Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FALSE DOCTRINE!! Fasting: Don't Do It!

Hi Everyone,

The False Doctrine of Fasting!!

       I know that I told you guys about fasting and how it would help with our spiritual development but after some intense studying and the experience that I recently had with fasting. I notice that fasting is not in our best interest because it does stop the natural flow of things and it actually calls on EVIL spirits. NOT HEAVENLY SPIRITS BUT EVIL SPIRITS!! I have experienced this myself and that is why I am telling you guys so you would not open yourself to the dangers of this. This is not good for us at all.

        I admit that I have been deceived by it and the Devil is full of tricks. So I want to say to everyone that we are not to fast. Fasting is bad and we must be a free spirit. Our Heavenly Father is a free spirit and so we must be a free spirit as well. The moral codes are already written within us and we are to follow that. Come to find out. Yashayah the Messiah has never eaten anything because he was already IN THE SPIRIT. When we are in the spirit, there is no need to eat or drink. So forbid that we are in our corruptible bodies that means we need to eat and drink.

       Again, Fasting is against our natural nature and the Devil is all about what is UN-NATURAL! Thus making Fasting a False Doctrine!! However, we can still grow and develop without having to starve the body. Sorry to miss inform you guys about fasting. I like many others from all over thought the same thing that fasting helps with spiritual atonement and development BUT, its the other way around! I should have done more homework about it. Yet I have personal experience to tell you this MAIN POINT:


I want you guys to be safe so this is why I am tell you guys this very thing that I have said. Because of this new knowledge that I have received personally from the Heavenly Father, I wanted to inform you about this so you will NOT repeat the same mistakes that I have made. That is why I am stopping my own fast because of this experience I had. 

Okay guys, be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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