Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Uranus: Rise of Shekinah

Hi Everyone,

          I'm going to cover the Uranus Retrograde early. However, we can still feel the effects of this energy coming in. They say that the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are too far away to feel the effects but I believe that they are just a whole bunch of crap that they are saying. If these planets did not have a job to do than I don't think that the Heavenly Father would put them up there in the first place. I believe that everything has a purpose whether it is viewed as an object or not. They are living things just like we are and they all have jobs to do. That's like saying that the sun serves no purpose. Does the sun get orders from the Heavenly Father to shine light upon us? 

         Uranus is our revealing and revolutionary planet. It'll help Shekinah or the Holy Spirit with waking up people. When the Holy Spirit comes down, she is going to bring her energy and spread it upon the earth and whoever wants to know what in the world is going on, than she will be able to put him or her up to speed on what's going on and give them understanding. Since we are in July and we have lots of things going on. The Holy Spirit will come down on others who are just now getting there wake up call and they will be more in tuned with what is really going on here. This usually follows with even more protest and violence. More fighting and more revolutionary movements that will spark all around the world. Now revolution will most likely not be televised because the media has select things that they have to cover. 

         Just because the revolution is not being broadcast on TV, does not mean that it's not taking place. Just like the issues that are within the Middle East, Ukraine, Asia, Africa and many other places. There is a change coming. Spiritual Change, Political Change and all kinds of other changes as well. People are tired of being told what to do, this is also why this whole NWO is coming in at but that will not be successful anyway. The Heavenly Father is going to shut that operation all the way down. No need to worry about them. It is written and it has already predestined. We all know who is going to win. So they just trying to blow smoke up our butts and bully us around. So no need to worry at all. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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