Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Virgin Birth Explained

Greetings Everyone,

          In the last post I talked about the flaws in Christianity and how it teaches us to be closed minded. The organization of it is to bring us further apart and to turn against one another, war and destroy the planet. I will detail this another time. This blog I wanted to talk about the virgin birth of Yeshua. We have all been told that Yeshua has been born of the Holy spirit and the Virgin Mary. Yes, This is true. However, it has been misunderstood by the pagans and now we have other beliefs going around. Yeshua is a virgin soul. He was then created by God as a virgin soul without blemish placed inside of an earthly vessel. We must understand that it is forbidden by law for a spirit and a human body to conceive a child. That is the reason the fallen angels got kicked out of Heaven in the first place. Okay, before you guys try to bash me for saying this. Please take time to think about this. In order to get a human vessel, by divine law, a human has to mate with another human to get another human vessel. Remember the human body is just a vessel and casing of the Real Self.

            So Joseph and Mary did have a relations with each other. Now, lets move into this more deeper. When the angels told Mary that she will name the beautiful babe, Yeshua and he will be the Son of the Highest. Now, since we know that the human body is only a vessel, then what is the angel talking about? I come to tell you that he was talking about the Soul of Yeshua. Yeshua, is again a virgin soul. Meaning that he did not have to go through any type of reincarnation to get his spiritual growth. A genuine Virgin Soul.

"But now is Christ risen from the dead and became the first fruits of them that slept."  -1 Corinthians 15:20

             Yeshua is the first fruits because he is a Virgin Soul. We have indeed feel asleep and this is how the Dark Ones came and took over and began to oppress us. When Yeshua came he was to wake the world from sleep. This is why those who ran the synagogues and those who were apart of the Roman kingdom decided to come together and crucify Yeshua because he taught people how to do things a new way. He taught the universal laws that are still in affect today. These laws had been instilled every since the book of Genesis. So the whole angel and flesh getting together and having a baby is totally false. Remember, angels cannot impregnate a human woman because it goes against divine will and laws that are set down before Abba. That is the law. So I know that you guys are wondering what is so special about Yeshua, since the Holy Spirit has not help conceive him. He is special because He is the Virgin Soul. Pure Soul that has been born of God and is appointed by God to carry out His will and His authority towards us.

               It is important to know the tale and the truth of it all. I have been getting some training and have been studying about this. I really would like for you guys to seek out the Real Yeshua and not listen to anyone else about this matter. Follow your spirit and ask Abba to reveal this things to you. Don't take no ones word for it. Not even mine. Remember what 2 Thessalonians said:

"Let no man deceive you by any means..."  -2 Thessalonians 2:3

          So with that said. Please guys, go and seek for the truth yourselves and do not rely on men to tell you any different. The reason I am on here is to rise against the churches for spewing lies against us and those around the world. Going around promoting mass deception. For those who would like to get a head start on learning about the Real Yeshua I advice you go get this book:

          Its a great book, and it gives you more in depth information about Yeshua's life. I highly recommend it. This is only if you want a head start on learning about Yeshua and yet do not know where else to go. For those who are know apprehensive of my teachings since I have suddenly recommended a book that has the word "Mystic". I just want you to know not to be afraid of it. Please have an open mind about it. This will help understand Yeshua's point of view on many things. Well that's all I have for this blog posting. I will now provide a clear understanding about Mainstream Religion and why I gave it such a huge criticism and also why I am so against its mainstream teachings. 

May Abba Bless You
May Peace Be With You.

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