Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Armageddon: Final Showdown!!

Hi Everyone,

       Another topic I would like to discuss is the fact that Armageddon is in the process of setting up and no one really knows it. WW3 as we like to call it politically is in fact the Armageddon explained in the Bible. Do not be fooled because its going to be way more than just Christianity, Islam, and Judaism fighting. We will also have the Fallen Ones coming down themselves to join in on the fight. As a matter of fact, we have the spirit of violence and war that is creeping upon the Earth right now. I believe that once the President is assassinated, we will see all of this go into florescent. It is something how things come together.

 Where is Armageddon is going to take place?

        The event is going to be world wide but the brunt (or Main Event) will be taking place in America. I looked at how everything is gathered here. We have ISIS over here. we have Russian soldiers over here. We have Chinese soldiers over here. We have lots of foreign people over here that particularly don't like America. We even have the Synagogues of Satan over here. Everything points to the U.S. becoming a battleground for all who want to war. During Obama's speech about ISIS the American Icon of the Eagle with the arrows and palms was placed in a particular order where there was rope overlaying the design which basically represents the lynching or hanging of America. 

See the Eagle Hanging? Do you see how his American Flag pendant is Hanging as well?

        They are telling you what is going to befall America guys. Okay? So it is best to get ready for all of this stuff that has been talked about. With Martial Law and everything else that wasn't so great for the world. Remember, in order to set up their "empire" or "kingdom" or whatever they want to call it. They have to tear it down. Now why do you think that Obama tells everyone that he doesn't want any "Boots on the Ground" when dealing with ISIS?:

        To give ISIS time to set up and blow up the White House. They told us what they were going to do in their videos. So it should not be a surprise when it happens. In actually not even in Iraq at all. What you see is a prop like how directors do movies. ISIS is really in America, waiting for the call from the government to go ahead and shut us down. Isn't that something....

       The angel of the abyss will also have his eye set on America as well this is why we see in movies the city:

New York

San Francisco

           These cities are the ones that he looks at the most. Hence the movies, "Day After Tomorrow", and "Godzilla". They tell us these things. Please listen to what is being told to you. America is the place for Armageddon. The actual gathering. Yeah you are going to have some things pop off here and there from around the world but America is the main event. What we are witnessing right now is just appetizers for the sick demons that play this game. We are the full course meal , and it will impact the whole entire world. So those who are left here will not come out unscathed, okay?

"And the demonic spirits gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place with the Hebrew name [Armageddon]."  -Revelation 16:16

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