Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Celestial Body Vs. The Terrestrial Body

Greetings Everyone,

             I know in this spiritual journey one is looking to find his or herself. Confusion always rises when wondering "who am I exactly?" or "where did I come from?" As some begin to grow older and feel like some sort of outcast you may even think "why am I not fitting in with everyone? why is is that others can fit into a conversation so casually? Why am I treated like a stranger all of the time? No matter who I meet and converse with." Do not worry. You may resonated with your celestial body earlier than others. What I mean by that is... The Celestial body is your true body. It is your Higher self. The spiritual being. Everyone has connections with their celestial parts but they may not have made any specific attachments to their celestial selves to their physical selves. When they see others that are in fact in touch with their celestial selves then they tend to attack the other person for it.

                 Please know that you are different for a reason and it is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You are more in touch with yourself as a celestial being than a physical being. You are more in touch with the true you that is embedded inside of your DNA. Thus, leading to the topic of the celestial body verses the terrestrial body. As to where you come from, you come from Ahayah, our Elohim.

                 The Terrestrial Body is your body in the flesh. It is also a home for the ego, your lower self. It is the one that is attached to everything that is materialistic. For example, you need to get a new car because your the current car that you have now has broken down. You are searching for a new car at the dealership. You finally see a car that you really want, but it seems to be out of your price range. However, you will do anything by all means to get this car. You wanted this car ever since you seen it on the television advertisements. You instantly, without thinking it out first, tell the dealer that you want to by this car and you want to finance the car. You get the car that you want but it has an expensive car note attached to it and you have to work overtime to sustain the car inside of your driveway in fear that it will eventually get towed away by the car recovery services.

                  All of this stems from the ego having attachment to the physical pleasures of this world. When making important decisions the ego is usually the first thought that comes to mind. Choosing the car example again, when you see a new car that the dealer says that you can have because your credit is up to par. The first thought may be, "Heck yeah, are you kidding me? Of course, I want this ride. I have been dreaming of having this car for ages. I mean look at it. Its a sweet ride. Where do I sign and give me the key right now?" The terrestrial brain usually does not take into consideration that you may not have enough money for mortgage for the next month or any other potential disasters that can happen in the coming months. The physical brain process is more so based on "if I can get it now, than why not?" This usually promotes "illogical" thinking. Physical thinking is also based on how others will perceive you which develops high potential of low self-esteem issues as well.

                 The Celestial Body is your Higher self. Your true self. Your personality before it is altered by the physical world. Interest that you have always been attach to ever since you were a little child. The Celestial body is you at your purest form. Usually you are at your purest from when you are a child. When you progress or have progressed into adolescence the environmental changes have altered your mind state and personality state for the sake of fitting in. However, if you have preserved your personality through out then you have more tides to your celestial self than others around your environmental space.

                 For example, you have been invited to a party by a friend of yours. You and your friend are polar opposites. He or she like to party and enjoy the night life, you, however, prefer to stay home or engage in more smaller crowd based settings. Your first thought is to kindly reject the offer of his or her party, but for the sake of your friend and how he or she would think of you, despite your initial instincts, you decide to go anyway. Thus, leading you to not like the party at all. Not just because of the crowd, but the loud music, the excessive drinking, the party games, and other factors that make you very uncomfortable. The first thought, that initial instinctive thought, whats your celestial self speaking. You know that you don't want to deal with this kind of setting, but decide to accept the offer anyway.

                 When you accepted that offer, you have shown submission to your lower self. Your physical self. The other you that cares about how other people perceive you. Your illusionary self. If you declined the offer, then you are doing what is best for you at within that situation. You did not engage into a situation that is considered hazardous. I know that some of you are thinking what is physically hazardous about partying? I'm not saying that there is nothing wrong with having fun here and there but I am speaking about factors that are spiritually hazardous. Hazardous to your spirit. Only you know what is best for you spiritually. I am just here to tell you not to engage into anything that is going to be spiritually hazardous to you for the sake of others. This will lead to a spiritual break.

                  If this happens, it will take, if ever, forever to recover from. You will become extremely depressed because it will seem like you have somewhere in your life lost yourself. How can you lose yourself if you have not found yourself in the first place? The answer is habits and personal decisions. Sacrificing yourself for the sake of others will result in a spiritual break because you have invested your whole being
into public relations. Whether it is inside or outside of the circle. It will cause psychological trauma to your spiritual self. Habits can be a factor if it is something that you have picked up from someone because it looked cool not because it was something that you like. This can happen unconsciously. If you all of a sudden wonder this question: "When did I start picking this habit up?" It would be best to wing yourself off of it.

             In conclusion, the celestial body is your true self, higher self, natural actions based on instinct, interests that you have ever since you were little, pure personality traits, basically you in your purest form. The terrestrial body is your lower self, the illusionary self, low self-esteem, actions based on social status, environmental personality traits, basically you after environmental molds. The lower self has a tendency to always wonder what the other person is thinking about them. Please note that this is not you. You are not someone who deserves to be analyzed under a microscope. So don't give anyone the pleasure by being their test subject so they can bisect you and try to know every little thing there is to know about you. Do not give them that option. Remember we are trying to prevent psychological spiritual trauma.

                   We are trying to have even more stronger tides to our spiritual/celestial selves. Yeshua Ha'Mashiach was always connected with his celestial being on his time on earth and did not cave or submit to his physical self for the sake of others. Because of this he was mocked excessively and went through a lot of mental as well as physical agony and distress but it did not break his spirit. He continued to teach and speak about what he believed in no matter who protested against him. He remained true and pure to himself until the very end. We are all trying to get to that level of comfortability were we can remain pure and true to ourselves and not fall into temptation of others or submit to our lower selves for the sake of others.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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