Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Oneness of God

Greetings Everyone,

             I wanted to talk about the Oneness of God and how to work towards obtaining this goal. I can only act as a person who can only point the way to you and walk with you until you can find you way back Home. So what is Home. Home is where being in Oneness with God through our Savior Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Now, you do not need me to tell you how crazy the world is today. That is because we have been put into a state of hypnosis of the world ever since we where born in the world. Believing that this is our so-called "Home". However, in actuality it is Hell that we are living in. Our very essence has been rejected, our freedom stolen. We are living a world where it goes against God's Universal Laws and Statues in its totality. There is hardly any morals found on earth. Young men and women are being taught buy televisions screens and video games and the internet. They rather see what other people are saying doing or even thinking about certain issues and believe it to be true instead of their own parents.

             The world cannot go on like this. We all need to get back on the road towards Home. I am not going to tell you that the road is a pleasant, smooth path with velvet plush red carpet to apply cushion to your feet. No, but I am telling you that the path going the opposite direction is a rocky run down road. This road is going to give you lots and lots of blisters and even bloody feet. Its going to be a hard road. Where times you are going to love it and times where you are going to hate it. Times where you are so honored to walk it and times where you just want to give up and not engage. The path with constant ups and downs. A path that is highly unappealing. Did not the bible say that beauty is vain? The prettiest road is not always the best bet. This is the first step towards going Home. Home to Abba.

              Now that we have established our road. We are going to walk it. How? By adjusting our actions and thinking patterns. Not taking the easy way out. I'm sure that some of you are thinking, 'Whaa?! No easy way out!? Well, maybe I should just turn around.' No worries, I was the exact same way. Before receiving my calling I wanted the easy way out all of the time. I rather have easy breezy than hustle and bustle, but once I received my calling and Abba revealed to me that there was no easy way out. I was nervous. How can I do it? No easy road to get to Him? Oh... I'm in trouble. However, I asked to be taught everyday, mercy for the things that I did not get right or I may have slipped on and keep doing my best. I hope that you all will do this too. Keep doing your best, and achieve righteousness in each and every way. We are walking this road right now.

             Next, I want to stress how important it to communicate with Abba. In this day in age, where modern technology stuff is like the "everything" of life, there is not enough communication flowing through at all. The communication between a Father and His Child. Now, I am not talking about those quick five minute less than prayers that we all say before falling asleep or even waking up. I'm talking about a pure connection one-on-one communication with Abba. Like you would talk to your family or friends. That kind of communication. Be open. Abba Hears you. So do not think He doesn't hear you guys. He hears you even when you murmur it can be heard all in Heaven. So, do not be afraid if you think that He does not hear you. I promise he does. Now, if you feel that it may be awkward and odd to hold a general conversation, write Him. Letters are great when you have a shy personality or have people over for a sleepover. He reads our letters as well. If you don't like either method, then send Abba a text message. Yup, I said quick message on Messenger or an email. What do I mean by that? Aren't we told that our brain is like a computer? Use your thoughts as a from of writing a text message, or an email. Tell Him how you feel. Hold those pure conversations with Him. Remember, that Abba is All-Knowing.

               Accept that you are a kid that has no control over the world. Please, those entertainers that are acting like they run everything are lying to themselves. Money can wither away just like other materialistic things. If flesh of man withers like the grass and have their years fall away like withered rose petals that fall to the ground then money doesn't stand a chance of survival. I mean, it's an inanimate object. Accept the fact that you are a child and like in my previous blogs, there is no such thing as an "Adult." It's just a label that's it. Deep down we are all children yearning for our Father at the end of the day. We are not complete with out Him. The more we know this the better.

             Remember to accept Yeshua Ha'Mashiach as our Lord and Savior. Please do this. Please accept him. He is our eldest brother among all of mankind. He died for us so we can live in eternal life with him and with Abba. I encourage you also to do some research on Yeshua Ha'Mashiach because there is so much of his life that has not been told. I really encourage you to research his life and to get to know him. It's highly recommended.

           Now also, as you accept Yeshua as Savior and receive your Holy Spirit this is where things will start synchronizing. Everything will start to be in sync. You and Abba will start acting as One Heartbeat, One Mind, One Love. Everything will be united as One. This is a process because we have to shed our egos that get in the way of our everyday life. There are going to be times where the ego self will be harder to deal with that other times. Please know that it will minimize and become as dust in the desert, if that. Then you will begin to experience the Oneness of God. You will be able to see God everyday in your life. You will. Remember, we do not run anything but we are solely apart of the earth. We do not have any super powers or anything like that. We are humans that are trying to learn how to conduct themselves in a way that is please our Father in Heaven. We are humans that are suppose to live in unity and harmony not in jealousy and anger towards one another.

           Abba resides within us. He has been with all of us this whole entire time. I think as the poles shift we will not see this as much as we would love to. Instead we will see the final stand between good and evil. The Yin and Yang (if you put them in good fight against evil terms.) We are going to see a really rough transition that is going to happen before seeing the New Millennium. A era where Yeshua will established his kingdom on earth and there will be no evil entities getting in the way. The kingdom of God is within us. God lives in us through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and we live in Him through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. That is why it is so important to accept Yeshua as our Lord and Savior because he is the link between Abba and all of His Children.

            So to conclude this lesson we have a link to Abba. Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. He clears our sins. The gift of the Holy Spirit is our pathway to communication with Abba. We then decide what road we want to take whether it is a fancy one or a low key and humble path. We then strengthen our relationship with our Father. We will work towards getting Oneness with God. Be save and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

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