Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Friday, February 14, 2014

Saturn: The Black Horse

Greetings Everyone,

Black Horse

          I wanted to talk in detail about the black horse. I have already said that Abba has told me that the Black Horse is represented by Saturn. I wanted to tell you that each planet has God-given abilities to influence our planet, Earth, at will. This planets are actually angels in disguise. They are not up there for decoration or to be tampered with by NASA or any other space program that is going up there. They are not suppose to be there. Okay, enough rambling. Lets talk about Saturn.


           Many centuries ago, Saturn was considered in both Greek and Roman Mythology to be the "god" of Agriculture. We were then taught to believe that these things are not true forbid that they are a myth. As I received this revelation about Saturn just a couple of days ago. I was so moved that I had to right it down in my dream book, whatever I receive from Abba I try my absolute best to write it down. In my dream of revelation, I was shown in the planet Saturn. I was wondering within my dream of why I was shown this. Then I noticed that I was getting closer and closer until I ended up in the planets atmosphere. On Saturn, we all know that there is a hexagonal figure, also called the corona that rotates. Now with this said, I was taken to Saturn's corona and within it there was a place. An open place that resembles the hexagonal figure.


             Now within this figure there was a group of beings surrounding it. The hexagonal figure was turning and turning and the group of beings had staffs and they were doing magic. These beings seem like there where High Priests and High Priestesses and there was a head one in the group that was doing different movements than the others and there beamed rays. Black rays from Saturn to the Earth. And we will fill the effects of them. Today, I realized what this dream represents. This represents the failing of the crops due to the forces of Saturn commanded by the Will of God. This is the power of the black horse. February is the 2nd month and number 2 represents the number of manifestation. This is where things are going to be set up for the Great Judgement day that has befallen upon us. Saturn will be in front of the constellation of Libra and in May it will officially be in the constellation of Libra, thus having a major effect on the crops.

Black Rays

          The black rays that I say represents the invisible rays that have came from Saturn to earth. I feel that I need to let you guys know this right now so you can have time to prepare. But please do it quickly for we do not have much time left to get these things done. May is only 2 months away from here. So please prepare food quickly. This is all that I have right now. I will update you if Abba has told me something else that needs to be published right away. Thanks for listening. Be safe guys and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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