Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Experiences Help Us Grow: Both Blissful and Traumatic

Greetings Everyone,

           I also wanted to share about experiences. Each experience that we have whether it me something minor or major. We always have some type of impact from these experiences. Now we have the indirect and the direct impact.

The direct impact of experiences:

Traumatic Experiences
               Traumatic experiences are the ones that directly impact us and can have an everlasting effect if this type of experience is not resolved. What I mean by resolved is this. If this experience all of a sudden starts to run you life and you cannot seem to find peace with yourself than that particular experience is running you. You are giving it control over you and have it deal with your day to day life. For instance, if you had an abusive experience with someone and you decide that you are going to shut off from the world because of that experience. Than you have allowed that situation to run your life. Because everyone will start looking like the abuser after awhile.

            Or for instance you trusted this person for a long time and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere this person stabs you in the back okay. Then you forgive but it keeps happening, and happening all over again. Then you decided to shut out people because they have continually stabbed you in the back. So basically a traumatic experience is a were you shut out the world. You tend to want to interact with people but are afraid of what the results might be. Will it turn out for the better or will I go back to square one. 

          The thing is we don't know. We have to take bad experiences as learning lessons. The lessons of forgiveness. We must be able to grow and work out these experiences and turn it out for the positive. Okay? I know that it's going to be hard. It's hard for everyone but with these types of traumatic experiences that we have eventually it leads down to one root word: Forgiveness. Well, you forgive the person who have caused you grief. 

          Like with Yeshua, he forgave Pontius Pilate who authorized the crucifixion. That is the ultimate example of forgiveness. I think that the most social traumatic experiences are experiences that the universe throws at us to teach us how to forgive. That is what I think.

The indirect impact of experiences:

Blissful Experiences

             Okay, so what about the indirect experiences. Unfortunately, most of the indirect experiences happen to be the blissful ones. We focus on things that are portrayed negatively than the things that are portrayed in a positive light. So how can we fix that. How can we take our hellish experiences and turn them into something positive? Well, we first train our minds not to focus so much on things that are so negative. Because, when we do this we take in all of the negativity and then the rest of the day turns out to be messed up because of that one incident. So the best thing to do is to take a deep breath and let go.

                 When blissful moments happen, cherish them.

          We often overlook our blissful moments because it doesn't have the same effect that a traumatic moment has. However, the blissful moments are a gift from Abba. Like our own personal rewards. So we must cherish the blissful moments that we do have and not focus on the traumatic moments that happen in our day-to-day lives. Once we start doing that then you will get to see more of a change. So here is the thing. This is going to be a process to take traumatic experiences, learn from them, forgive the person who was an active agent within the traumatic experience, change it into a positive experience and then focus more on the positive more than the negative. Once we have achieved this. Then our egotistical selves, our lower selves will die out and then you will have more control over your life. Remember, traumatic experiences are lessons of forgiveness. That is why Yeshua talks about forgiveness a lot because traumatic experiences gives us mental scars and we usually hold grudges against someone but if we do that we end up bearing the burden and hurting our own souls by holding these grudges. 

             Holding the grudges is not going to hurt the other person at all just yourself because you are bearing it within. So the best thing to do is to let go and move on. Walk, Learn, and Grow.  

Forgiveness is the hardest lesson we have to learn but in the end it will teach us how to be more open towards helping people and allow us to be more free. 

May Ahayah Bless You.

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