Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Sunday, October 6, 2013

We Are In Tribulation Times

Greetings Everyone,

              The first thing for those who have just stumbled upon this blog/site and are not fully aware of this fact. We are in Tribulation times. The events that you are seeing are the beginning of the tribulation times. This is a fact that the churches will not tell you. Not many talk about the Revelation because it's a whole bunch of doom and gloom. This will catch a lot of people off guard. Those who are not aware of the times. If you compare the events happening now and the events described in the Revelation, it's identical. 

               We have entered a time where sin and lawless people are running the governments worldwide. I have had dreams of the destruction worldwide. Natural disasters are everywhere and are only going to get worst because of the pool shifting. Seasonal change are present everywhere. Remember when God said that you will not know the seasons. Well, its definitely happening now. Society as a whole has taken a huge hit due to the fall of the economy worldwide. Since society is basically running on money and as the money decays, society itself will crumble to pieces.

               That's why it is so important to detach from all this materialistic stuff. It is nothing but a huge distraction. No good will come out of it. It will leave you even more stressed out than anything else on the planet. Do not become those described in the bible in Timothy, "as those who become lovers of money." There is no need to worry about money. It will not be present in the kingdom of God and you do not have to worry about any of that materialistic stuff ever again.

                The Trumpets are already beginning to sound from all over the planet. You must be prepared to make that drastic change and let go of all off all of this materialistic stuff and work towards the higher good. Do what your spiritual self advise you. Go out and help people who are really in need of essentials.  By all means use your talents. It would be great to see good works spread around the world, despite the Tribulation period.

                I say and share this information with love. I want you guys to become ready. As we speak I feel the kingdom of God getting ready to be bestowed upon earth. A new millennium reign will come, but first the world must go unto great tribulation.  However, in order to get into the kingdom of God, you must preform good deeds to those who are in need. You can spread the gospel to those who lack knowledge. There are many ways to contribute to the world in of course a non-profitable way. Use your talents that God has given you. I promise your spirit will become fully refreshed each time you help someone and you will begin to become spiritually nourished by the good deeds you do for your fellow neighbors.

May Ahayah (God) Bless You. 

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