Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, November 17, 2014

We Are Almost Home!!!!

Hi Everyone,

        I have come back to share some delightful news. The Father is just around the corner. I recently received a vision. This vision was so vivid and clear. As clear as the picture you see above this writing. The vision was about an angel. He was wearing armor and he was in a beautiful golden room. I could tell that he wasn't alone and he had his sword with him. In front of him was this orb, and when I looked inside of it. I seen Earth. I've seen our solar system. I knew immediately what that meant. It means that the Father is on His way here to Earth. However, there are demons out there that are trying to stop Him. Of course, we know what happens to them. So it is official. The war in Heaven has intensified all the way to the climax. This is why we see our world leaders getting into position right now to in sure that we are distracted.

       Have you guys ever noticed why everything feels so off? I mean, the days seem very weird. I don't know about you guys but I live in the southern states of America and the sun goes down at about 4 and then gets really dark around 5 o'clock. The days are getting shorter and shorter as we speak. Not only do we have that but we have a gigantic sunspot that is coming back around and it's even bigger than it was the last time it was earth facing. The weather is mean too. I never heard of negatives around here. Especially around November. All of this is pretty bizarre. 

       I am posting this entry to let you know that it is time to get ready. The event can happen any minute now. The vision was too vividly clear for me not to pay any attention to it. The Father is taking care of business right now in the Heavens. Especially having His Eyes on our solar system. So it is very important to be rapture ready. 

      Also, you may have also noticed that all of the good people here are being attacked and persecuted like never before. Things may not be going so well at the job. Maybe your dealing with some rough times with bills. No matter what we do there is always some kind of problem and it's consistent. It's not one of those typical problems that we have struggles too and then they go away. There's like multiple problems at once. Don't be discouraged. If there are people that are constantly attacking you and you didn't do anything but breathe than don't be discouraged at all. That is nothing but the demons trying to bring you down and keep you here. That's only because they know that you are on the right track and that the Father is right there. We are right there by the Milky Way. 

       Right now the Earth is passing through a dark tunnel. However, on the other side there is the Milky Way. Earth is almost done travelling through this dark tunnel. Pretty soon we will be in the Gates of Heaven and safe from further danger. So please, hang on guys. We are almost there. Don't let any of these negative entities pull you down. I know it seems like the whole entire world hates you and just wants you out of the way like we are some kind of latchkey kid. Don't worry because Father is coming. He is Here. Just hang on okay. 

          So don't be discouraged by any of this. The demons are trying their best to ruin the Heavenly Father's Children. Remember that this is a false reality and the true reality is where the Heavenly Father is. So I encourage you guys to carry on and continue to do good. Don't let the light dim out because of them. Let your Light shine and continue to spread the Love. Always. Be Safe guys. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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