Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Is the NWO really new?

Hi Everyone,

             This will be my last post about this NWO thing. I will most likely talk about events that may lead up to this order but far as talking about it as a whole, I won't get into it all. I just want to refresh minds right quick about this. So is this order really a New Order? After years of observations and deep meditation with the Lord, I realized that its not really as new as many say it is. I use to think that it was new too. However, it's not. Just a really horrible order. Its basically world captivity enslavement that is founded by Rome Philosophy which was powered by the Egyptian Philosophy. Nothing new about that. This has been going on for years guys. Remember that saying about if we are not to change history it is bound to repeat itself? Well this is basically what it is.

            Can anyone on this entire Earth imagine all the World Wars, and all the other wars that happened around the world based on a country's history happening at once!? This is what the Great Tribulation means. Everything that our ancestors have been through based on each of our ethic backgrounds and origins will be going through the same thing just on a higher scale, is just us as descendants that will go through it all. Everyone is a pawn in this sick game. Everyone is a chess piece. It is sad but it is so true.

          I mean you do not have to take my word for it just look on TV. They tell you what they are going to do. One prime example is "Marvel's Agents of Shield" about Hydra and the Red Skull. Come on guys. There are messages everywhere all you have to do is tune into them. Everything is a repeat and has always been a repeat since the beginning. It has been prophesied in the Bible about this very thing. The repeat of events leading to a big event. Like I have stated before this world is an illusion and the illusion has a purpose. It's a game to destroy. And this game is played by the big leagues. We know nothing about it because it is set up that way. So what do we do now? What can we do now? 

          Well, there is nothing we can do about this because it has been prophesied to happen. All we can really do right now is:

  • Get educated about it.
  • Realized that this world is one big fat lie.
  • Realize that the Earth is going to go belly up. (Scientist already said that Earth is going to end up like Mars after some amp of years.)
  • Get back into our Moral Code. Turn to the Heavenly Father. There is a reason why there is a calm before the storm. Take advantage of it.
  • Lastly, prepare for the New Heaven and New Earth.

         That is really all we can do right about now. We must get ourselves spiritually prepared for leaving here. The Earth is dying and her spirit is almost toward Ascension. Can you guys feel the Earth leaving? When you take off your shoes and plant your feet to the ground, don't you realize that crunch? The earth is suppose to be soft, most and have revitalizing energy. Its not suppose to be crunchy, hollow, and empty. She's almost there guys. We have to be ready for the Rapture. 

          I know some of you are not into the Rapture thing but I believe that its going to happen. I have many indications that point to it. I can only advise you guys. So, please get yourselves prepared on all aspects. The Soul, the Mind and the Body. Start with the Mind first because the Mind is the gateway between Soul and Body. I will get into that in another post. Okay guys, Be safe and Spread the love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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