Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hi Everyone,

        I ran across a video that was pretty... I don't know it was not constructive about why all the religions where lies. Yeah, there was this video that said that ALL Religions are lies. Now, if we all understand the rules of reincarnation. Yes reincarnation is real. We all would know that the Father came down on this Earth more than once and traveled all over the world to teach us. Therefore resulting in different religious books. Now the question into why the animals don't have a book to read from is simply because it is written inside. The reason why we have a book is because we as a people got cocky and because we felt that we could do whatever we want without being subjected to any punishment, the Father left and said that the Spirit of God will not reside with men. That is why we have a book. 

       In fact, the animals are the smartest beings on the planet. They are so smart and know their covenant so well that they don't need to worry about cracking open a book. They are so smart that they know that they can live on this Earth for Free. We are the only ones going around paying for everything and being enslaved to such an evil because of disobedience. 

        The REAL AM is one who has manifested Himself and was not born from anyone. He alone created everything that we could could see, imagine and even beyond that. Perfected Supreme being, and one whose appearance would make our hearts fail us. So how is it that someone who is trapped inside of 100+ lbs of flesh can become the I AM! The I AM doesn't need an awakening. He is already awakened. He is so broad that there are both Masculine and Feminine aspects of Him. Now tell me how is a regular being can be the I AM if they only have one aspect of themselves and when it comes down to reproduction there is only half of an aspect of themselves instead of a full one?

       Alchemist have killed themselves over and over trying to duplicate what they cannot. At the end of the day they finally confessed that they could not do it. Now we have future generations trying to manifest and manipulate the spirits of the universe and mind break the universe with their theories. It CANNOT BE DONE! We are of flesh and we have fell from grace. We need to start understanding this and own up to it. There is not alchemical spell nor philosophy that can get us out of this. Leaning towards one's understanding can only cause illusion and self manipulation of the mind. To be a spiritual teacher, one must understand that there is One Supreme Infinite Being that have touched down on this Earth and have taught us the same loving ways as the Bible. Yes, it is named different things because it is from a different region. It is absolutely lunacy to think that all of the books are completely false. 

      That goes for anyone that has a daily dose of the I AM syndrome. There is no way to keep saying that I AM THE I AM! I am my own God. I can manifest anything myself. Satan thought the same thing and he got kicked out of Heaven. That's why there is so much evil on this planet now. And, the alchemy that anyone learns from this realm is not even suppose to be used here on Earth. That is for Celestial Use ONLY!! Learning something like that can only bring more pain and suffering within the mind. The result is when the spirit is permanently cut off from the body forever.

      So no one on this planet is the I AM! There is only ONE I AM! We are offspring of the I AM but never the I AM! So I encourage all who are under this spell to please reconsider. There is a demon that is trying to make an exchange with you. That's how alchemy works. It's all about exchanges. Why go after something temporary when you can have eternal life? All demons can promote is fake promises and eternal damnation. That's all. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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