Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Free Will Is Our Birthright

Greetings Everyone,

Free Will

Free Will or Dictatorship...?

          Have you guys every got up one day and just wanted to go to another country and experience what it is like to be there, visit there? We how about if you guys just were to think with me just for a second, I mean we know for a fact that this is God's land then why are we called illegal aliens from other nations. I mean we have every right to visit their nations without the expense of money. I mean centuries back they were no such things as passports that allowed you to visit a certain country or there was no such thing as a visa that would allow you to stay in a specific country.

        So why on earth are we calling illegal aliens. I mean we look like human beings the only thing that is possibly different is our skin colors, hair color and eye color. We may have different taste in certain things but I thought that an alien is something that is not if this world. Didn't think that this definition of an alien applies to someone NOT of a certain country. We are all people. We all laugh, cry, sleep, live, and die the same. So why is it so criminal to go to another country explore and see things that God has created for us to enjoy. That is why the earth was created in the first place. As a gift.

       I think that the more you travel the world the better perspective you will have on life. That is what I wanted to elaborated on it the most. As far as free will, we can do whatever we want to. That is the true meaning of freedom. We can travel, we can eat freely, and just live freely. Abba gives us freedom of choice. We are NOT subject to live in a dictatorship. That is just that. Now as far as order. We must understand that Abba (God) is the only ONE TRUE AUTHORITY. Not the police, not the CIA, FBI, MI5 or any other controlling officials out there. We can live our lives the way we want to.

        Aren't you guys tired of just sitting at home broke because you give all your money to the government and have done nothing with this borrowed money to see people or to help people. I mean come on. Living freely is our birthright. Yeshua lived a free life. He did not care about what the Pharisees said. They could not control him no matter what they did or how they tried they were unsuccessful. And furthermore, Yeshua traveled too. So if he could travel we should be able to travel likewise. Without the passports and all that paperwork stuff. To me that is like a GPS tracking system to figure out where you are going and stuff. I mean why do we need that stuff anyway.

         So do we have consequences for our actions? Yep. We do. If we do our commandments that has been given to us by both Abba and Yeshua that they commanded us this day than you are in good graces. If you do not then you will be messed up. This can also be given to us in a karmatic experience as well. So choose decisions carefully, okay, guys.

         I also think that when it comes down to loving one another, it is a hard thing to do because we ourselves are facing hardships that put us in a bad attitude because of our issues with the money systems. But, guys we must get away from this materialistic stuff because it is really taking over our lives. Meditate on how you guys would like to have your live. Would you rather break free and live your live according to Yeshua? Or would you rather stay up under this false illusion that is called "society" and then continue to work for free for the rest of your life. The choice is yours. I personally recommend living my life according to Yeshua.

        We are on this world to learn from people, animals, landscapes and most importantly experience Abba on a personal level. Guys nothing beats that personal relationship with Him. Once you got it you got it. There is no way anyone can take that experience away from you. We are special beings that are on this planet and we are hear to be more in touch with our higher selves not in touch with technology. We are all students in this world and its about time we ditch this way of life and learn our true purpose. Okay, guys?

May Ahayah Bless You.

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