Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Give Out Love

Hi Everyone,

        Just want to remind you guys to send out love to each other. Be apart of the Divine Connection that is within our hearts. This is the key to oneness and not division. Division is not going to solve anything. We are all on this Earth for a purpose. For a reason. And because there are many of us and just one Earth, it is only common sense to treat each other and our environment with Peace, Love and Tranquility. Do not get me wrong, we are still going to leave this Earth. The rapture is coming up really, really soon guys. So do not give up on the rapture. Remember that it happens on the Heavenly Father's time and not our time and He is always on time. No matter what. So do keep hope alive on that. So just continue to go out there and share love with everyone. 

      Focus on love and helping others because you love them. We all must do the right things for the right reasons and not for brownie points or bragging rights. That's what makes the works totally useless. When helping out others and showing that you care for them, just move with what your heart and soul say. Don't listen to the mind at all when it comes down to helping someone because if you aid involves money and most of the time it does. The mind is the first to reject it. This is a very short post but I just wanted to remind you guys to just continue to spread the Love to everyone. We honestly have no idea how our actions impact others so when our actions are applied towards something good. We will see lots of smiles and happiness flow from the person regardless of their reaction. So Spread the Love and produce good fruits. This is all apart of spreading Love and Truth (Gospel). Also remember, the Father always watches and He loves everything good. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Tree of Life vs. The Tree of Knowledge

Hi Everyone,

        I wanted to get into the more seriousness of this previous debates about this since the beginning of time. There are really two different breakdowns that coincide with the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. I want to just focus on the modern choice of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. So I want to start with the Tree of Life.

        The Tree of Life in this day and age really refers to the heart. See the Heavenly Father dwells within the Heart. This is where the conscious lives and that direct lineage of the Father and you. This is why Yashayah talks about the Kingdom of the Father within you. The Father dwells in the heart. This is where we find many people talking about simplistic things and just wanting to have time with Family. They are all about Nature, never wanting to let go of their child side. They always want to explore things and just learn go grow from their experiences. They trust the Father to help them find their way and to guide them to what they are suppose to be doing. They are not into all of this worldly stuff because the mostly rely on the heart. That is what the Tree of Life resemble. Just enjoying life and not caring about the world around them. They do not allow the world to change them no matter what. These are also called the oddballs and misfits of the world.

Now I want to quickly talk about the Tree of Knowledge.

       The Tree of Knowledge refers to the mind. We must understand that that is were our egos dwell in the mind and usually it doesn't have any nice words for us. The ego wants to control us with fear and who controls the ego exactly? We must think about that. People who eat from it are the ones who prefer logic over any and everything. Science over the Heavenly Father. Thinking that they know everything there is to know but in actuality they know nothing. These are the ones that are widely accepted within the world. This is the ones who are more so wrapped into technology than the ones that are into the Living Word of the Father. If we want to be with the Heavenly Father, we have to stay away from the Tree of Knowledge. Because we are not really learning instead we are being alluded into destruction. Yes, we must learn but we must rely on the Heavenly Father to teach us. 

         We must eat from the Tree of Life and not the Tree of Knowledge because that is where the Heavenly Father is. That is where he dwells.

"I the Lord, search the hearts and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve."  -Jeremiah 17:10

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Failure and Growth

Hi Everyone,

       In life, we all hate to fail. Failure to us is like losing everything, especially if we fail in front of everyone. What if we promised our parents to graduate or promised the family to go on this once and a lifetime trip? What if we wanted to get employee of the month or work hard to become CEO for this big company? What if we promised our sons and daughters that gift for their sweet 16 or even their graduation gift? However, something just gets thrown in the mix and mess us up causing us not to fulfill our promises. We often feel very bad. We feel that we let someone down. We take a hit in our self-esteem level and get dogged out by our egos within ourselves. Failure is a hard thing to swallow especially if we don't experience them often. We constantly want to be perfect. Mostly in everything that we do. Failure is a constant reminder that we are not and we hate to be reminded for that because that is something the world does not accept. 

        We hate it so much that we don't even want anyone to bring it up. Its like re-opening wounds for us, or shedding light on our list of horrible moments in life. We just can't handle it. Well, like there is a con to every failure there is also a pro to every failure. We have an opportunity to look at them and learn from them. They also shape us into the people that we are today. Whether we sit down and learn from it or not is what shape the future tense of ourselves. 

     It is okay to accept failure because it gives us all an opportunity to grow. From our own mistakes, we learn much. This is how its set up. The Earth is a big learning school for us. The failures that we have in life is really the Heavenly Father teaching us about whatever it is that we need to be learning. Everyone learns differently; everyone has different ways of shaping, learning and growing. So that means that we just continue to learn and grow from our experiences and not to dwell on them. Yes, it's shape us to who we are now whether we learn from them or not, but it's always important for us to just continue to move forward and experience more of what the Heavenly Father has in store and continue to grow. Spread the Love guys.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Go Vegan!

Hi Everyone,

          I just wanted to give out a short advice about going vegan. The meat has all kinds of antibodies and it can definitely mess us up. See what happens is this meat that we are on can slowly pollute our minds and keep us in an animal like state. Most of the meat is cloned meat because all of the cattle and livestock have been wiped out for the past couple of years. It is just not good for us to eat meat at all. To contrary to what the world has taught us, we are only to eat fruits and veggies and nothing other than that. All this talk about the fruits and veggies do not fill us up is a big fat LIE! I really does fill us up if we give it a chance. 

       In truth, the Heavenly Father wants us to eat fruits and veggies because the animals in which we eat have lives of their own and have their own purposes. I can guarantee you guys that one of them is not to be served up at the dinner table for us to devour. This is why we as a people live in fear because the animals fear for their lives before getting killed and when we consume it, we consume their fear. If the animal is a girl or boy we are also consuming their hormones as well making us even more out of tune with our own bodies. This is not good for us and MOST definitely not good for the animals. So we must learn not to eat the animals and treat them with the most dignity and respect like we do our own "species". They are apart of our extended brotherhood. So what happens to them, happens to us. We are all one. We are NOT separate like the world wants us to think.

      All religions talk about being vegan or vegetarians and not to eat meat. The Heavenly Father created animals as well. I just don't think that it would please Him if we continue to eat the animals. When we go to Heaven, how are we going to get along with the animals up there? It's best to start going back to the beginning when Adam and Eve did not eat meat. (This is in the First Book of Adam and Eve.) Just a reminder. Okay guys, be safe and spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Hi Everyone,

        Appreciation is key to a lot of things. It is definitely a door opener towards happiness. See for instance, we all have been programmed to look at things that promote the latest cars and gadgets out there and have us break our necks to get the latest toys only to feel unfulfilled but these things. Instead of getting to the bottom of why we feel the way we feel about it, we often complain about this person being happy or this person being happy. We get envious because we are not happy. Mainly it be things that we that don't have. We have been programmed to want more, more, more, more and even MORE stuff. We rather sit there and pout, whine, and cry over the things that we DON'T have than the things that we DO have. 

        As a whole, we have been brainwashed all over the world to think this way. I want to know, what about the things that you do have. The bare bone essentials. What about that. I mean shelter over your head, clothes on your back, food to eat, and drinks to drink. Those are the things that we have to be grateful for. What about other people who are not as fortunate as you. Who do not have a nice cozy bed to sleep in at night or even a nice meal to eat twice a day. This is because of the Grace of the Heavenly Father, we are able to enjoy these types of things. However, we do not show any types of appreciation for anything. For all of us, we must appreciate that we even have lives. Fore we didn't have to be created at ALL. 


         You see? We are so wrapped up in the things that we don't have that we are unhappy all the time. The economy is only going to get worse from there so there is no need to keep wanting something that's not going to mean anything in the end. Why are we not more appreciative for the lives that we do have. The experiences that we have a chance to feel. Why not appreciate the Father for all that He has done for us. Does He not deserve it? See how we are programmed into thinking that we have done it all for ourselves and we didn't get any help at all? For most of us out there, our mentality is "I did this and I did that." Never, "The Father has graced me with this or the Father has graced me with this." Very few times I hear someone say that of course followed by some crazy looks given by others. So why not give appreciation to the Father?

         In truth, we can never make it on our own. We always get assistance from the Heavenly Father. Most of the time, when we don't get something that means most likely we did not need it in the first place. When we do get something that is only by the Grace of the Heavenly Father. So appreciation or thankfulness is very much needed when it comes down to these types of things. When we look back on our lives more frequently we then start noticing a change in our mental state from "I did this to the Heavenly Father graced me with this." Of course for some of us it will take some time and for most of us, well... that just comes from no progression on their spiritual journey. 

Remember to Appreciate the Heavenly Father for everything given. Because of the Life you inherit everything else follows after that. It is through Him that we get to experience anything at all. So let us learn to enjoy what we have and appreciate every breath given.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

The Pure State

Hi Everyone,

"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure."  -Isaiah 46:10

        When there is a beginning, there is an end. This rule always apply to all walks of life. The Pure State is the beginning and the end of people. Whether it is one who is purely good or purely evil. There is a Pure State in everything. However, I want to focus on the Pure State of Goodness. The State in which Adam and Eve were before the transgression. In the Bible, there was a Pure State of Innocence and Good Will so it only makes since that once it's all said and done those chosen to go to Heaven will return to their Purity.

       What will be, will be again. That is why we have history repeat itself and also having repeats in our lives as well. As the rapture and the Great Tribulation nears, we will see how our own behavior and our own beliefs will continue to change over. We start picking up favorite past times that were enjoyable when we were kids. We will start having a different outlook in a sense of innocence. Re-discovering connections with nature like you did when you where a child. Everything will literally go back to the beginning. This is the Pure Essence of the Heavenly Father, calling back His Children. This is an exciting process yet a confusing one because of how society has trained us over the years. 

        This is the Pure State. The more we engage in it the better and easier the process will be. When confusion gets into the mix, it is very hard to understand what is going on. Also as we return to the State of Innocence, the outlook of things will start to be identical to the Eyes of a Child. In constant pursuit of learning. Remember that the Heavenly Father is endless and infinite. That means there is infinite knowledge, and with infinite knowledge there is constant room to grow and learn from different tasks and assignments. 

         In this State of Purity, you will notice a great urge to be humble. Each and everyday, there is an urgency to learn, not from the books of the world but the books of Heaven. Because this is a basic realm and we must practice the teachings given to us by Yashayah the Christ. Once we have mastered the teachings that have been bestowed on us, we go through a test. If we pass it, then we are ready to move on towards our new lessons that have been placed right in front of us. On Earth, we are here to learn more about the Heavenly Father and learn how to serve Him. This is what we must learn to do. 

        The society in which we live in is nothing but a huge distraction to keep us in recess mode so we will not get the lessons we need in order to advance to the next realm. The learning process continues on and on and on and on. We are just spiritual toddlers just now learning how to walk and talk, and that is why its so hard for many of us to even believe in the Heavenly Father. Just like toddlers. Once they think their parents are gone, they either (1) get lost and immediately start crying again or (2) get into more trouble. Same goes for us. Trust me, we may look like stern and responsible "adults" but once you shed all the flesh off to the bare bones, all you get is a spiritual toddler. 

          Just think about it... why is it that we have a Divine Being come down to teach us how to conduct ourselves and everything goes smoothly. When its time for the Divine Being to go away after the teachings is done, we are bombarded with chaos and we are back to square one... AGAIN! Instead of continuing the teachings, we get all bent out of shape and lost and end up getting into more chaos. See how that works? Another example is riding a bike, our parents teach us how to ride a bike. We know what the tell us but when it comes down to doing it, it's another story. We slip and fall but it is the dedication and determination that motivates us to ride that bike. Some of us may need some convincing because at that time learning how to ride is tough. Now here is the point where everyone will be faced with during riding a bike: 

Taking away the training wheels.

         This can either make or break someone. That is why we have some that can ride a bike and can't ride a bike. Understand? Same goes for us on our spiritual journey. We study the lessons that are given to us by the Heavenly Father and we have a set of training wheels. Once we master those teachings and apply it in the corrupted world that we live in to make a difference, the training wheels come off. When those training wheels come off, we then struggle to stay aligned with the bike. Yes, we can slip and fall. The falls represent our set backs but the most important question out of this whole thing is:

Are you going to get up and get back on the bike and try it again?

           Some of us get sick of it and say "You know what, forget it. I'm not going back on that bike again." That you have others that will say "Okay, that was rough, but let me try it again. I want to learn." See what I'm saying here? Same goes for our spiritual journey. It's going to be a hard and rough journey. There are going to be struggles and setbacks. Trust and believe, if it was going to be easy, everyone would be doing it okay. That's just apart of our growing. Once we get there to the end we get to be with the Father forever.

           So don't walk but run towards the Pure State of Spirituality. Go in thinking nothing but positive thoughts and with a kind heart. No prejudice towards others, but help others. That is apart of our service to the Father. No need to expect something in return because the gift was already given the moment you helped someone else. Continue the teachings that the Father has given us. That is what we must have our eyes set on. For all things come from Him and all things shall return. 

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."  - Revelation 22:13

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ancient Israel: The Favored and The Persecuted

Hi Everyone,

         The Most persecuted in the world are the Most favored in the Heavenly Father's eyes. We must understand that people from all over the world are being persecuted but there is really one group of people that are persecuted where ever they go. Only because the world hates them. It starts with the worlds most popular group and it spreads world wide to other people and then they come together under the same brainwashing and persecute the Favorites of the Father. Yes, I do teach that everyone is equal but we also have to come to grips that the Heavenly Father did set apart a group of people for Himself. So that means that He has a favorite. This favorite is Ancient Israel. Not modern Israel. 

        The Father's persecuted people have used their creative gifts by the father and brought forth many things. Why do you think that they are put up on T.V. screens for so called "entertainment"? That is not fair. We as people world wide have to stop buying into the stereotypes of what the media says because it's a whole bunch of lies and there is some of us that need to stop shaping ourselves into these media stereotypes. We should all know by now that all media is ran by the Devil as for everything else. So we have to flip a lot of things in order to get the full Truth. This is when the Wisdom of the Father comes in. 

       So we must come to grips that it was all a lie that the modern jews over there are not Ancient Israel, and that Ancient Israel is still scattered from around the world. This is why I say that many of the people out there are going to get the most biggest dose of deception that they have ever had in their lives. Like I have said before, I can go on and on for days and even years about the millions and billion deceptive lies that have been flowing here on Earth. However there is no time for that at all. I do want people to be aware of this fact even though I know that there are many that will reject this. That is only because the brainwashing is so, in fact, powerful that once things are starting to be revealed to us many will not be able to handle it. For those who reject this simple truth, ask yourself:

"Why are they hated worldwide? Why do others want to kill them for just the heck of it?"

       Remember that this world is nothing like it claims to be...


May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

The Evil Eye

Hi Everyone,

         As we walk through this dark world, we are covered with negativity everywhere we go. Whether, its from co-workers, friends or sometimes family. This negative energy just seems to follow us everywhere. That is due to negative entities that want to mess us up by diverting our attention towards something that went wrong in our lives. Now there are many negative entities that use other people or just attack directly. They don't care. Just know that they can only distract a person for a time and then the person goes back to what they were originally doing before the attack. So in short, this topic is about negative entities keeping our eyes away from the Heavenly Father. 

       These entities will try anything and everything to make sure that you are not focus on the Heavenly Father. Like for example, you are trying to give to a children shelter and you are working towards getting at least 40 teddy bears to kids who are in the age group of 4 to 7 years old but you are facing some heavy duty issues with your job and you will not be able to finish it on the time schedule you have set for yourself because of job difficulties. That kind of stuff. Yeah, it may sound little, but little things actually have the most effect on us. Another example, is saving a lot of money for mortgage and only to realize that the deadline for rent is here and you are 50 dollars short from making rent whole. That kind of stuff. These are the effects of the Evil Eye. The eye that sees the good in you and will try everything to pull out the bad in you just because you are doing the right thing. That kind of evil. In fact it's the same kind of evil that runs the world. Promotes everything bad and kills everything that is good. 

      However, do not be discourage when you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Just know that it's temporary and that the Heavenly Father is there to sustain you. No matter what. He makes a way out of no way. So let us be strong and face anything that comes in our way in confidence and with the guidance of the Heavenly Father, He will pull you out of it. It is His Grace and Mercy that we get to live another day, experience and grow. So what can negative entities do? Absolutely NOTHING! When you heart is set on the Heavenly Father, there is no way they can get you to turn against Him. Lest there is a detection of weak spirit. No need to worry about that because the spirit is made strong by the Heavenly Father, Himself. 

        The Evil Eye can try its best to put us all under its little spell but at the end of the day, the righteous is victorious over the evil ones who gravitate and entertain that type of thing. The righteous may be small and number but as they say, "Small things come in Big Packages." We have the Heavenly Father on our side so there is nothing they can do to stop our journey towards the Most High. That's for sure. So let's keep our eyes on the prize and let nothing distract us from returning Home to the Heavenly Father. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The False Doctrine

Hi Everyone,

         I have been having many dreams lately and the one that stands out to me the most is the increase of False Doctrine. There are many of them. So many that it's really hard to distinguish which one is right and which one is wrong. So I wanted to talk to you guys about False Doctrine. 


        There are many false teachings. The most popular false teaching that I have came across is this:

       Come on guys, we are not the Messiah. We can't even tell when we are being manipulated none the less claim that we are the Messiah. That does not make any sense to me. That is because we want to be someone. We hear about superheroes or angels and see that we are just mortals, we want to phase that part out and just try to be somebody. This is due to the insecurities that have been set in our hearts by society. My thing is this the fact that we are here and breathing makes us someone because the Father cares for His Children even before we are born into this sinful world. So there is no need to pretend to be someone that we are not. We just have to be more comfortable with just being Children of the Heavenly Father.

Another one is this:

       To be honest, what can we manifest? Hmm? When the Father brings things into florescent, it is always Good. When we try to create something, it is always something evil. Keep in mind that we are not perfect. I NOT saying be perfect, I'm saying be the BEST THAT YOU CAN BE WITH IMPERFECTIONS! We as people are so wrapped up into being perfect that we forget that the world is sinful and we are imperfect because of it. So we do NOT have any power to MANIFEST! We are just mortals. Talk about a huge distraction from the real prize. Just be, okay. No need to worry about trying to manifest something that will most likely not come true. That is a waste of learning time and true practice of learning about the Father.

         Much as I love this anime because it is very thought provoking. However, even in this story it admits that we are just mortals in the end. In other words, we should not rely on alchemy for anything. Not for self manifestation, not for some form of transmutation. I mean we'll be right up the devil's alley with all of that crap. So be very careful and stay clear away from alchemy and magic. That is definitely something that you do not want to be caught into. Not worth the Soul at all. 

      There are many false doctrines that are out there. That is because we are living in the last days. This is why we are getting hit heavy with them. This is to stir us all away from the right path. Which is to build in a relationship with the Heavenly Father. The most important thing is to BELIEVE IN THE HEAVENLY FATHER!! This is very important. If you do not believe than you will be doing yourself a disservice and will lose you very own soul. Remember its the soul that makes you you not the mind. The minute you lose the soul. The minute you fall. So leave all of these false doctrines alone. They are here to keep us in the dark and keep us in Hell. Keep you eyes on the prize guys and don't let no one stray you away from the path. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Let the Lord Heal You: Be Cured From World Disease

Hi Everyone,

"The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil."  - John 7:7

         This Scripture is alive and well today. If we all just decide not to engage in society as a whole and to see it for what it is. We will see nothing but a huge ocean of corruption that taint the minds of all who live in it and it spreads like a viral outbreak. This is not a disease that effects the flesh but a disease that effects the mind and then spreads slowly killing the soul. Whoever sees it and speaks against it, the world wants to kill them. So there may be some that are conscious but fear to say something for the world wants to kill them. I mean why would anyone want to ruin the fun of those who are corrupted especially if they have more power over someone who is just "simply" ordinary. 

        However, I don't think that I have to tell you how messed up the world truly is. For you see for yourselves that this is something that is not right. I want to point out to you that this has been happening since the beginning of time. The reason why we still have this problem because of the fallen angels that are upon the Earth. These are the ones that are casting all kinds of spells that make people fall asleep. Hence the beginning of zombie mind state. No one wants to be a zombie. That is just horrifying. Okay, I'm kinda getting of track. This is how you can be cured from this disease. 

        For one ditch everything and let the Lord come to you and show you things. You have to make a serious effort to do this. This is a serious leap of fate because no one wants to just abandoned everything that they have been programmed to learn. I mean why? That would mean that our lives as we know it is a lie. No one wants to accept that what the media pushes out or anything that this society has programmed all of us to do is a lie. Yet, remember this, this is the same society that teaches you and I how to think, how to act and how to feel during every situations. It's just like that Lego Movie, when everyone had to live based on "instructions." We can't darn near think for our OWN SELVES! That's just not right. This is not the Free Will that the Heavenly Father has blessed us with. This is straight up bondage. 

       I mean society got us all messed up that we basically worship our own flags and sing our own anthems to the flags, which is pretty much identical to worship of the Heavenly Father. So, we are basically worshiping our countries and calling it patriotic or having pride in our countries but what will happen if the country gets blown up by a nuclear event or something? The country is all gone. If we think back before we even had countries, it was just people dwelling in different places. In truth, it was just people and land. That's it. Now we have to pay taxes just to stay in a land that was free to begin with. This just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Now the corruption has spread into the hearts of people that now the leaders of the world want to take over everything that is ON the Earth. That is not even right. 

         WE are NOT just chess pieces to be thrown in a game! We are real LIVING BEINGS! We feel, we laugh, we cry, and we all want the best for our families. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this very thing. This is a Universal Language that is spoken all around the world. Emotion is a Language. Even if we don't understand each other verbally, we know how it feels to be hurt! We know what is right and what is wrong. The most important factor of this disease of corruptions is tricking everyone into thinking that we can live and survive without anyone. We can make it on our own. Forget the others because they are dead weight. 

       Yet, we can be cured from all of this corruption and the ailments of the seven deadly sins. The Heavenly Father is always there to help us pull through it. Only He holds the key... the antidote... to cure us and to purify us from this horrible state. To show us that there truly is a better way than this. There are many who do not even believe that there is and that the Earth that they live in is the only one out there. I come to tell that THERE IS! If the Heavenly Father created many planets and the stars and the galaxies that rotate around us, then why is it so far fetched that He cannot create another Earth for us to live on. He creates all things that are natural! That is something that we have problems as a people. We want to humanize the Father. We cannot do these things because He is beyond our comprehension. 

        So remember to have the Father heal you. Let Him come to you. Let Him teach you. He will not guide you wrong. He will show you where to go and lead you to the right places. However, we as His Children have to trust Him, now. We can't be control freaks. I can say this based on experience. Soon as we start leaning on our understanding and not relying on the Father... He will let go and let us follow our own way because of our Free Will. When we realize that its wrong we then go back to the Father and He will continue to teach us without grudging. That is the True Beauty of the Father. Just remember that the world is a deadly viral disease that fuels the flesh but kills the Spirit. In order to cure the Spirit, go on to the Father and let Him heal you.

"For I am the Lord, who heals you."  -Exodus 15:26

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Hi Everyone,

          Today, we live in a society where its every man for themselves. Everyone wanting to be the top dog or be the boss of others. Its a real dog-eat-dog world where people actually kill others to make sure that they are on top. Why do they do that? I never quite understood it. When the Earth was created and everything that was in it. There was no such thing as division. Guys above Girls, and People above the Earth. We have gotten so distracted from all the things that surround us every day that we forget how to live. We forget that we are One with our ecosystem. If we tear down a tree we end up cutting our oxygen supply. I mean look at Nature. Earth isn't living for her own benefit, neither the animals, nor the plants. We all have to work together. This is how the Heavenly Father set everything up. Even in Heaven. All of the Angels work together under the Will of the Heavenly Father to get things done. Okay. 

         We as a people carry so much hate in our hearts. In turn we express that hatred towards other people, rather than taking time to heal and to turn a bad situation into a positive one. We have to work on that. Society is no better. It is the biggest deception that is on the face of the planet right now. I can literally go on and on and on about the deceit and all the wrong doings of society. However, I rather give things out bit by bit so that you will be aware of it and break away from this Beast system of a society and live simple and build your Personal Relationship with the Heavenly Father. This is the Ultimate Truth. Don't you see? The churches just doesn't cut it anymore because it has been warped into something else. Today's churches are now under the worship of Satan. 

            We have to get out of this bondage and be completely free from it all. We have too. Yes it's going to be a long and hard road, but that is OKAY! You already have the Heavenly Father in your corner so you are not alone. Remember what I have told you before. The road is meant to be hard. That is because this world is basically Satan's kingdom and the True Children of the Heavenly Father will not stand a chance here. Not with a kingdom that is so corrupted and just want to kill innocent people for the hell of it. That is not right. We all know that this is not right guys. SO why in the world will are we so "comfortable" watching people die and be okay with it!?

I know why. Because we are "not the SAME! But that is when SOCIETY IS WRONG!! No one is better than the other. The Heavenly Father did not make it that way. He created us the exact same. There are no Kings and Queens in Heaven. That's a major lie. It is pure equality. Just like it is in Heaven. Everyone is equal. No one is BETTER than the other. So if there are people out there that think that they are going to be top dog in Heaven than they better think again. There is no such thing as DIVISION! 


May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Eyes of a Child

Hi Everyone,

       Why did Christ say that we have to become children in order to see the Kingdom of the Father?

         Actually it's pretty simple of why. Children have a perspective how how things should be. In truth, they are the wise. They can see things that we cannot see. They can show us things that we have not even thought to pay attention to. They are excellent teachers when it comes down to sharing or expressing unconditional love. In their eyes there is no such thing as divisions. Whether it be gender, color, animals, plants. They treat everything the same way they would treat another person. Children know that there are other spirits that exist within the Earth. They see things with a Pure Heart. They really have came from Heaven themselves and have already shown us "adults" how to behave and how to express love without having any "expectations."

        Children have already seen the Father. They know Him from having direct contact with them and they know how to interact with Him directly. They do not need a book to tell them how to express love or become One with the Father for they have that instilled in them instinctively. In many ways, Children can show us how to connect with the Father. They express this and show this by strictly example. They do not really need words to show us the right way to treat people or the right way to treat Mother Earth. It is when we try to distort the minds of children with worldly ideas, this is when they fall into the path of forgetfulness and confusion. 

          It is through Children that we get to see the Universal Connection for the very first time within our lives. It is through Children that we get to learn what is right and what is wrong. It is through Children that we get to see everything with an Open Mind and a Pure Heart. 

      If we want to go back to the Pure State and few of us will get there, adopt a Child as a Teacher. Let the Children teach us how to see the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. Let them teach us how to treat Mother Earth. Let them express and show us how the Universal Connection flows through the elegant waters of Heaven all the way down to the Earth. Let them show us that everything has life. From the biggest animals, the elephant all the way down to the smallest of creatures, the ants! For the solid Earth to the settle calm waters. From the fire to the invisible winds. They will show us that everything has life. Everything is treated the same. There are no Divisions. They will show you the Ultimate Divine rule that we have been missing all this time because we where too busy playing "adults":

The Divine Rule of Oneness

    They do not need a Teacher at all. They do not need school or how to behave in society or how to conduct themselves. For their Teacher is the Father even though they may be too young to recognize it. Yes they need proper direction and discipline and maybe more understand of the Father. That is what we as parents need to do for our children. However, the Ultimate Teacher has already came. He came with them before they even got here on Earth. He is the First that they see and the Last that they see. Just like He is the First that we see and the Last that we see. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Worship of False Images

"Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image."  Exodus 20:4

Hi Everyone,

         So if the Heavenly Father said do not make any graven images. Do Not Bow down and worship them than who the HECK is THIS GUY!!!???

       This is what I mean. We have no clue who the heck he is or where in the world he came from. Where are the origins of this man? Why do we worship this thing? We have NO IDEA WHAT THE MESSIAH LOOKS LIKE!! So why do we have this man as the icon of the Messiah. No one knows what he looks like or anything yet we bow down and worship this image like we know for a fact that he is the Messiah? See what I mean? WE HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE REAL MESSIAH LOOKS LIKE! How can we say this is the Messiah if we have NEVER LAID EYES ON HIM! This is why the majority of people are going to be deceived. We should know better than this. We all know the 10 Commandments. And worshiping False Idols is DEFINITELY ON THE LIST! Why do we bow down this this him.

Or her?

Or even her?

       How do we know who these religious figures look like? How can any one say, 'this is the Messiah, Virgin Mary, or Mary Magdalene'. Here's the thing:


It just doesn't make any sense to take something that has no significance to the Heavenly Father at all. What does these images have to offer? What does these images do for us. They can't do anything for themselves so why are we worshiping so crap that doesn't have anything to do with the Heavenly Father in the first place. These images can't even direct us to the Heavenly Father. This is BLASPHEMOUS!!! It doesn't stop there! This false image worship has gotten so bad that it has became a DEADLY DISEASE! 

Lets not forget that this is a WORLDWIDE DISEASE!!





         You see? This is ridiculous. We got to stop this. We don't know what these religious figures look like. AT ALL!! Plus it's so obvious that they are false because they all carry the same look. This is nothing but a tool or method used by the fallen ones to make sure that we don't have a chance to get into Heaven. I keep trying to tell you guys that this is Satan's world so everything goes in his book. There is no morals here. Evil is good here in this world. Whatever is top dog in his book, we should look the opposite way. So I highly doubt the Messiah looks anything like the "Jesus" image that has been pumped in our heads for like centuries to come. 

        It is not even relevant for us to entertain this kind of images in which we see. It makes no sense at all. We have to become way more smarter than this. I mean WAAAYYYYY MORE SMARTER!! Come on guys. Lets think about this! 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

The Father and the Son Are One

Hi Everyone,

       In this blog I wanted to talk about the Father and the Son as One. Okay, we all know that we are One with the entire universe but this is a different kind of Oneness of the Father and of the Son that is mentioned in the Bible. If you go back in my posts I had said that there are some contradictions of the Bible about the Father coming down from Heaven Himself and giving His life to making sure that His kids get into Heaven. Now as we look back into the scriptures, we will see that this is the True Story behind the Bible. The Father did come down and sacrificed Himself so that we can have eternal life. The scriptures can back this up. 

"Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, "I AM"."  -John  5:58

        That should really be the say all end all right here, but there are all kinds of scriptures that point to this:

"For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."  -Matthew 12:8

"Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'."  - John 14:9

"If you love Me, you'll keep My Commandments."  -John 14:15

"The Son is the visible image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation."  -Colossians 1:15

            So those Scriptures are pretty straight forward about Yashayah actually being the Heavenly Father in the flesh. There is a lot of consistencies within the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament that show you that Yashayah (Yeshua, Jesus) is in Fact the Heavenly Father in the flesh. So that Oneness between Yashayah and the Heavenly Father is in fact more One than you or me because the are the Same. Alright guys? So, yes, The Heavenly Father came down as Yashayah and died for all of us to wipe clean our sins.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Yashayah: The Way Shower and Bread of Life

Hi Everyone,

I put up this particular image because I want to go in depth of what this means.

          Okay, we see that in John 14:6 about what Yashayah said about being "the Way, the Truth and the Life", right? Yet we still have people partaking in flesh and blood of him. This to me makes no sense. Why would anyone want to do a symbolic ritual of eating the flesh and drinking the blood in order to get the eternal life? Or to think that eternal life is granted to them by doing this thing? Flesh and Blood cannot go into the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. This has been established by the Father over and over again just as Yashayah stated over and over and over again. That is the No. 1 basic fundamentals of teaching about the Heavenly Father. So why do this ritual? Why do this thing? This is also why I have stated that there are two entities in the Bible. Yashayah always talked about the Spirit. He did say that the Heavenly Father is a Spirit there for we should worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. What does bread and wine got to do with the Bread of Life.

         When he said these things he was talking about the Word of the Living Father, fore he is the Living Word manifested in the flesh. When you believe in the Son (Living Word of the Heavenly Father) you will taste the Bread of Eternal Life. This is what he is really saying. It has nothing to do with tasting the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. NOTHING! That's like telling someone to be a cannibal and a vampire all at the same swoop. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all. We must be careful. This is something that was implanted in the Bible. Not of the true original texts. Remember, I said there are edits in the Bible. Some very bad ones at that. So we have to understand that we should not always take what we see in the Bible or even in the lost books to heart because they have some corruption in it. 

This is the True Meaning of the Bread of Life (Living Word of the Heavenly Father):

  • Keep the Commandments. All of them. Not just the ones that are in the New Testament but the Commandments also taught in the Old Testament. Okay? The Commandments in the New Testament are not a substitute for the ones in the Old Testament. Do all of them.
  • Keep up with the Teachings of Yashayah, alright. What did he teach? I see that everyone is more focused on other things and fighting about the details in the New Testament but no one focuses on what he taught. That doesn't make sense. How are we to progress if we do cannot even continue the Teachings that He has for us? That makes no sense. 
  • Believe that the Father and the Son are one. I will make a blog about this later on but this is vital key information. Come On Guys!

         So stop with these silly rituals. That has nothing to do with the Heavenly Father or the Living Word. It's just something that has been implemented in by the Vatican to mess us all up. Remember what I told you, that this is Satan's world and he will do anything and everything to make sure that you do not get any close attachments to the Father nonetheless get into Heaven. So Be Very Very Very Careful, Guys. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Magnetic Field

Hi Everyone,

          Our magnetic field is taking a serious beating right now and will continue to do so. It is already bad that Earth now has a weak magnetic field, so what is going to help us with the Solar winds that we are getting right now? Not only we have a weak magnetic field but we also have a damage ozone layer. Of course this is nothing new since the ozone layer has been damaged for years. The fact that we as a people didn't do anything about it to keep it nice and healthy, now this is full time effect of karma that is going to be put on us for neglecting to take care of the ozone layer. This sun is going to rise up a fire that is going to be hard to put out. Can we really fight against Earth facing CMEs when everything we have runs by satellites and electricity? Not a chance.

           This is why we are at the end times because we can't do right. They even said on the news that our ecosystem is at risk due to "climate change". I don't believe the climate change story, not one bit. The whole ecosystem (us) is at risk because we didn't take care of the planet. Now everything in plane physical existence is going to perish. All because we as people didn't do anything to keep the ecosystem (our extended family) healthy and happy. Everyone else was doing their part. All the plants and animals. They kept their covenants with the Heavenly Father. They kept all of their commandments. However, when it comes down to us? Nothing. The problem is we got so manipulated that we think that we are better than anything else that walks the Earth. We think that we better than animals, plants, marine life, even our next door neighbors. This is why there is only a few that's going to make it.

           There are reports of animals that die by the droves. Lots of fishes and marine life just everything dying out. I mean really??? How is this NOT going to effect us? There are lots of meat eaters than they are vegans out here and the minute the food supply goes out than there are going to be mayhem. Why? Because the domino effect came in and hit us with it. There is no such thing as separation. If the animals die, we die. That's it. That is why I keep saying that we are one. There is no "its me" and then "its you" attitude when we are talking about the ecosystem. The ecosystem motto is "its you and me too". If we do not start adapting this kind of attitude than we are going to perish with no second chances extended. Be safe and Spread the Love guys.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

moon cycle