Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, November 25, 2013

The President Assassination Fascination

Greetings Everyone,

           At this moment, I wanted to talk about what I call the Kennedy Insider. In America, there seems to be so much going on about this Kennedy thing. They have specials called "Killing Kennedy". I found this very interesting because Kennedy has been dead for some years why bring him up now? Is it because his daughter, Caroline Kennedy just became the ambassador of Japan? I highly doubt it. I think that there is something more deeper than that. So here is a thought that came to mind. The thought said: "Someone is going to be assassinated." I wondered who it was going to be... Could it be another Kennedy? Then I thought about it. Well I don't have any bad vibes come from the Kennedy family at all. So I just wondered and stayed in limbo for a minute.

           Then there was the 150th Anniversary, of the Gettysburg Address. Then I was like, 'hey, wait a minute, now they are talking about the Gettysburg Address? The address that Abraham Lincoln did a long time ago. He has been dead for a while. Then I connected the dots. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated as well. Now we have JFK and Abraham Lincoln. They were both presidents, they both stayed in office for a short time and they both were assassinated. Then the most the Spirit inside of me moved and I was thought this thought: 'wait a minute, didn't Obama idolized Abraham Lincoln. I mean the man when on a train to accept his first inauguration as president like Lincoln did. Which I thought back then was very freaky.

          He didn't even show to give a public appearance stating the Gettysburg Address. They had to get an re-an-actor to do the address. Then here comes Obama doing the Gettysburg Address on t.v., Skype, or whatever he did and then he leaves out the most important thing in the Address itself: "UNDER GOD". So that just proved right there that he is not religious. It proved my very statement back in 2011, that he doesn't have a religious background at all.  

          So what conclusion did I get out of this. That same day when I thought about Obama having a fascination of Abraham Lincoln. A thought came into mind and it said: "Obama will get assassinated." I was floored by the thought. I knew that he would get killed but I didn't think that they would announce it with subliminal messages. This is the announcement that the Beast in Revelations is going to get killed. Then the Dragon will take his place. So be on the look out. I don't know if he is going to be killed and then they say that he left the country or he's going to leave the country and die over there or is he just going to die here and everyone know about it. I don't know. I will go and get confirmation about that. Also talk to Abba and get confirmation about this. I not 100% sure about what is going to happen at this point but I do know this. The Beast time of reign is just about over. The main events are going to happen soon. Okay, guys that's it for this topic. Be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

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