Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Warning: The Fall of America

Greetings Everyone,

            Today, as I was sitting in a quiet room, meditating approximately around 7:30 in the evening. I started to have an open conversation with Ahayah, Whom I call Abba. His energy was so strong before me and when He spoke to me I felt a tremble in my spirit for it was moved by His Voice.

            Today I have received a message about the collapse of America. How the blood red moon that is going to take place next week is a sign or a warning to America about His Judgement that will be bestowed on her. She will pay for the sins that she has committed over the years and the punishment is fierce.

            This punishment will start with the economic collapse of America. Do not be fooled by the numbers of the stocks on Wall Street for they are fabricating a lie. The stocks are not going up they are, in truth, plummeting to the floor. I was now then told, in meditation to release the information I received back in September from Abba. So here is the information I have received and was told to release:

                    Warn Everyone about the downfall of America for her judgement will be swift and painful. She  has created many sins that she must pay for. Economic collapse will be on her head. The riches that she has will no longer support her. The federal subsides will be cut off among her people. She will turn crippled and weak and no other nation will be there to give her aid. There will be famine among her people. Government supported jobs will be no more. Natural disasters are going become worst and worst among her shores. There will be no more pleasurable moments in her sight. She will become a 3rd world country. Her people will have civil unrest. Brother against brother, and sister against sister. Sheer chaos for she will know that I AM HE.

            After receiving this message in September I have already started to notice some of the early signs with the continual plummeting of unemployment, but after watching Youtube videos of what is really going on in America today. My spirit trembled strongly for a while. This message is indeed a real message. I know that there are some of you that have seen or heard messages from false prophets and such. I am in no way claiming to be a prophet in any way, shape, or  fashion. I just want to warn you all about this very strong message that I have received in September and today is a reinforcement of that.

            My dear brothers and sisters and dear friends, do take this time to prepare for the worst. I do not know anything about dates however, I was told that in this month of October, there will be a series of events that will shape the world into the Great Tribulation. So from October onward will be events that will shape the world into tribulation. In order to avoid the famine please get prepared now. Please do not rely on Food Stamps because it will eventually come to an end. I believe that the EBT Shutdown is really another drill to test peoples reactions to certain situation like this one. 

          Please get prepared for the worst, also know that these events also signal the Coming of Ahayah. So for those who are lukewarm sober up on your faith because things are only going to get worst here in America. Get prepared and be safe, okay?

May Ahayah Bless You.

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