have a book to read from is simply because it is written inside. The reason why we have a book is because we as a people got cocky and because we felt that we could do whatever we want without being subjected to any punishment, the Father left and said that the Spirit of God will not reside with men. That is why we have a book. 

       In fact, the animals are the smartest beings on the planet. They are so smart and know their covenant so well that they don't need to worry about cracking open a book. They are so smart that they know that they can live on this Earth for Free. We are the only ones going around paying for everything and being enslaved to such an evil because of disobedience. 

        The REAL AM is one who has manifested Himself and was not born from anyone. He alone created everything that we could could see, imagine and even beyond that. Perfected Supreme being, and one whose appearance would make our hearts fail us. So how is it that someone who is trapped inside of 100+ lbs of flesh can become the I AM! The I AM doesn't need an awakening. He is already awakened. He is so broad that there are both Masculine and Feminine aspects of Him. Now tell me how is a regular being can be the I AM if they only have one aspect of themselves and when it comes down to reproduction there is only half of an aspect of themselves instead of a full one?

       Alchemist have killed themselves over and over trying to duplicate what they cannot. At the end of the day they finally confessed that they could not do it. Now we have future generations trying to manifest and manipulate the spirits of the universe and mind break the universe with their theories. It CANNOT BE DONE! We are of flesh and we have fell from grace. We need to start understanding this and own up to it. There is not alchemical spell nor philosophy that can get us out of this. Leaning towards one's understanding can only cause illusion and self manipulation of the mind. To be a spiritual teacher, one must understand that there is One Supreme Infinite Being that have touched down on this Earth and have taught us the same loving ways as the Bible. Yes, it is named different things because it is from a different region. It is absolutely lunacy to think that all of the books are completely false. 

      That goes for anyone that has a daily dose of the I AM syndrome. There is no way to keep saying that I AM THE I AM! I am my own God. I can manifest anything myself. Satan thought the same thing and he got kicked out of Heaven. That's why there is so much evil on this planet now. And, the alchemy that anyone learns from this realm is not even suppose to be used here on Earth. That is for Celestial Use ONLY!! Learning something like that can only bring more pain and suffering within the mind. The result is when the spirit is permanently cut off from the body forever.

      So no one on this planet is the I AM! There is only ONE I AM! We are offspring of the I AM but never the I AM! So I encourage all who are under this spell to please reconsider. There is a demon that is trying to make an exchange with you. That's how alchemy works. It's all about exchanges. Why go after something temporary when you can have eternal life? All demons can promote is fake promises and eternal damnation. That's all. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Monday, November 17, 2014

We Are Almost Home!!!!

Hi Everyone,

        I have come back to share some delightful news. The Father is just around the corner. I recently received a vision. This vision was so vivid and clear. As clear as the picture you see above this writing. The vision was about an angel. He was wearing armor and he was in a beautiful golden room. I could tell that he wasn't alone and he had his sword with him. In front of him was this orb, and when I looked inside of it. I seen Earth. I've seen our solar system. I knew immediately what that meant. It means that the Father is on His way here to Earth. However, there are demons out there that are trying to stop Him. Of course, we know what happens to them. So it is official. The war in Heaven has intensified all the way to the climax. This is why we see our world leaders getting into position right now to in sure that we are distracted.

       Have you guys ever noticed why everything feels so off? I mean, the days seem very weird. I don't know about you guys but I live in the southern states of America and the sun goes down at about 4 and then gets really dark around 5 o'clock. The days are getting shorter and shorter as we speak. Not only do we have that but we have a gigantic sunspot that is coming back around and it's even bigger than it was the last time it was earth facing. The weather is mean too. I never heard of negatives around here. Especially around November. All of this is pretty bizarre. 

       I am posting this entry to let you know that it is time to get ready. The event can happen any minute now. The vision was too vividly clear for me not to pay any attention to it. The Father is taking care of business right now in the Heavens. Especially having His Eyes on our solar system. So it is very important to be rapture ready. 

      Also, you may have also noticed that all of the good people here are being attacked and persecuted like never before. Things may not be going so well at the job. Maybe your dealing with some rough times with bills. No matter what we do there is always some kind of problem and it's consistent. It's not one of those typical problems that we have struggles too and then they go away. There's like multiple problems at once. Don't be discouraged. If there are people that are constantly attacking you and you didn't do anything but breathe than don't be discouraged at all. That is nothing but the demons trying to bring you down and keep you here. That's only because they know that you are on the right track and that the Father is right there. We are right there by the Milky Way. 

       Right now the Earth is passing through a dark tunnel. However, on the other side there is the Milky Way. Earth is almost done travelling through this dark tunnel. Pretty soon we will be in the Gates of Heaven and safe from further danger. So please, hang on guys. We are almost there. Don't let any of these negative entities pull you down. I know it seems like the whole entire world hates you and just wants you out of the way like we are some kind of latchkey kid. Don't worry because Father is coming. He is Here. Just hang on okay. 

          So don't be discouraged by any of this. The demons are trying their best to ruin the Heavenly Father's Children. Remember that this is a false reality and the true reality is where the Heavenly Father is. So I encourage you guys to carry on and continue to do good. Don't let the light dim out because of them. Let your Light shine and continue to spread the Love. Always. Be Safe guys. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Crowds Walking Out On Obama Indicates Rapture

Hi Everyone,


      Okay, we all know that the government is shady and most of us know that its really the Illuminati pulling the strings. We also know that they like to send subliminal messages on everything. Okay, the crowd leaving in the midst of Obama speaking pretty much indicates the Rapture happening. Where people will just suddenly vanish without a trace. This indicates that the Rapture is going to happen during Obama's presidency. 

      Many big time news reporters speak in code. Notice how they always use the world "Exodus". Exodus is big part in Moses Testimony where the Children of Israel left out of the Land of Egypt to go the the Promise Land. This is subliminal about this event taking place again. Where the Father asks for His people and Egypt did not let them go. This is obviously at a greater scale because this event involves in talking His people out of the whole entire planet and going unto a new planet. 

       It's actually amazing to see these events taking place again. The Exodus of the Spirit where the Messiah is guiding His people out of the physical, mental and spiritual bondage to a every lasting eternal salvation. The renewal of the covenant that was once lost many years ago. This is where the Children of Israel remembers where they are from and remember the Father and will return. This is where a new covenant is introduced in the Holy City and there will be no more pain and suffering. 

"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah."  -Jeremiah 31:31

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.
moon cycle