Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ancient File Of The Fallen Dark Ones: NWO

Greetings Everyone,

          Last blog that I did, I was stating about the Dogmatic Religion that we are all under. This is a major tool for mass manipulation. I know that I have said that I would talk more about the Gospel, which I will but, it is also my job to do warn you guys about what is going on. During my training and research about what is going on here. I realized that when Abba said "There is nothing new under the Sun." There really isn't. Today I wanted to focus on the Ancient File of the Fallen.... The Dark Ones and how it affects us and most important how this thing dates way back. The Ancient Dark File or known today as New World Order (NWO), is a theory where it composes of only one-world government that is governed by the Fallen. It is there to simply rule the world in an authoritative way and all of that stuff. Most of you guys have already heard of it and already know what they are all about, therefore I don't have to waste any time on these that. For those who are just know meeting the term NWO and have no idea of what it is. Then there is a short summary of what you need to know about this agenda.

               Just like my previous blog Parallel Worlds. The illusionist created a world of distractions and at the same time putting us in a state of hypnosis. Now we are in a materialistic world and only care about what someone else has rather than what that persons well being. Or even when we are in car accidents or what ever the case may be at a time of emergency, we usually have our minds on stuff rather than you health or the health of others. We got to get out of this. That is how we are in a state of pure chaos when a disaster happens. This is also how the powers that be gain control over us. ( They tell us ahead of time of what they are going to do to us via media. That is how cocky they are.) Please guys let go of the i Phones, cars, houses and any other addiction you may have and really tune in to what's going on here because this world is the Matrix.

                 Now how do the control us exactly? Well, through Dogmatic tactics. I would like for you guys to sit and think with me for a second of what system you think is not ran by a dogmatic tactic. So far I can only think of only one. The rest is heavily ran in an authoritative light. Government, Education, Justice and Religion, just to name a few. We are then following the words and laws of men. Nowadays these laws are not even inspired by the laws the Abba put down for the world to follow. Because of this we are then subjected to mind control, thus becoming a walking and talking puppet. every moment of the day we are being oppressed by some type of dogmatic statue. I am asking you guys to stand beside me and look at the world for what it really is. Like a person, just now, coming to town after 30 years of exile. This is every serious.

               Take a few minutes with me also and we will look at the ancient file together. Now this file is nothing new. It's been here since the very beginning, we just know seeing the full scope of it. This agenda has been in affect since the Fallen had made an oath on Mount Hermon in Israel. They made a pact to create chaos on men and also to share the same sin of course. Now we have the highest UN base in Mount Hermon. Very interesting. As we look on further, we notice that the UN is currently identified as the Beast with seven heads and ten horns. (I had previously stated that it was NATO, my mistake on that information.) This is the very system that is controlling the whole entire world when it comes down to foreign affairs. Now as far as this ancient document. They have been wanting to control the masses for a long time.

                In fact, this agenda was in thought in the times of Adam. Yep, this agenda has been there since the book of Genesis. However, it was in early development during the times of John the Baptist and Yeshua. The priests in those days were enforcing dogmatic tactics on people. If you don't do this than you are not a "follower of God" or "you are against God" due to difference of opinion. That is why Abba instilled the Universal Law of Free Will. Guys, the world that we are living in is not "Free Will" at all. This is Enslavement. The priest and the prophets stayed at it back then because of the priest had the "authority" therefore they think that they are better than the prophets. Then it eventually became more prevalent as the times went by.

                Now, in this day in age, we are actually entering into the FINAL Stages of the NWO agenda. All the drills that they were doing, all of the precautions that the were making are over. They are now ready to do all of this stuff for real. No more playing around. So in this blog, I just wanted to tell you the origins of NWO. Okay guys, be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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