Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Righteous Gains Eternal Life

Greetings Everyone,

            I know that the last post may seem daunting as I, myself, felt sheer agony when I found out the truth about it all. However, even through this difficult time, please know that the righteous will prevail against all evils of the world and gain eternal life with Ahayah, the Most High. He will shield us from the evil and destroy those who rise against His servants.

           I know that for sure because many times in both the Biblical Text and the text of the Lost Books, Ahayah, promised His servants that He will give them eternal life forever and ever. I know Abba and He does not fail on any of His promises. He always deliver His judgements, swiftly, just and rules with great power. So do not fear, for Ahayah, the Most High is always with you. No matter the circumstances.

          So continue my brothers and sisters continue to do righteous acts even though it seems like the world is shattering apart all around you. Do not fear any of it for it is written and whatever is written has to come to pass. That I do know for sure. The righteous will get eternal life with Ahayah for all eternity.

          As for the Children of Israel, you will get your inheritance like Ahayah, the Most High has promised because you are His firstborn. Remember that the Most High brought His firstborn Israel out of the land of Egypt and the House of Bondage. He has not forgotten about any of you. So do not give up hope. You will be reinstated as a nation again by the Father, Himself, unlike the "fulfilled" prophecy of the State of Israel in 1948. Please my dear brothers and sister do not believe this lie for they are not the True Children of Israel. For those who do not know who the Real Children of Israel are I have written a blog entry about "The Return of Israel."

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