Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, June 16, 2014

Rhythm of The Soul

Hi Everyone,

         This blog is about Rhythm. When you hear rhythm it is mostly a lot of musical instruments that are put together to make a beautiful sound. Or a component of things that make something totally beautiful. Everything is in harmony that makes the rhythm and there is sense of togetherness. That is how our souls are suppose to be. This is where the One Heartbeat comes in. When we are one and whole with the Father, we are in sync in Rhythm. Which is a beautiful sight. 

          That since of togetherness is what brings in a strong relationship. Everything has a beat right. Whether its a pulse or heart beat everything in life has a rhythm. A beat of some sort. In order to harmonize with the Rhythm of the universe we have to be able to be one with it. Treat everyone like our brothers and sisters. Not just a specific group or something. Everyone on this earth is beautiful so we have to stop with all of this division that we buy into. That's nothing but the media setting all of us up. I mean most of us out there will be so surprised how deep the mind manipulation goes. 

         This is really due to Arrogance in Ignorance. It's really bad how these witches and warlocks got us. Their trickery days are over though, but really guys, have you ever notice that every time people from all over try to unite they end up trying to find some way to divide? That's like their primary bullet on their list to divide and conquer. They even say that on TV and stuff. They do that stuff for real. Anyways...

         Rhythm is basically the same as Unity. Unify. Unite. Becoming One with everything, this is the Way of the Lotus. The One True Religion. Learning not to destroy everything because we think that it holds insignificant value. On this Earth, every plant is our brother and sister. Every animal is our brother and sister. We got to learn how to be One. We got to stop all of this bad stuff and believing everything the media has to say. Most if it is fake news anyways. No need to put everything that they say on the large end of the spoon.

         Be One with Everything. Everything is Rhythm. We are apart of that Rhythm. Anyone who denies this simple yet complex cosmic rule will end up gone. Perish. Trust me, no one wants to perish. A spirit death is far worse than a physical one. Perish spiritually, no one will live again or have eternal life. 

"Being One with the Universe is Being One with the Father."

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