Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Reversal World

Hi Everyone,

This is how the world is suppose to be.

       In actuality this is how world is suppose to be like. Working in unison along with the Earthly Mother. If it were really like this than we wouldn't have all of these problems in which we are faced with right now. Yet it is not like this one bit. The world in which we live in is not harmonious and not at all heavenly. This is what our world map suppose to look like but it is NOT! THIS IS AN ILLUSION!!

This is what the world really looks like.

             Our world looks like this guys. In full blown living color. What you are looking at is the Reversal World. The Backwards World right here. This is the world we have been living in for a very long time and its been that way since the beginning. Since the Heavenly Father is stripping down this matrix, we are going to see the world in its true colors. Pure, uncut and raw filth. Two questions that we should be asking ourselves is:

  •  Are we ready for this? 
  • Can we handle it when it all falls down?
            This is something that we all have to be able to ask ourselves. We all know that from the Bible, Babylon is Satan's empire. I told you guys in my earlier blogs who Babylon was. Now lets get into the depths of it. Since the Fall, Satan has been planning for all living beings to worship him and he has been doing this sneakily. First things, first was to have everyone come together for one purpose. Remember the Tower of Babel? We here comes another dose of it. In order to deceive the whole world there has to be a big center of attention. Something that catches the eyes of everyone from around the world in all levels. The biggest thing is having someone shoot for something that is not achievable. The False Dream. The if I get my college degree and work my but off than I can achieve something and I can have a legacy to pass down to my children. The materialistic dream is an illusion. We have people both inside of and flocking to a country, investing huge lots of trees just to "make it" in the world. However, that is not the case. The dream is a huge illusion. You can make it anywhere WITHOUT an education. I mean even at the times of Adam and Eve people knew how to make houses and THE LAND LOTS WERE FOR FREE!!!

              Like I have said before, I live in America and all but everything that the government does is absolutely backwards. Even down to driving a car. Apparently, we are the only country that have our steering wheels on the left side of our cars while the other countries have theirs on the right side. English is the only language that is heavily composed of other multiple languages in the world, making it easy for the powers that be to speak in "code" and we not catch a thing that the are saying for real. The laws here is the most unnatural out of all the countries combined. America over-exaggerates, and she will lie like its second nature. Now, all the other countries do it because America use to be a "highly popular" country. My fellow brothers and sisters of America, we have been had. This is facts I am giving out based on my observations.

I going to give you guys a quick breakdown. There are so many twists and turns so I list the very important ones. Here is how Satan deceives the entire world:

  • Create a world on Earth. Earth is not a world but a planet. A world is a composition book of thoughts that is presented to a people and these thoughts are widely accepted among the majority because it is pleasing to the eyes. Thus, these thoughts are then projected outward on Earth as a reality and is it is only then it is proceeded as a "world." To be honest with you how many "worlds" do we have? I mean we have the entertainment world, the world of money and investing, the world of technology, a world of gaming, world of fashion, world of war, world of fame. The list goes on and in those categories, we have mini-worlds that exist in those worlds that I just stated. That is what a "world" truly means. This is something that we have to keep in mind when dealing with these things. 
  • Create a people. The people in which are created are going to be highly valued in this world. The more popular they are the better. They will be highly promoted and because of their looks or whatever they got that is eye-catching. The rest of the people got to go and be just like them. Most of the time those people are genetically-made. Proven Fact.
  • Create a language. People from around the world have different languages. However, there is going to be a language that is not originally from the Lord. This created language is going to be so highly crafted and so cool that everyone else will be trying to learn it. Its going to be hard to learn it because most of the time is composed of other languages from around the world smashed into one. 
  • Pick a country to be kingpin. I already said my peace about that. 
  • Create a system that is based off of mind control. I have been saying my peace on that as well for weeks I may add. So I will not say any more about that. 

          Those are the main pointers. Once those are successfully put into place, the whole world is deceived. Remember that these pointers just doesn't happen overnight and it will take years and years to perfect. This is the matrix in detail. This is how it is. I'm not gonna go in depth about this stuff. I'm not trying to at all but I just want you guys to be able to understand double meanings. Dual worlds on Earth. Parallel Universes on Earth. That is how it is. Now everyone is doing it and do not understand the full details of what they do. They just follow the in crowd. This is Truth. Pure Uncut Truth. Now, the question is: 

Can you handle it? 

       Alright guy, Be Safe and Spread the Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 


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