Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Let the Lord Heal You: Be Cured From World Disease

Hi Everyone,

"The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil."  - John 7:7

         This Scripture is alive and well today. If we all just decide not to engage in society as a whole and to see it for what it is. We will see nothing but a huge ocean of corruption that taint the minds of all who live in it and it spreads like a viral outbreak. This is not a disease that effects the flesh but a disease that effects the mind and then spreads slowly killing the soul. Whoever sees it and speaks against it, the world wants to kill them. So there may be some that are conscious but fear to say something for the world wants to kill them. I mean why would anyone want to ruin the fun of those who are corrupted especially if they have more power over someone who is just "simply" ordinary. 

        However, I don't think that I have to tell you how messed up the world truly is. For you see for yourselves that this is something that is not right. I want to point out to you that this has been happening since the beginning of time. The reason why we still have this problem because of the fallen angels that are upon the Earth. These are the ones that are casting all kinds of spells that make people fall asleep. Hence the beginning of zombie mind state. No one wants to be a zombie. That is just horrifying. Okay, I'm kinda getting of track. This is how you can be cured from this disease. 

        For one ditch everything and let the Lord come to you and show you things. You have to make a serious effort to do this. This is a serious leap of fate because no one wants to just abandoned everything that they have been programmed to learn. I mean why? That would mean that our lives as we know it is a lie. No one wants to accept that what the media pushes out or anything that this society has programmed all of us to do is a lie. Yet, remember this, this is the same society that teaches you and I how to think, how to act and how to feel during every situations. It's just like that Lego Movie, when everyone had to live based on "instructions." We can't darn near think for our OWN SELVES! That's just not right. This is not the Free Will that the Heavenly Father has blessed us with. This is straight up bondage. 

       I mean society got us all messed up that we basically worship our own flags and sing our own anthems to the flags, which is pretty much identical to worship of the Heavenly Father. So, we are basically worshiping our countries and calling it patriotic or having pride in our countries but what will happen if the country gets blown up by a nuclear event or something? The country is all gone. If we think back before we even had countries, it was just people dwelling in different places. In truth, it was just people and land. That's it. Now we have to pay taxes just to stay in a land that was free to begin with. This just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Now the corruption has spread into the hearts of people that now the leaders of the world want to take over everything that is ON the Earth. That is not even right. 

         WE are NOT just chess pieces to be thrown in a game! We are real LIVING BEINGS! We feel, we laugh, we cry, and we all want the best for our families. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this very thing. This is a Universal Language that is spoken all around the world. Emotion is a Language. Even if we don't understand each other verbally, we know how it feels to be hurt! We know what is right and what is wrong. The most important factor of this disease of corruptions is tricking everyone into thinking that we can live and survive without anyone. We can make it on our own. Forget the others because they are dead weight. 

       Yet, we can be cured from all of this corruption and the ailments of the seven deadly sins. The Heavenly Father is always there to help us pull through it. Only He holds the key... the antidote... to cure us and to purify us from this horrible state. To show us that there truly is a better way than this. There are many who do not even believe that there is and that the Earth that they live in is the only one out there. I come to tell that THERE IS! If the Heavenly Father created many planets and the stars and the galaxies that rotate around us, then why is it so far fetched that He cannot create another Earth for us to live on. He creates all things that are natural! That is something that we have problems as a people. We want to humanize the Father. We cannot do these things because He is beyond our comprehension. 

        So remember to have the Father heal you. Let Him come to you. Let Him teach you. He will not guide you wrong. He will show you where to go and lead you to the right places. However, we as His Children have to trust Him, now. We can't be control freaks. I can say this based on experience. Soon as we start leaning on our understanding and not relying on the Father... He will let go and let us follow our own way because of our Free Will. When we realize that its wrong we then go back to the Father and He will continue to teach us without grudging. That is the True Beauty of the Father. Just remember that the world is a deadly viral disease that fuels the flesh but kills the Spirit. In order to cure the Spirit, go on to the Father and let Him heal you.

"For I am the Lord, who heals you."  -Exodus 15:26

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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