Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Animals are going to heaven too

Greetings Everyone,

            My mom ran across a blog from someone claiming that animals do no have a chance to go to heaven. Once they are gone, they are gone. In heaven, you will not find any animals there. My mom told me about his logic and wanted my opinion on it. I decided to make a blog about it just in case there are some who are thinking this way.

               For those who do. I want to tell you that I disagree with this logic. If that was the case, would there not be any animals here? Animals have souls just like humans do. Therefore, they have an equal chance to get to heaven just like we, humans, do. Just like I observe human interactions with other humans, the same goes for when I observe animal interactions with other animals. They have the same equal amount of emotions just like humans do. They can be happy, sad, mad, jealous, excited, playful, hold grudges and other emotions that are known to man. There is more than meets the eyes about the animals other than what we see on Animal Planet.

                They do have souls. Plants have souls everything that is created on earth has a purpose and a soul. There will be some of you that will disagree with me on that but that is really my personal opinion. Every living thing has a soul and they undergo the same process as we do. We are born into the world, live and grow, and die in the end. That is one point that I have regarding to the "there is no animals in heaven" theory.

                 Another point that I may add is... according to the First book of Adam and Eve. Adam himself claims the bodily flesh as an animal body. He does not think that this body has any physical dominion over the animals in any way. The dominion over the trees and animals were when they were in their celestial bodies. Yes it is true that flesh cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. So that means that we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven either considering our state. So does that mean that the animals somehow have a celestial state as well? I think so because souls are not of flesh. Souls are celestial that rest in the body until their earthly life has finished. That is another point that I have in regards to that theory.

                  Another thing is Ahayah has many mansions, as stated by Yeshua. "In my father's house, there are many mansions, if it was not so, I would have told you." Yes, Ahayah has many mansions. So out of all of those mansions, not one single animal can reside in at least one mansion? That does not make any sense to me. Maybe in this guy's heaven he may not want to be bothered with heaven but it is wrong to flat out say that animals do not have a place in heaven... PERIOD. If that was the case, Ahayah would have not created them here.

                 I believe that there are going to be animals, plants, trees, waters, ponds, lakes, waterfalls, and beautiful skies. Just nature in general. Nature here in the 3D earth is really the closest thing to Ahayah. If you get into nature you are also building a personal relationship with Ahayah, the Most High. For He sends messages through nature and through the animals. However, according to this particular minister, there will not be any animals residing in heaven. I just find that very hard to believe. I believe that animals have a covenant with Ahayah just like we have a covenant with Ahayah and those who follow their commandments will go to heaven just like those of us who follow our commandments will go to heaven too. It may be different than our covenant but I believe that they have one.

              Life is a major test to see if we are able to follow the instructions given to us by our Father Ahayah. If we pass we will go to the next level which is called the 5D earth or new earth. If we fail than we will stay here in hell. Which I have established in my latest blog about this earth being "Hell on Earth" because the Devil himself has been on earth the whole entire time.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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