Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, January 3, 2014

Develop The Ability To Identify God Everyday

Greetings Everyone,

            Okay, I wanted to talk about how to be able to see/identify God. I cannot promise you physical sight. It clearly states in the Bible: (I usually prefer the Authorized King James Version (AKJV).)

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."  -2 Corinthians 4:4

              So it clearly states that Yeshua is in fact the visible image of God. However, God is so Holy, that he is not visible to the naked eyes. So we go off of the seeing is believing theory as I explained in my previous blog. Now there are ways to identify God in our lives. We see Him, especially in our times of troubles. However, we see Him even if it is a random moment, especially, when a nice thing is done for you out of the blue. Or when you need some advice and someone just so happens to have that advice or just so happens to get your message through a song, internet article, news, magazines, even a fortune cookie. These are more things that make you aware that it is indeed God sending you messages. Remember there are millions of ways that God can communicate with you. Infinite ways, which even goes beyond comprehension but we usually get it later on when the actual even happens. 

Not sure where life's going?  That is where faith comes in.

            To help boost up faith and endurance of negative energy that seems to just come in and mess up things for you without notice. Everyday, take time out each day and just reflect on your whole day and see what you have noticed that sticks out to you. It can be either big or small or even both. Doing this will help you better identify God. I recommend even buying a small memo book/pad or even a journal and record your day. Everything that you did, and every event that has happened that day. Yup, even if it's bad. Still record it. Then you can look back on it and see the blessings bestowed on you each and everyday. Also once you get use to recording and getting established be sure to give thanks for your blessings that Abba gives you. Not only this particular practice helps see God, it will help strengthen your faith and it will help you endure all the negativity by focusing on your past blessings and knowing that things are going to turn out fine because God has your back. 

              We can see God through the blessings that He bestows on all of us. Abba blesses us daily. We wake up and greet Him every single day, because it is His mercy we wake up everyday. We are blessed with the gift of life. It is something that we should not take for granted. Life is a gift not an entitlement. Our lives can be taken away at any given moment. In conclusion, we can see God through the blessings that he gives us. We meet Him every time we wake up. Is that why some of us pray and ask God for another day just before we go to sleep? Our Abba literally moves mountains for us. All we have to do is Love Him, follow His instructions, and praise Him. Abba blesses us daily. So, just when you feel like things are turning for the worst and its about time to sulk and abandon all hope then you will receive something that is going to shock you. A true blessing in the skies. Okay guys please try the journal technique that I have talked about earlier in this blog. I think that it will help us identify God more and be able to strengthen our faith. Be safe and lots of Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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