Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The End of this Road

Hi Everyone,

        I am giving closure to my ministry. I have preached and shouted for the Truth to be heard and I am greatful that you guys have gave me the opportunity to listen and to take notes on what I have came and informed you with. I believe that I have covered everything I wanted consulting with the Father who is also the Messiah mentioned in the Bible. If you want further consulting than please talk to the Father. Remember that we are always growing therefore, you should always look for new teachers to teach new things. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle and it is up to us to pick up the jewels that are found there. 

        Just because this ministry is closing doesn't mean that our journey stops from there. We should continue to grow and become the best that we can be with all that we have. To learn how to serve the Father and to make Him smile everyday is a great feeling. We should all find out our unique ways towards our connection to the Father, and start connecting.

       The end of the Earth is right here and right now. There are many demons now plotting for our demise. The entire goal of this ministry is to simply seek the Father and to connect with Him. There is no need to worry about whats going on right now, because at the end of the day, it's where your spirit will ultimately end up. Remember this verse:

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age; against spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places."  -Ephesians 6:12

        I've gone as far as I can take you guys. Yet, still search out the Truth and still continue onward to the right path. Everyone knows what is right and what is wrong. So continue to do what is right and begin to work from there. Alright guys. Hope to see you on the other side.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Spirit Within

Hi Everyone,

Connect to the Father From Within

          Remember, the teachings that I have talked about. The whole idea of this ministry was not only to speak the Truth and preach the True Gospel within the Bible, which can be backed by other religious text. However, no matter what part you are from or religious background. Continue to Connect with the Spirit within. The Father within you. He is there. You just have to seek Him and contact Him. The Father lays out principles that are engraved inside of your DNA. Look into Nature because His Word is always Living. So never forget that.


          As long as you connect and do good and help others grow with their journey, spread kindness and love Nature for who she really is and pushing all the tech aside, you will then get to know the Father and the Father will see you and contact will start to happen. Trust me on this. I really don't have to tell you all of this because its already there within. This connection with the Father is an amazing experience. Remember that we are simply children learning and growing every day. The Father will teach us whatever we need and each path is different from the next. So not everyone's journey is the same but we all want to reach the same destination. Also Note that we are just spirits living inside of a vessel. After this is all said and done we will not have this vessel anymore. We will become spiritual beings again. 

          The Spirit within is really the core essence of what we are about. The Heavenly Father is everything good and always gives out positive/helpful advice to us whenever we need it. So right now would be the perfect time to get build a connection/relationship with the Father. Why wait? Start now. You guys will be surprised of how your journey will turn out. Just seek Him and be sure to build a close relationship with Him. He is always with You. 

"Behold, I am with you, always."  -Matthew 28:20

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

ATTN ALL AMERICANS: What's Going On With The Stocks?

Hi Everyone,


           Seems like someone is keeping a secret. Keeping their mouths closed about the stocks. Well, I come to warn you one last time about the stocks. If you want money, than I suggest you get it out of the stock market. The government is planning on crashing the stocks. It has to be done in order to implement their plans. So I suggest those who are big on stocks to get it out now. 

As for money in general?

Well, lets just say that China and Russia are working on it.

        So I again, crashing the stocks from the government is only the beginning. China and Russia are going to really hit it home when they bring the US Dollar onto a screeching halt. So, we are really not in a position to make threats towards anyone or in the position to "play hero". But hey, I'm not the one pulling the strings here.  There is some one who is above all nations that's pulling all of the strings right now. If you guessed right, then "yep", its the Beast. He's been pulling the strings ever since the beginning of time so it should not be a surprise to any of us, yet it is. I have to admit myself, it is quite mind bottling that we are living in these times don't you think? Well, there's only three words to say now:

Bye U.S. Dollar

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Gathering of Multitude that No One Can Number....

Hi Everyone,

"And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”  -Genesis 15:5

     On that day, The Father took Abraham outside and He blessed Abraham with the multitude of descendants. He even compared Abraham's descendants to the stars in Heaven. This will be the same exact multitude of Jacob. For this covenant has been following the Children of Israel since the beginning. Even, with Adam. Therefore the linage consist of four fathers instead of three: Adam, Abraham, Issac and Jacob. 


"Then God in his mercy for Adam who was made after His own image and likeness, explained to him, that these were 5,000 and 500 years; and how One would then come and save him and his descendants.  But before that, God had made this covenant with our father, Adam."  -Lost Book Of Adam and Eve, Chapter 3.


"And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore."  - Hebrews 11:12


"Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him."  - Genesis 17:19


"Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth! They will spread out in all directions--to the west and the east, to the north and the south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants."  - Genesis 28:14

        This is where we have the Multitude of those that are spoken in the Book of Revelation:

"After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands."  -Revelation 7:9

        The Gathering of Multitude is the people of Israel that are scattered from across the borders. Hebrews that are scattered world wide. See there is a reason why the Father chose that order. Remember how the Number four is the number of creation. The creation of the Chosen Children. That happens to be Israel and no other. 

"Listen to this message from the LORD, you nations of the world; proclaim it in distant coastlands: The LORD, who scattered his people, will gather them and watch over them as a shepherd does his flock."  -Jeremiah  31:10

"And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."  -Matthew 24:31

        See how that is. Remember, the Hebrew linage is still scattered to this day. They never were united as a "nation." I don't even remember ever reading a scripture that said that Israel will become a nation. The Father said that he will gather his children with His angels. That sounds like a rapture to me. The Father, Creator of Heavens and Earth will gather His Children and they will abide with Him in Heaven. That requires His Children leaving this Earth to go to a brand new Earth. Not a renewed Earth or anything dealing with any nations. It's going to be a fresh new start. 

"He himself will redeem Israel from every kind of sin."  -Psalm 130:8

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Armageddon: Final Showdown!!

Hi Everyone,

       Another topic I would like to discuss is the fact that Armageddon is in the process of setting up and no one really knows it. WW3 as we like to call it politically is in fact the Armageddon explained in the Bible. Do not be fooled because its going to be way more than just Christianity, Islam, and Judaism fighting. We will also have the Fallen Ones coming down themselves to join in on the fight. As a matter of fact, we have the spirit of violence and war that is creeping upon the Earth right now. I believe that once the President is assassinated, we will see all of this go into florescent. It is something how things come together.

 Where is Armageddon is going to take place?

        The event is going to be world wide but the brunt (or Main Event) will be taking place in America. I looked at how everything is gathered here. We have ISIS over here. we have Russian soldiers over here. We have Chinese soldiers over here. We have lots of foreign people over here that particularly don't like America. We even have the Synagogues of Satan over here. Everything points to the U.S. becoming a battleground for all who want to war. During Obama's speech about ISIS the American Icon of the Eagle with the arrows and palms was placed in a particular order where there was rope overlaying the design which basically represents the lynching or hanging of America. 

See the Eagle Hanging? Do you see how his American Flag pendant is Hanging as well?

        They are telling you what is going to befall America guys. Okay? So it is best to get ready for all of this stuff that has been talked about. With Martial Law and everything else that wasn't so great for the world. Remember, in order to set up their "empire" or "kingdom" or whatever they want to call it. They have to tear it down. Now why do you think that Obama tells everyone that he doesn't want any "Boots on the Ground" when dealing with ISIS?:

        To give ISIS time to set up and blow up the White House. They told us what they were going to do in their videos. So it should not be a surprise when it happens. In actually not even in Iraq at all. What you see is a prop like how directors do movies. ISIS is really in America, waiting for the call from the government to go ahead and shut us down. Isn't that something....

       The angel of the abyss will also have his eye set on America as well this is why we see in movies the city:

New York

San Francisco

           These cities are the ones that he looks at the most. Hence the movies, "Day After Tomorrow", and "Godzilla". They tell us these things. Please listen to what is being told to you. America is the place for Armageddon. The actual gathering. Yeah you are going to have some things pop off here and there from around the world but America is the main event. What we are witnessing right now is just appetizers for the sick demons that play this game. We are the full course meal , and it will impact the whole entire world. So those who are left here will not come out unscathed, okay?

"And the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name [Armageddon]."  -Revelation 16:16

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Not All Blacks are Hebrews: Rise of Ancient Khemet

Hi Everyone,

        This message is specifically for the Hebrews of the world. Especially if you live in my present country of Egypt... I mean America. Not all Blacks are Hebrews. Why do I say that? Because, history repeats itself. In the land of Egypt, Joseph was mistaken as an Egyptian. Moses was taken in by an Egyptian monarch. This means that its hard to distinguish whether we are Hebrew or Egyptian (A.K.A. Ancient Khem.) Okay, first off, we cannot just put all black linage into one box. There is a reason why we can't vibe with one another. For one, its the money issue. Another is because of the brainwashing. However, the most major part is that we are not all Spiritually Hebrew, or sons of Jacob.

            So where is ancient Khem today. My personal belief is that the majority of them came over to America too. Now if ancient Khem speaks to some of you than that's is what you are. If the Hebrew tradition speaks to you than that's what it is. Most Egyptians indulge in the ankh and the high life and look down on other people who are spiritually Hebrew. Egyptians and Hebrew will never get along because they serve different gods and they just overall bougie. And cannot leave the worldly stuff alone no matter how hard they try. Trust me, you will know an ancient Egyptian when you see one.

          Since there is a lot of energy coming in there will be a rise in the spirit that dwells within each individual and it just will come out. Even members of our own family are probably ancient Egypt. Remember the scripture:

"For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."  -Matthew 10:35

We are not all Hebrew, and Yashayah tells us that.

Just like the descendants of Ham (Modern Day Africa). We mustn't say that all Blacks are Hebrews. That's why we have so many Judas- like people among our mist because we are trying to add everyone in the mix.  When it is not so. Here are some examples of the Spirit of Ancient Khemet:

"Pharaoh said, "Who is the LORD, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD and I will not let Israel go."  -Exodus 5:2

Erykah Badu


Alicia Keys




The List goes on....

       Not all of them are Hebrews. Alright... There just are some that are Egypt. Not saying that all Egyptians are bad that would be generalizing. It's just that their practices are not that great. Here are some examples of the Spirit of Ancient Israel:

Tupac Shakur


Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes

Bob Marley

Lauryn Hill


Damian Marley

     You can actually see and feel the difference between Khemet and Hebrews. That's just a few out of many examples. Remember, Hebrews are spiritually connected with the Father who is Creator of all things. Egyptians are mostly materialistic, though there are some that are conscious of whats going on but the Spirit of Egypt keeps calling. However, the main objective of this post is not all blacks are Hebrews alright. This is just the music industry, imagine the whole entire world. Because we are all scattered from all over:

"Moreover, the LORD will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth; and there you shall serve other gods, wood and stone, which you or your fathers have not known."  -Deuteronomy 28:64

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;"  - 1 Peter 2:9

Sons of Esau and Sons of Ismael are Related...

Hi Everyone,

        I found that according to the Bible, the Sons of Esau:

Are related to the Sons of Ismael:

        It is true. In the Bible, Esau married four foreign women. One Ismaelite and three Canaanites.

        And they became dukes or kings of that region. This did not go well with Issac at all but that's how it went. Esau's wives are Judith, Adah, Aholibamah, and Bashemath. 

"Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife."  -Genesis 28:9

"When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and also Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite."  -Genesis  26:34

"Esau took his wives from the women of Canaan: Adah daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Oholibamah daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite."  -Genesis 36:2

 "These were dukes of the sons of Esau."  -Genesis 36:15
  • "These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns and by their encampments; twelve princes according to their nations." Genesis 25:12

  •          Now looking into modern times dating it back, we will find that the Canaanites are now modern day Palestinian and the Hittites would be considered today's Turkey. Therefore, making them of Arabic Descent and making the descendants of Ismael and Esau related. Ismael himself was part Egyptian and Hebrew and is considered the ancestor of the Arabic linage. This is where the Father has taken me. 



            This also means that the Synagogues of Satan are related to the Arabic Linage as well and they do not know of it. What a mess. Well, this is where the genealogy of ancient to modern times lead me after extensive research because I want to cover what the Father says within the Bible and this is what I got. 

    May Abba Bless You Always.
    May Peace Be With You.

    The Original Sin

    Hi Everyone,

                  I am covering the Original Sin that was created. We were all fooled to think that Eve was the only one who created the Original Sin:

    But it wasn't Eve that created the Original Sin, it was Adam that created the Original Sin. Yes, they knew of good and evil but Adam was the one that was sown an evil heart. Not Eve. 

    " For a grain of evil seed was sown in Adam's heart from the beginning, and how much ungodliness it has produced until now—and will produce until the time of threshing comes!" - 2 Esdras 4:30

                  Adam was the one that created this Sin. Now what was so bad that He had to be kicked out? Well, I thank the Heavenly Father for allowing the Holy Spirit to help me get to the bottom of this. Okay, this is what was given to me. 

    There is a tale of Adam having a first wife. She was made out of the same dust as he was. And she was in equal status as Adam. 

    "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."  -Genesis 1:27

               However, Adam got caught up with the Serpent Seed. And decided that she was beautiful and cheated on Eve and got Cain. It wasn't that Eve (called Lilith in the tale) was angry because he wanted to have some type of power trip over her. (Though that could be some of it too.)  Yet, he has the nerve to cheat on his consort Eve with the serpent. Then, he grovels back to Eve and she forgives him and they had Abel together. Making Cain and Abel half-brothers. 

               The Father favored Abel over Cain for two reasons: (1) Abel was complete Seed of Woman. (2) Abel lived a righteous life. Abel was also the Shepherd of the Flock, like Yashayah is. As for Cain, he was part Serpent and Seed of Man: However, the serpent gene was just two strong for his godly side to subdue. Therefore, Cain submitted to the evil of the serpent. Which was actually present in both parents. The First Eve, was not the Eve that Adam was with but the Serpent which carried the name Eve. 

     So... what was Cain:

    Seed of Man and Serpent Seed

           Cain hated his brother because the Father favored Abel and lived righteous. Even though the Father extended His hand to Cain, that serpent part of Him just didn't allowed him to go forth. This is probably due to the Adam's evil heart and Serpent blood which just overall made him a bad person. So Abel was highly favored because of Eve's kind and gentle heart and he being raised mostly by her. 

    So...what was Abel:

    The Seed Of The Woman

            That is why the Seed of Woman and the Serpent Seed must be separated. 

    "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed." - Genesis 3:15

    This is how it is. The Original Sin and has always been the fact that mixing of blood came to be. Which eventually lead to all kinds of lawlessness due to the evil spirits that dwelt among them and then causing the flood to happen to cleanse all of the sin. 

    Recap: It was Adam that committed the Horrible Sin not Eve. Adam cheated on Eve and got Cain. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and Evil continued to rise. Flood happens to wash away all the sins and to start anew. 

    How did I get this conclusion you may ask?

    • There was no interaction of Cain and Eve.
    • Abel and Cain only ventured out together once when Cain killed Abel.
    • 2 Esdras talks about Adam transgression and not Eve's. Making Adam mostly to blame.
    • The tale of Lilith, (which is actually about the first Eve, but Eve didn't turn into a demon.) Lilith came from elsewhere.
    • Genesis 1:27
    • Genesis 3:15
    • Seed of Man can populate anything including genetically modified humans (serpent seed).
    • The Father Created Women in his own image and not from the rib of Adam.
    • The Father kept track of man through the Seed of the Woman in which he created in His Own Image. (X chromosome) 

    That's how things went back then but there was so much mixing going on so now its mostly about the spirit of Israel. Who is spiritually Israel. Spiritual Hebrews.

    A Closer Look At The Serpent in the Garden of Eden

    Hi Everyone,

    Is this the Serpent that lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden?

           In the book of Genesis, we are told that in Garden of Eden the serpent lied to Eve making her eat the Tree of Knowledge of knowing good and evil. Before this serpent turned into this horrible creature, we where told that it could talk and it was absolutely beautiful among all beasts in the Garden itself. So when Eve at the fruit (or Forbidden Apple as many want to call it) they were kicked out of the Garden.

    But what wass this serpent and how did it even came about? How was it able to trick Eve like that? Was Eve really that naive to take orders from a snake? 

    I don't think so.

            This serpent was subtle. It knew what buttons to push to get Eve to eat the fruit. It knew everything there was about her and how to get her to eat it. Where did the serpent even come from? 

    Its not really about what the serpent is... Its a matter of who the serpent is.

             The serpent mentioned in the Book of Genesis has nothing to do with a snake. It has something to do with something else. It obviously was smart, cunning and beautiful among all the beast in the Garden. Who is more favored by all of the beasts in the Garden besides Adam and Eve? 

    Another Human.

             The serpent was a genetically modified human made straight from the lab. Yeah, yeah, you may call it crazy and call me crazy but the Fallen Angel invented technology and has been tricking us with it this long so why is it so far fetched to be like they made a human straight from the lab. This is called the Seed of Satan because Satan made this serpent like human. It definitely has all of the traits of a human. Also, I highly doubt that Eve would even listen to anyone that didn't quite look like her. In fact, the original sin goes deeper than biting the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. I shall explain that later. 

           So this genetically modified human came up to her and convinced her to eat it because well, they didn't see anything wrong with it. Satan told them that they could eat anything they wanted and live anyway they wanted to. Meaning doing bad things. As for Eve, she lived under the rules of the Father and did right by Him. Until that incident happened. See what I mean? 

           That is where we get the word GENE out of Genesis. It's describing two sets of creation. The Seed of the Woman and the Serpent seed and how they came about and lived throughout the generations. The Serpent seed is still going strong and around today. They are currently on everything and everyone wants to be like them. They have the whole world for now until the Fallen say that their time's up.

             Do not confuse the Serpent Seed with the Nephilim. They are two different kinds of beings. The Serpent Seed is really Cain's Linage before the flood and Esau's linage after the flood. So that's pretty much where the serpent seed comes from. The Nephilim are offspring of the Fallen Ones, and they are the ones plotting to kill us until their parents get here. Then it's really going to be chaos. 

             To paraphrase this, the Serpent Seed is the genetically created humans made by the Fallen Ones (A.K.A. the 4th Adam and Eve, A.K.A. leprous breed, A.K.A. the minority of the world.) 

    NOTE: The Minorities in the United States are really the Majority in the world. Everything's flipped so... Think about that...

    May Abba Bless You Always.
    May Peace Be With You.

    Saturday, September 13, 2014

    The True Messiah

    Hi Everyone,

            Like I have stated before, there are two entities in the Bible. One being the Heavenly Father and the other being Satan. I know, its been a huge shock to me too when I found out the truth and I was extremely frustrated and I didn't know what do. So I prayed to the Father. I wanted answers of why? Then He answered me and told me. The fact that the devil is through out the bible is because he wants to distort. He wants to keep us away from the Truth. The Devil wants us so far away from the Father that we stopped believing. So he added so much nonsense in the Bible that the Holy Spirit has to guide us towards the Truth. 

            So my job in all of this is the show you guys the True Messiah out of the Bible. The One Who is rarely talked about. The One no one hardly knows. I mean we think that we know Him but once we gain knowledge through the incoming energy of the Father and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, we will start noticing and recognizing the True Messiah behind it all. So lets get started. 

             I want to cover the two most important thing ever showcased:

    Birth and Death

    The Birth of The Messiah:

             The Birth of the Messiah is not True. Yes, it hurts to know this but I must deliver the Truth and the Truth shall set us free. The Father made His Word Manifest in the Flesh. Now we are talking about the Creator of all things. He could instantly just say "Make My Word Flesh" and it will be.

    "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt with us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."  -John 1:14

    "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature."  - Colossians 1:15

     There was no Virgin Birth to begin with. That's nonsense. The Messiah came down as a man and taught everywhere around Israel and toured throughout until it was time for Him to leave the world. No Virgin Mary, whatsoever. To believe in this is to believe in the Egyptian Mythology of Isis. (Does that name sound familiar.) 

              The True Messiah came down without any help of conception. In fact, since the Heavenly Father is the Word than the Messiah is the Physical Manifestation of the Heavenly Father Himself. He came to show us the way. The right way of living. How to live in harmony. However, the biggest teaching of them all is Love. 

    The Death of The Messiah:

           This took some digging but the Messiah did not die on the cross at all. The original plan of the Romans was to lynch him on the tree after being put on trial. There was no blood being shed because the Messiah came down as a spirit to begin with. When it was time to leave the world. The Messiah was raptured up into Heaven. 

    "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."  -John 1:13

    "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being a curse for us; for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangeth on a tree"."  -Galatians 3:13

    "And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree."  -Deuteronomy 21:22

    "And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was departed from them, and carried up into Heaven."  -Luke 24:50-51

    "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight."  - Acts 1:9

    "This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will so come in the like manner as you saw Him go into Heaven."  -Acts 1:11

    "So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God."  - Mark 16:19

            The Cross dates back to ancient philosophy. The torturing device is much like the Alchemic sign of the Flamel Cross, when the serpent was slain on the cross. See:


    Flamel Cross or the Crucified Serpent

            See how cryptic that is? Come on guys. They have been playing us all this time. 

    Raising Up on the Third Day:

           This is also not True because the Messiah has been raptured up. There was no need of him rising up on the Third Day. He came as a Spirit. So he could disappear and reappear whenever he wanted to. The Third Day story stems from the Egyptian Mythology of Isis and Osiris. 

            Remember where Mary Magdalene, Virgin Mary and other women followers came and anointed Jesus body with oil and spices? For the duration that he has passed. Well, you can find the exact same story of Isis and her maids going to the tomb of Osiris and giving anointing his dead body with oil and spices until he rose from the dead on the third day. 

             I know that it is hard to accept this fact but it is the Truth. I've been holding this Truth until know because I feel that it must come out. Time is almost up and I don't even think I have enough time to deliver all of the Truth so I will deliver the most important ones. I am NOT trying to deter anyone away from the Bible or anything but I want to expose the lies found within the Bible. We cannot read the whole entire thing and expect it to be true. We have to read it sentence by sentence. Do not read it as a whole okay? I pray that the Holy Spirit guides you to the Truth of this Blog. 

    The True Messiah of Israel

            The True Messiah of Israel taught us peace and love and to live on the Earth with respect. To worship the One and Only Creator of the Universe. Who is Father to All His Creation. As for our sins that we have created on this earth. It does not take one innocent soul to die and be accounted for our sins. It is really up to the Father to forgive us or not. And Trust me when I say this:


    "I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins."  -Isaiah 43:25

    "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more."  -Hebrews 8:12

    "And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."  - Hebrews 10:17

    "And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother saying, 'Know the LORD', for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."  -Jeremiah  31:34

            The Father has never wanted any of His Children to die or to suffer. He wants the best for us just like we would want the best for our children. He will not hurt His own children for the sake of atoning of the sins. He would teach us the right way and forgive us. It would take His Loving Heart to Forgive our sins and reunite with us in the end. The Father chose to Forgive us. The Father Chose to reunite with us and He continued to Love us even though we are not perfect. That is the true beauty of His Love and His Soul. Don't you see? He would never even think to kill His Sons nor His Daughters. The Father believes in Discipline, NOT killing. 

    "I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour."  -Isaiah 43:11

    May Abba Bless You Always.
    May Peace Be With You.

    moon cycle