Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Born Slaves: A Product of Society

Greetings Everyone,

           In my last post I told you that I will explain to you guys why we are "modern day slaves". Okay... We were told for many generations that we are living in a society that would allow you to advance whether it be upgrading to a better living area, upgrading to a more high-tech car or even upgrading social status; from a lower class to the upper class. We were also given technology that would advance each year and we had gotten a false sense of security that we have made ourselves like the superheroes of modern technology.

         However, some how we manage to get distracted with all of the technology, music, and other sources of entertainment that we have forgotten our roots. Thus, we instantly became trapped and now we are modern day slaves, a product of society. Think about it? We all have names but when it comes down to getting books at college, getting school lunch at high school, being at jail, even down to ordering food to eat at a fast food restaurant. We are never asked our name but we are nothing but a number. When we were born we had a number or SSN. Which seems to be important when dealing with all business affairs, drivers license number when getting stopped by the police. Everything is a number. That is the first point, I want to make clear that we are basically in modern day slavery.

          Secondly, the world is run by money not social matters. Notice that we were taught that the society is actually a social community. In actuality, we are brainwashed in conditioned to act a certain way with people at all times due to media influences that uses fear to their advantage. This is not freedom guys this is living in a brainwashed world to hate a certain group for not so concrete reasons. Not liking someone because they are different. We were taught by our brainwashed community not to like someone who is not perceived as normal. In this generation, we are conditioned to treat those whose has darker skin less than those with lighter skin. Those with darker skin are affiliated with poverty and stupidity. Those who have different religious backgrounds are terrorist and such. Those who are poor should be looked down upon because they have nothing to offer.  This type of process we must learn to vanquish.

           Thirdly, the money that we have is burrowed money. It is not your money at all. So my dear friends, I hate to break this to you but we have been working for free since the beginning of time. Since society existed. Why do I say that? Because the money that you get only resides with you for a short period of time. It was never designed to stick around with you at all. The money returns to the fedearl reserve because you have spent it on materials, whether it be a house, a car, insurance (life, car, house, and etc), bills, taxes and etc. So there is trade that goes on everyday. The money is loaned to you and this goes for business too.

Here is how the process works:

The government loans money for business to function
The money is then spent for supplies to keep the companies going
Then some of the loaned money is then going to supply payment to those who allow these business to lease buildings and to supply employees money. 
The remainder of the money is then spreads out to the businesses that are in the consuming market or collection agencies

             So the invention of money is not designed to stay with you for all of your life not even those of that are dedicated towards the retirement plans. These factors are all on how to work towards getting it back. This plan has been in the works since the beginning of checks and balances. Since the first president George Washington was in office.

            Fourthly, you are being watched by "big" brother. I mean there is no such privacy at all. Big brother is always watching what you do, what you buy and who you talk too. Whether its looking at your internet conversations with people or eavesdropping on your conversations. Big brother is going to know one way or the other. We have been told that this is for our protection and this helps prevent "terrorist attacks." Okay, if that was the case than why are we still having "domestic terrorist attacks." They just want to bud in on our personals. Just like an annoying big brother. 

           Fifthly, okay, really, they are going to sell things us food that we can produce ourselves. This is once again, God's earth. They are going to make a profit on produce items. That is beyond messed up. We should have the luxury of getting our own produce for free. Not buy processed food items that were designed to kill us. That is just disgusting.

         Sixth point, the motive of taking away our rights. Okay, since when the police have the right to search your home and your car without permission? Check your phone without permission? Seize you at any chance that they can. Less restrictions to stop unnecessary harassment? Shoot anyone and kill anyone that they please without a pure concrete justification of why? I personally hate the police. Why? Because they are not helping us with anything. All they want to do is sit around, stuff their face in, bully people and then go home and do it all over again the next day and the day after that. I mean no respect for the people at all. 

         Seventh and last point, restrictions on "social" media. Yeah... Google... I'm talking to you. I mean all of a sudden, you can't comment on people because we don't want to be in partnership with you or don't want to sign with Google+. I mean this is suppose to be a "free" country. I laugh at the free country part because it was never "free" to begin with. Anyways, on our social medias we are not so free to express ourselves and what we think about certain things because we are being "discriminative" towards others. No I do not promote discrimination but sometimes when a person has an opinion about something than they should have the freedom to say it. I mean really guys. Free will is a universal law, not a law that was made up by man but a law that was long established before men were even thought about. 

        So in short we are slaves to the world. This is not the real world at all but an illusion that was created by our enemies who wish to destroy us. Yeah, I know that some of you may think that I am a lunatic but ask yourself, when you leave this world, what will you have to show for it? What can you honestly say to Yeshua? What can you honestly say to Abba? Can you say that you have really enjoyed life to the fullest and visited countries everywhere and interacted with people around the world instead of the net? Can you say that you have helped someone on the whim with out giving it a second thought? Can you say that as you grew older you see life outside of society and it gives you a new appreciation of life beyond the technology that they shove down our throats everyday? These are questions that you can honestly ask yourself. I come to tell you that I am here to wake you from this illusion and to walk your way with Yeshua and be able to look at life the way he looked at life. He was not interested in gold, and silver but interested in helping others and teaching us the correct way to live.

         This is just a distraction to keep you away from how you really are. You are a child of God. You are very important and you don't need the biggest TV, the most expensive car, or anything materialistic to define who you are. I have seen many of my brothers and sisters boast about having the latest invention that was not "paid" for and when they lost everything. Their whole identity have went along with the materialistic things. 

Guys you are so better than stuff. So let go and live your life the right way.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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