Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Real Two Witnesses Quoted in the Bible

Hi Everyone,

            So Who are the Two Witnesses in the Bible?

       Well, there has been a lot of speculation about who the Two Witnesses might be. I know for sure I was. I'm sure that we all wondered have the Two Witnesses have already gone? When will they show? Where will they come from? Well, I come to tell you that the Father (Bless His Beautiful Spirit) has told me the answer. Actually the Two Witnesses are not even Human, but Spirits. The Two Witnesses are:




          Yep, this is true guys. I was blown away when I was told this. Then it makes perfect sense. Heaven and Earth are the only beings fit for the job. The job of the Two Witnesses is to record, report and prophesy. Heaven and Earth (the two candlesticks and lamp stands that stand before the Lord) has the power to prophesy and record everything that has happened since the beginning all the way to the end. 

        Remember that during the end times, both judgement will be bestowed upon Heaven and upon Earth. Earth is in charge to prophesy of the events happening on Earth while Heaven is in charge of prophesy in Heaven.  It makes perfect sense know. And now the Heavens and the Earth will be judged. After it's all said and done, Heaven and Earth will pass away.

         Just like the Two Witnesses will pass away after they are killed. After that the Two Witnesses will be resurrected. Which is the New Heaven and the New Earth. Isn't that just mind-blowing. This is super awesome. And yes, Heaven and Earth is very much hated because they testify to the Father of all the evil being committed here on both planes. In order to understand this (or over stand/inner stand this) you have to been able to know that everything is alive. This is the number one rule of the entire universe. 

Everything is Alive.

          So these are the Two Witnesses quoted in the Bible. It was so awesome that I had to share this with you guys. I hope this helps.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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