Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mars Retrograde Raise Chances of War

Greetings Everyone,

         Be prepared to hear about more war as Mars Retrogrades on March 1 to May 19. I will call this the war period because Mars is the War planet and soon as it was rolling in on Feb 18-20, I notice Ukraine and Thailand intensifying their clashes with the government.

         This time Mars will be retrograding in Libra, the balancing scales, often represented as the symbol of justice. I usually don't push this issue but forbid that this is happening while these planets are around. With that said, I cannot overlook this. So please watch the planets and study what the planets are all about and what they do. This will help understand what is going on and it will help verify that we are indeed in the hour of judgement. So whatever you guys got to do, do it now. I'm afraid that this is the calm before the storm. I am just giving you what I have been recently shown by Abba (God) and I want you guys to know that this is it. The Tribulation/Cleansing period had begun. I just want you guys to know that the nations are going to get more restless. As Saturn retrogrades on March 2 to June 20. The crops are going to be scarce. So you guys get ready. Be prepared, do not be caught in shame of your nakedness. Please prepare. Okay guys, be safe. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Mercury New Retrograde

Greetings Everyone,

        Hope everyone is having a great Sabbath day. Today I wanted to talk more about Mercury. There is a new date for Mercury. It retrogrades in on June 7th. This is a definite day too watch because there is already lots of problems going on financially all over the world globally. This might be the day where Mercury puts the final nail on the coffin. Now Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini the Twins. This is like the ultimate power for the spirit of Mercury to really put it down far as money is concerned. I mean really. Why are all of these rich bankers all of a sudden killing themselves. I mean there has to be something coming. And it is HUGE!!! I just want you guys to be prepared for this because its going to be a domino effect. Its going to be a global financial catastrophe. I may not have all of the details but I am seeing a pattern with the planets, now. I know you guys are like, "yeah right" but Mercury is retrograding right now as we speak, and I'm seeing so many people as well as myself feeling the effects as far as financial problems. So there is so something to this guys. Remember, Abba said look to the heavens and the planets are apart of the heavens and these planets are like in our orbit and we can see them and that has never really happened before to this degree so. I think that they are going to put influential forces upon us. So please if you have time at the 2014 Planetary Overview and you can see for yourself about the orbits.

         Also, I had a dream about Saturn again guys. The crops are going to go belly up really soon so stock on food. Okay guys, be safe. Much Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Saturn: The Black Horse

Greetings Everyone,

Black Horse

          I wanted to talk in detail about the black horse. I have already said that Abba has told me that the Black Horse is represented by Saturn. I wanted to tell you that each planet has God-given abilities to influence our planet, Earth, at will. This planets are actually angels in disguise. They are not up there for decoration or to be tampered with by NASA or any other space program that is going up there. They are not suppose to be there. Okay, enough rambling. Lets talk about Saturn.


           Many centuries ago, Saturn was considered in both Greek and Roman Mythology to be the "god" of Agriculture. We were then taught to believe that these things are not true forbid that they are a myth. As I received this revelation about Saturn just a couple of days ago. I was so moved that I had to right it down in my dream book, whatever I receive from Abba I try my absolute best to write it down. In my dream of revelation, I was shown in the planet Saturn. I was wondering within my dream of why I was shown this. Then I noticed that I was getting closer and closer until I ended up in the planets atmosphere. On Saturn, we all know that there is a hexagonal figure, also called the corona that rotates. Now with this said, I was taken to Saturn's corona and within it there was a place. An open place that resembles the hexagonal figure.


             Now within this figure there was a group of beings surrounding it. The hexagonal figure was turning and turning and the group of beings had staffs and they were doing magic. These beings seem like there where High Priests and High Priestesses and there was a head one in the group that was doing different movements than the others and there beamed rays. Black rays from Saturn to the Earth. And we will fill the effects of them. Today, I realized what this dream represents. This represents the failing of the crops due to the forces of Saturn commanded by the Will of God. This is the power of the black horse. February is the 2nd month and number 2 represents the number of manifestation. This is where things are going to be set up for the Great Judgement day that has befallen upon us. Saturn will be in front of the constellation of Libra and in May it will officially be in the constellation of Libra, thus having a major effect on the crops.

Black Rays

          The black rays that I say represents the invisible rays that have came from Saturn to earth. I feel that I need to let you guys know this right now so you can have time to prepare. But please do it quickly for we do not have much time left to get these things done. May is only 2 months away from here. So please prepare food quickly. This is all that I have right now. I will update you if Abba has told me something else that needs to be published right away. Thanks for listening. Be safe guys and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Four Horsemen Explained

Greetings Everyone,

Four Horsemen!

         Today I wanted to talk about the Four Horsemen. In the Chinese New Year, you will see that it is the year of the Horse. I have noticed on Youtube that everyone is looking for the Pale Horse. I was also looking for the Pale Horse. However, Abba, blessed be His Name, has revealed to me who the Four Horsemen are. The First Horsemen have already gone, now we have three more Horsemen to go.

The White Horse

"And I saw and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow;
and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer."
Revelations 6:2

        The White Horse was Comet Ison. When Comet Ison when around the Sun, it was in the constellation of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the Archer. Comet Ison was also declared as the brightest star in the sky. For it be that bright then it has to be white in color. 

Comet Ison true formation.

       This horse is considered to bring pestilence. Plagues and illnesses, this includes the die off of beasts.

The list goes on.

The Red Horse

"And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him
that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they shall kill one another:
and there was given unto him a great sword. "
Revelations 6:4

     The Red horse is Mars. Mars is associated with war and it will be at its closest in April 18. April 18 happens on a Tuesday and Tuesday is Mars ruling day. Therefore war and violence will be very prominent around this time. 

Mars- The War Planet

    Violence is already happening but I fear that there will be an all out war coming this mid-year. War will increase ten-fold. So please watch.

The Black Horse

"I beheld, and lo a black horse: and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny; and see
thou hurt not the oil and the wine."
Revelations 6:5-6

   The black horse is Saturn. Saturn is the ruling planet of the agriculture. It is at its closest to earth on May 10. May 10 is on a Saturday and that is the ruling day for Saturn. Since Abib is coming close this year then the crops will have trouble growing and the food supply will be very scarce. 


   Guys if you have not stocked up on food. Now is the chance, because this planet is going to send out a global famine across the board.

The Pale Horse

"And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death,
and Hell followed him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of
the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with
the beast of the earth."
Revelations 6:8

The Pale Horse is Pluto. This planet has been associated with the Underworld. The one who presides over the dead. Though this will not be the case but he is one of the Four Horsemen nonetheless.


  Since it is no longer a planet and it is not being watched like the others I cannot tell you when he will hit our orbit. Though I do know that he will square off with Uranus in the mid-year. I know that this sounds quite insane but this is what Abba has revealed to me. Planets are not just planets that are just up there for decoration but they are indeed celestial beings and they all have specific orders to fulfill by the will of Abba. Okay guys, be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Economic Crash: Get Money Out NOW!!

Greetings Everyone,

Get your money out! Don't rely on the banks!

       I have recently received word about the stock market crash and more healthcare problems as far as policy is concerned. Abba told me that there is going to be a downfall of the economy. He showed me that businesses will go down and that celebrities are going to have problems as well. I have already said that Mercury is the ruler of economic affairs. Now mercury is going to be coming in during February 15-18 2014. That is kind of interesting since their will be a drill being constructed around this time. So if you have money in stocks or whatever investment that you have please be sure to take your money out. All of it. If you live in the UK and other EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, WATCH THE ECB!!! I don't know much about the ECB, but Abba showed me the name and it's not looking good for the EURO. Brothers and Sisters in the EU region, I recommend that you take your money out of the banks and stocks as well. Brothers and sisters living in America, I advise you to get your money out NOW! Because when it falls its going to fall. This is the latest world that I have received.

Watch them! Not looking good of the Euro!

        Okay guys, be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Recommendation Site: True Essence Flows

Greetings Everyone,

      I have created a site that is more grounded and rooted towards Universal teaching. Spiritual Teaching. This blog was to start like that but there has been so much going on that I have lost track and spent most of my time covering what the Dark Ones has been doing to us and be reporting on that. I will talk about more things that I have found out and more things that I have written down as Abba has been talking to me. However, back to the recommendation site. I call this site: True Essence Flows. I have put a lot of work into it and with Abba's help I was able to complete the site and its nearly fully functional. I have not set up a contact page for the site yet. For those who what to mail in afterwards. The email is this: I think that it will be really awesome to have that. So if you want to have more of a spiritual grounded teaching then I suggest my new site True Essence Flows. I hope that you all enjoy it.

    I will still be here on this site to give you guys the latest news on whats going on and what Abba has been telling me. So I will NOT move. okay? Remember to be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

2014: Beginning of Tribulation Period

Greetings Everyone,

Start of  Great Tribulation Period

         Abba has revealed to me that 2014 is the beginning of our troubles. We are going to see so much violence and bloodshed and many people lives fallen in danger and lost. I have hidden much information because again, I do not know how you all are going to take this so I will work very hard to make sure to explain it. Last year around September, I have received word that Babylon (a.k.a. America) will fall and will be crumbled to the ground because of all of the iniquities that she has committed against Abba. I also revealed who the dragon was, the beast, and the false prophet. I also told you that the beast will be killed.

Influential Forces of the Planets will hit the Earth. Changing Behaviors.

         These are not new prophecies that I have revealed. I have told you these things in previous blogs. However, I have developed new information that I will now reveal to you. Earth is moving out of our natural alignment and moving to other places. This is why the Earth has been acting differently. Something that I have never experienced before. I noticed that Earth is going through a lot of changes. Now we are also able to visibly see planets in an order that not natural. They are very close to Earth and the magnetic field of Earth. In February, we see that Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. I have gotten a buzz word from Abba about Mercury and to look into it. I did what I was told and it lead me to Greek mythology. Before you guys start calling me false. Think with me for just a second once I tell you about what Mercury represents. Now we all know that the Bible went from Hebrew to Greek to English (to keep the list short.) So it is not so far-fetched that we see Greek words in it that lead us to Greek mythology. Now in Greek mythology, Mercury is considered the ruler of Commerce, Travel, and Thievery. Around this time, we have noticed that there has been a lot of security breaches, frauding, and the government running out of money. Mercury has come to take away money completely. When it comes around again at the end of February, I'm sure more damage is going to happen. Later on we will have Venus coming around, this is going to bring sexual immorality around the world. See, whats happening to California? They are making it legal to marry their animals. Disgusting.

          Mars, being the war planet, will bring about violence. Nations will get extremely restless and anxious to go to war. As we see, China, Russia, U.S., Thailand, Ukraine and others are now fighting each other whether it is nation against nation or governments against citizens. It will not be long before a war breaks out. Saturn comes in and is the ruler of the agriculture. With that said, I believe that it will start famine across the land. We also have Jupiter which symbolizes the ruler of the planets and also represents law and order of injustice. The planets are not evil, however, planets do contain spirits. If they were did planets they would no longer exist. Even the Moon is a living spirit. Read Sixth and Seventh book of Moses. You will see what I am talking about. Now, these influential forces of the planets are going to have a major effect on us. Why? Because of our frequencies in our bodies. If you do not have enough high frequencies in your bodies then you will most likely fall victim to the influence that each planet brings.

             Again, I am not blaming the planets at all for what is happening. My basic belief is that the planets are bringing about judgement as well. This is major. I tell you that the planet Mercury is going to start our economic demise. America, we are running out of money and China will no longer support our debt at all. So, I advise you to definitely safe money on the side and get it out of the banks because if you do not then you will fall victim to theft and freezing by the banks. So take as much money if not all out of there as soon as possible and begin stocking up for food and water and other necessities. Okay? Once more I will leave a list of the planets this month and I will reveal the rest once Abba tells me to do so.

  • Mercury- Ruler of Commerce, Travel and Thievery. (In this case it will definitely be Thievery)
  • Venus- Pros: Beauty, and Love. (In this case it will be Whoredom and Sexual Immorality)
  •  Jupiter- Ruler of Law and Order, Weather, Sky and Fate. (In this case it will be Injustice)
  • Saturn- Ruler of Agriculture (In this case, it will be Famine)
  • Mars- Ruler of War

      That is all I have for right now. Please take this seriously and stock up, okay? I will talk with you guys later. Be safe and lots of love. 

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.
moon cycle