Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Essence of The Holy Spirit

Greetings Everyone,

               I was just looking outside of the window. As my eyes gaze upon the trees and the sky and the breeze that briskly walks past the tree, an idea came across my mind. Why don't I talk about the Holy Spirit and its wonderful essence in the world. Some people talk about the Holy Spirit but do not really know or understand the full essence of it.

                   The Holy Spirit is what lives inside of you. That resides with your soul. When you feel something deep inside of yourself and you do not understand what is exactly going on inside of you than that is the Holy Spirit that lives inside of you. I believe that everyone has the Holy Spirit with in them. Some have called it intuition. Remember that the Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Truth. Some misunderstand the description of it when they go inside of a church and they see random people stand up and just start jumping and screaming and go into these seizures of some sort. That is not the true essence of the Holy Spirit. That is more so of a testimony or some even do it for show.

                   The Holy Spirit is what I call the primary connection between Ahayah and you. Ahayah will tell you things through the Holy Spirit. This Spirit is highly active especially through dreams and visions. People also call this Spirit a gut feeling or any other nickname that others have called it.

                    Not everyone confides in the Holy Spirit. They do not take heed to what Ahayah tell them and they end up regretting their own choices later. The Power of the Holy Spirit can either excel within you or diminish within you. If the Holy Spirit excels in you, you will begin to realize that their are no coincidences to the events that happen in your life. You will begin to understand the universal laws of karma, attraction, free will and other universal laws that follow. You will have more appreciation to the life that you were given by Ahayah and will appreciate Ahayah more for this amazing journey that we call life.

                   If the Holy Spirit is diminishing within you, then you will find yourself losing hope in life in general. You will begin to look to materialistic things to make you happy. You tend to find yourself disliking people who talk about Ahayah and how their lives have improved and pass it off as some false testimony. You can find yourself attractive towards the Gothic side of life, whether it is a certain lifestyle, dark clothes, or anything else that is resembling negativity. You may even find yourself into deep major depression that could lead to suicide.

                    The Holy Spirit is important because it is a major connection between the spiritual world and you within the physical world. It is up to you to embrace the Holy Spirit that resides within you and receive messages from Ahayah. It can be scary at first but no need to be afraid. Just embrace the Holy Spirit.

How will I know I am receiving messages from Ahayah and not some negative entity?

                     No negative entity can contact you through the Holy Spirit, besides no one can contact you or move you through the Holy Spirit than Ahayah. Remember do not be afraid of the Holy Spirit that resides within you. Just learn to listen to your intuition because that is the Spirit within you. It is always telling you the Truth.

May Ahayah Bless You.

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