Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The 10 Virgins: Five Wise and Five Foolish

Greetings Everyone,

           I wanted to talk about the 10 virgins and how people are getting confused about the 10 virgins. The original saying is that there are 10 virgins that are waiting outside with their lamp stands. Five of them are wise and Five of them are foolish. The lamps burned out for the foolish virgins because they did not have any lamp oil to keep it on. They asked the wise sisters for some lamp oil and the wise sisters told them to go and fetch it for themselves, so the foolish virgins went out and fetched lamp oils for themselves. While they were doing that, the bridegroom Yeshua came and received the wise virgins and when the foolish ones came back and told the bridegroom Yeshua to open the door. He tells them to depart because he does not know them.

            A lot of people think that its because the foolish virgins has lacked the Holy Spirit and that is why their lamps has burned out. However, in the epistles of the Apostles, there is a more detailed version of the 10 virgins. In actuality. It does not refer to a lack of the Holy Spirit, but rather the behavior that is manifesting after receiving the Holy Spirit. Here is my intake of the parable of the 10 virgins.

"And ye shall be like virgins which watched and slept not, but went forth unto the Lord in the bride chamber but the foolish virgins were not able to watch, but slumbered."

         In the Epistle of the Apostles, Yeshua has named all 10 virgins and based on their qualities, they have earned the label of either wise or foolish. So lets take a look at the wise and their names and the foolish and their names.

"Five wise and five foolish; for these are they whom the prophet hath spoken; Sons of God are they. Hear now their names. The five wise are Faith and Love, and Grace, and Peace, and Hope. Now they of the faithful which possess this (these) shall be guides unto them that have believed on me and on him that sent me."

                The five wise virgins that possess these qualities will enter the bridal chambers and they will rejoice because they have believed in Yeshua and have done the commandments that Yeshua had commanded them to do. 

"But the five foolish, when they had slept and had awaked, came unto the door of the bridal chamber and knocked, for the doors were shut. Then did they weep and lament that no man opened unto them. Hear their names. They are Knowledge, Understanding, Obedience, Patience, and Compassion. These are they that have slumbered in them that they have believed and confessed me but have not fulfilled my commandments."

                 So as for the foolish that posses these qualities have rested in their qualities and have totally forgot what they are suppose to be doing. Because of that they have forgotten the commandments throughout because they thought that they had it all figured out.

          That is the parable of the 10 virgins. Also when they say that Yeshua will marry the church it does not literally mean the church because in this day and age. The churches are corrupted and they have become the followers of money instead of the followers of God. When Yeshua said that he will marry the church then that means he will marry those who love him, believe in him, confess him, does his commandments and does not serve/follow the world. They are the ones that will be the brides of Yeshua. Not the actual church. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

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