Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, June 16, 2014

Breaking Free From Bondage

Hi Everyone,

           I talked about in my True Essence website about the entire world being in bondage. Now, I have stated in that blog post that there really isn't a way we can get ourselves out of this bondage and it really going to take the Heavenly Father to get us out of it. Now there are lots of people that have gotten way worse bondage than others out there. I doing this blog to help anyone see the light and free their mental state. Once these sorcerers get you in mental bondage, they got the spirit in bondage and the body in bondage also. Remember the Mind is the Gateway between the two. So we have to be set free from this matrix. Many of us is still living in it and have gotten so brainwashed that they think that they are suppose to be doing this stuff but in actuality, that is NOT TRUE!! We aren't suppose to be slaves to a system that just want to work us to death. When we do kill over all they are going to do is replace us with someone else. 

         We see this happening now. People are getting replaced by machines as we speak. Its going to only get worse and worse. So we have to get ourselves away from all this worldly stuff because in the end, the world doesn't care about any of us. All they care about is power and domination. They are going to do whatever it takes to make sure that this is accomplished. That is why we are having this battle right now. They already doing mind games with us now. Slowly destroying the soul before the soul can even mature and move on to a more higher plane for more learning. That is why I say that we are spiritual toddlers that are just now learning how to think, speak, and walk. These demons know this and that is why they are flashing us with all kinds of toys and neat tricks because like toddlers, we like to see a cool magic trick or be entertained with toys. 

         So many of us are still at recess that we forget that we are here to learn about the Heavenly Father and find out how to serve Him to the best of our ability. That is why the majority of the world is going to perish because we are so focused on toys alone. How many of us made it out of the physical? How many of us just now noticing that we have a mental plane? How many of us learning how to master the mental plane? How many people are actually trying to get into the spiritual plane right now? How many people are fulfilling their destiny towards helping others around them get better in achieving their spiritual goals? Not many people at all. The majority of the population is still on worldly stuff. Who got the latest toys? It's annoying to see this because we are getting in the latter evening and we still haven't accomplished a thing. It's still the same as it was 2,000 years ago and even longer than that. 

          This is apart of the bondage. The ones that are going to get raptured are the ones that are doing what ever it takes to achieve their spiritual goals and willing to help others on the way. These are the early birds. The ones stuck in tribulation after the rapture are the ones that didn't quite get it but are learning quickly after recess has been shutdown completely. With no recess, kids have to do what they need to do to get out of trouble right? Same situation. I apply these everyday events like this because that is exactly how it is. As above so below. It's natural for a toddler to raise their arms up for their parents to get them when they (1) sense the danger or (2) PHYSICALLY see the danger. 

         The first step of breaking free from this bondage is realizing that you are in the matrix. Next, is abandoning everything that you ever learned. The next step after that is allowing Shekinah or  the Holy Spirit to teach you what you need to learn. All of these steps are also the beginning steps of building a solid relationship with the Heavenly Father, okay? So these steps are the ending of worldly life and the beginning of a Heavenly relationship with the Father. 

           Remember, that we can't fight something that is supernatural or beyond the physical natural plane. We just can't win so engaging in battle head on is something that we can't do. This is why it's important to build this relationship. How many people we know that in the flesh went up against Satan and won? We can only name one person and that is Yashayah the Christ. However, I'm talking about just a regular person with no powers and heavy ammunition that was only meant to kill physical bodies. No one. We can't win this by ourselves. WE NEED HELP!

Our Part is to, again:

  • Become educated
  • Shed all of this matrix stuff off us. We don't need it.
  • Allow the Holy Spirit to come teach you everything that you need to know.
  • Start Building a solid relationship with the Father by learning how to serve Him.
  • Take our lessons from Mother Earth. She teaches also. 
  • Follow the teaching of Yashayah. Remember what he taught. 
  • Any other forms of "Spirituality" tells you that you are your own boss and you are your own god or goddess, leave that crap alone! That is to trick you. If they have mental traps, they have spiritual traps too. 

          This is some real stuff I'm telling you here. This isn't a joke. Get prepared right now guys. I'm trying to tell you. It's really late in the evening. LETS GET OURSELVES TOGETHER!!! Be Safe and Spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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