Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Simpicity: Key To A Good Heart

Hi Everyone,

          There is still much confusion of how we are suppose to live. How we are suppose to act. All of these things. In truth, I are made to be simple. Okay. We are made to be simple. We have to stop over complicating things. See how nature is. That is how we are suppose to be. We are suppose to be like nature. Simple. The most beautiful things come from nature. Whether its a waterfall, trees, oceans, mountains, and even animals. There is a unique beauty that is within everyone. We do not need to have some amp amount of knowledge to know this. We are beautiful as we are. Don't you think so? 

         When Adam and Eve were in their pure state. They were simple people. They didn't even know that they were naked, but because they wanted to know about their origins, they wanted to eat the tree of knowledge. This is mainly why we are in the place that we are in. The lack of patience. Yet and still, there was complications after eating the tree of knowledge because they knew good and evil now. The only thing that we can do besides acknowledge our sins is to do what is good. Follow the heart. Lots of people want to make it seem like following the heart is a bad thing but it really is a good thing. Unless one has a bad heart and just like to do evil. 

           However, if you truly have a good heart. Follow it. It will not stir you wrong. Have that one on one communication with the Father. We must remember that Adam and Eve, and even the greatest prophets that are known throughout our entire history, we notice that all they had was the Father. There was no books to tell them anything about Him. Why? Because they already have the relationship with the Father. They knew Him because He made Himself known to them. He can also make Himself known to us as well. We do not need books to get closer to the Father. Instead, we need a good heart. A pure heart. A childlike heart. 

            See, the Devil counts on us to over complicate things. The Devil enjoys that. So in order to beat him we must be simple. Have a simplistic way of thinking. Follow the pure heart. The good heart. This is what we are instilled with. I mean anyone with a good heart knows that we should not be judgmental, we should always treat others with respect, help others, not to steal, kill, commit adultery and anything else that is considered bad. So why do we need books to tell us something that we already know? That's just not beneficial. 

              Please guys, Follow Your Heart. The Father is there. Do good things and turn away from the evil stuff. Remember this... Keep All Things Simple and Never Over Complicate Things. 

"I, the Lord, search the heart..."  -Jeremiah 17:10

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Uranus: Rise of Shekinah

Hi Everyone,

          I'm going to cover the Uranus Retrograde early. However, we can still feel the effects of this energy coming in. They say that the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are too far away to feel the effects but I believe that they are just a whole bunch of crap that they are saying. If these planets did not have a job to do than I don't think that the Heavenly Father would put them up there in the first place. I believe that everything has a purpose whether it is viewed as an object or not. They are living things just like we are and they all have jobs to do. That's like saying that the sun serves no purpose. Does the sun get orders from the Heavenly Father to shine light upon us? 

         Uranus is our revealing and revolutionary planet. It'll help Shekinah or the Holy Spirit with waking up people. When the Holy Spirit comes down, she is going to bring her energy and spread it upon the earth and whoever wants to know what in the world is going on, than she will be able to put him or her up to speed on what's going on and give them understanding. Since we are in July and we have lots of things going on. The Holy Spirit will come down on others who are just now getting there wake up call and they will be more in tuned with what is really going on here. This usually follows with even more protest and violence. More fighting and more revolutionary movements that will spark all around the world. Now revolution will most likely not be televised because the media has select things that they have to cover. 

         Just because the revolution is not being broadcast on TV, does not mean that it's not taking place. Just like the issues that are within the Middle East, Ukraine, Asia, Africa and many other places. There is a change coming. Spiritual Change, Political Change and all kinds of other changes as well. People are tired of being told what to do, this is also why this whole NWO is coming in at but that will not be successful anyway. The Heavenly Father is going to shut that operation all the way down. No need to worry about them. It is written and it has already predestined. We all know who is going to win. So they just trying to blow smoke up our butts and bully us around. So no need to worry at all. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Rare Occasion: 3 Super Moons

Hi Everyone,

          I'm covering the skies a lot because I feel that it's very important to know what's going on. From now to October, we are going to have THREE SUPER MOONS!! That is very rare. Usually, there is a super moon every 13 months. So for a super moon to happen back to back like this is a sure sign of the Lord's Coming. 

         Then after the two super moons come in at perigee, then you will have the third one come which happens to be on the Tetrad. Not only it will be a super moon but it will be super red too. 

          This is truly something and by that time we will be in the middle of the second half of the Tribulation part. We are already in tribulation now, but the last 3 1/2 years are the ones that's really going to count. All the horrors of it all will be in full blown. So, please keep watch and keep the Faith. Continue to be steadfast. The Lord is Coming! 

May Abba Bless You Always. 
May Peace Be With You. 

Earth Retrograde

Hi Everyone,

           I just wanted to post a short blog about the Earth Retrograde. The Earth Retrograde is very real. Though it may not be explained in the Biblical Prophecies. (I think that it was in there it just got taken out. They have done some edits to the Bible.) It is explained in the Islamic Prophecy. Once the rapture happens and the tribulation sets in place that is when Earth goes into retrograde. The sun will definitely rise in the West and all hell is going to break loose when this happens. See the problem that I have with NASA is that they want to tell us a full lie or a half truth. Its either the whole truth or a lie. Since I know who NASA serves, its going to be a whole bunch of lies in the first place. Especially, when they told this notorious lie about the astronauts landing on the Moon. That was the biggest LIE the EVER TOLD! At any rate, since all the planets retrograde, it only makes sense that the Earth retrogrades as well. 

        Unfortunately for the Earth, its going to retrograde in a Black Hole. However, all of the wicked will be on the Earth. To prevent future chaos, they well travel in the black hole and perish forever. So I encourage you guys do not miss your rapture ride. Then you have to fight for yourselves to get into Heaven. Also, who in the world wants to go inside a black hole and perish. Once you get into the black hole that is it. Even Angels stay far away from that. So that's not a good sign at all going inside of the Black hole. I encourage you guys to stay steadfast in the Faith and in Prayer. Be sure always to KEEP THE HEAVENLY FATHER FIRST!! This is real stuff guys. It may not seem like nothing is going to happen, but that's how it is. Once you get comfy, the cushion is snatched right from up under you. No one likes surprise attacks. So please brothers and sisters, keep watch and be in good courage for the Return of Yashayah/Jesus. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Executive Orders Go Out Of Control

Hi Everyone,

         Since the President of the USA is procrastinating with the orders that he has to do before getting out of office permanently, he has gone executive order crazy. He really has. He is just signing all kinds of bills. Bills that we haven't even known he has signed. All of then to mess us up royally. He has completely gone rogue. What do you guys think the title Renegade President means? It means that he is going to turn on America thus bringing her down. As prophesied, she will blown up and sinking down to the ground. Before that happens, she will be sold to foreigners which has already happened. My brothers and sisters, America... Miss. Old Glory, is gone. She is gone, gone, gone. I told you already that they have to make a new matrix. In order to do that they have to get rid of America. In history, she was born after Britain and there is where she will return.

        Then Britain is back under control again. Remember, Obama's there to destroy America not help her. Then control will be taken and put elsewhere. Mostly Britain. I mean there has already been a bill passed on July 1st about the dollar collapse and martial law. If you do not believe me then by all means YouTube and/or Google it. It'll definitely pop up. This is IT people!!

        We have to ask ourselves, why? Why are there so many movies mentioning America's downfall. Better yet the Apocalypse. There are A LOT of celebrities RETIRING!! Why? I know for the fact that they know something that we don't know and they are not trying to clue us in. Instead, they are going to taking their "happy" tails and go in their underground bunkers and we are left to feel the fire. That is how dirty they are! And it's not just them its the governments too from all over the world. That is what it is, guys! This is really it! This is what we have been waiting for with much anxiety. The Real Battle Between Good and Evil.

        So let's buckle up guys because its going to get crucial from this point on.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Milky Way: Constellation Scorpius

Hi Everyone,

         Sorry I have not been on here like I should. I really need to be more active since it's my job to help gather everyone and prepare them for the rapture that is going to be taking place any minute now. Okay. Here is the deal. Well, NASA has been lying to us about our placement here in space. For one, we are not outside of the Milky way at all. In fact we are pretty close to the center of the Universe. We are actually in the constellation Scorpius. The star that was behind the Moon last night was not the star "Spica". In fact its the star Antares B. This Blue Star does have a huge companion star that is traveling with it. There is also going to be an alignment that is going to happen really really soon. This is what is going to trigger the rapture. Remember the movie Thor? Well, its going to happen guys. Its going to happen.

         See, they don't want us to know the truth at all. Also, I believe that Antares A is the one that is behind the our sun. That is why its double the heat here. This is also why the governments are all of a sudden trying to hurry up with their sinister plans. They know that the Rapture event is going to happen. They are going to be the ones that are going to tally up everything and do their best to really oppress the ones that are left behind. They are going to do as much as they can because they know that they don't have long before the Heavenly Father shuts them down. So please guys, let us go ahead and get ready for the rapture. Whatever that was on your minds that is worldly, LET IT GO! Let it go. Because we are almost there. Almost there. Once the Phoenix rises (Antares) We are OUT OF HERE!!

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FALSE DOCTRINE!! Fasting: Don't Do It!

Hi Everyone,

The False Doctrine of Fasting!!

       I know that I told you guys about fasting and how it would help with our spiritual development but after some intense studying and the experience that I recently had with fasting. I notice that fasting is not in our best interest because it does stop the natural flow of things and it actually calls on EVIL spirits. NOT HEAVENLY SPIRITS BUT EVIL SPIRITS!! I have experienced this myself and that is why I am telling you guys so you would not open yourself to the dangers of this. This is not good for us at all.

        I admit that I have been deceived by it and the Devil is full of tricks. So I want to say to everyone that we are not to fast. Fasting is bad and we must be a free spirit. Our Heavenly Father is a free spirit and so we must be a free spirit as well. The moral codes are already written within us and we are to follow that. Come to find out. Yashayah the Messiah has never eaten anything because he was already IN THE SPIRIT. When we are in the spirit, there is no need to eat or drink. So forbid that we are in our corruptible bodies that means we need to eat and drink.

       Again, Fasting is against our natural nature and the Devil is all about what is UN-NATURAL! Thus making Fasting a False Doctrine!! However, we can still grow and develop without having to starve the body. Sorry to miss inform you guys about fasting. I like many others from all over thought the same thing that fasting helps with spiritual atonement and development BUT, its the other way around! I should have done more homework about it. Yet I have personal experience to tell you this MAIN POINT:


I want you guys to be safe so this is why I am tell you guys this very thing that I have said. Because of this new knowledge that I have received personally from the Heavenly Father, I wanted to inform you about this so you will NOT repeat the same mistakes that I have made. That is why I am stopping my own fast because of this experience I had. 

Okay guys, be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

moon cycle