Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Milky Way: Constellation Scorpius

Hi Everyone,

         Sorry I have not been on here like I should. I really need to be more active since it's my job to help gather everyone and prepare them for the rapture that is going to be taking place any minute now. Okay. Here is the deal. Well, NASA has been lying to us about our placement here in space. For one, we are not outside of the Milky way at all. In fact we are pretty close to the center of the Universe. We are actually in the constellation Scorpius. The star that was behind the Moon last night was not the star "Spica". In fact its the star Antares B. This Blue Star does have a huge companion star that is traveling with it. There is also going to be an alignment that is going to happen really really soon. This is what is going to trigger the rapture. Remember the movie Thor? Well, its going to happen guys. Its going to happen.

         See, they don't want us to know the truth at all. Also, I believe that Antares A is the one that is behind the our sun. That is why its double the heat here. This is also why the governments are all of a sudden trying to hurry up with their sinister plans. They know that the Rapture event is going to happen. They are going to be the ones that are going to tally up everything and do their best to really oppress the ones that are left behind. They are going to do as much as they can because they know that they don't have long before the Heavenly Father shuts them down. So please guys, let us go ahead and get ready for the rapture. Whatever that was on your minds that is worldly, LET IT GO! Let it go. Because we are almost there. Almost there. Once the Phoenix rises (Antares) We are OUT OF HERE!!

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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