Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Monday, October 27, 2014

Earth Moving Towards the Orion Constellation

Hi Everyone,

          I really don't know how to explain this but I going to do my best and just put it out there. As I have stated in my earlier blogs, the Earth is moving. She's moving further and further out into the dwarf galaxies. In the philosophy of the New Age Lightworkers, there is much talk about the Sirius Sun, Isis and the Rise of Consciousness. However, in the bold face of reality, you are not going to get any rise of Consciousness through these bodies. They are not "Heavenly" Beings. They are highly demonic and have been set on the opposite side of the Milky Way for a reason.

Sirius Star

        The Egyptians worshiped this star as the way shower to Heaven. Due to it being the brightest star in the sky, it is highly valued in many ancient civilizations of it being the Bridge to Heaven or the Light of the Universe. This star had very significant value back then. Yet it is not placed anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere of the Celestial Sphere but at the Northern Hemisphere of the Celestial Sphere. The Northern Hemisphere of the Celestial Equator is where all the evil constellations reside. Canis Major and Orion is one of them. Since Earth is where Sirius is, we are expected to go through some changes. In fact, Sirius is right behind our Sun as we speak and it does NOT carry photosynthesis like our Sun does. In actuality, its sucking all the life out of our Sun and as a result, the plants are dying and we have famine. That's why food is going through all the GMO's because we don't have any real food. Everything has to be produced from genes of another organism which can ultimately change our DNA. 

      If you go outside right now, be sure to take a camera and some sunglasses. Put the sunglasses directly over the lenses of your camera and you will be surprised by what you see out there. Always, wondering why our Sun is being chem-trailed all the time? Its because there are other celestial bodies there. We are constantly orbiting around other solar systems. Our Solar System did not follow the True Laws of the Father and going to the Celestial Court of Trial and will receive their Judgement. Earth isn't alone though. We have our own Solar System, dwarf galaxies, evil nebulae, Sirius Star, Rigel Stars and Evil Constellations. All will be judged accordingly. 

Witch Head Nebula with Rigel Star

        We must understand that we are literally in Hell right now. See what the Devil doesn't want you to know is that we are in his domain and in his mini solar system that he made. All of the suffering, killing, illnesses, famine and everything that we know in this world is something that he made. That's basically our whole life story from beginning to end in every reincarnation we ever had to do. So no, the Heavenly Father would NEVER hurt His Children. He would NEVER send famine, war, illnesses or kill ANYBODY! 

       Orion is like one of the top evil constellations that we can ever travel across. There is so much hype about this constellation, but please do not be fooled. Orion doesn't give a crap about us. He wants to destroy us. I know it may sound crazy to hear constellations, nebulae and other things that reside in Heaven have personalities, but trust me when I say that "Everything is ALIVE". So everything in Heaven is Alive. We have Good Celestial Bodies and we have some Evil Celestial Bodies. Orion is apart of the Evil crew. Even the set up of the Egyptian pyramids are based on the Orion Belt. The Jewish Star is based on the star found in Orion and on the Sirius Star. (Sirius Star shows 6 points on X-Ray.) 

Sirius on X-Ray

Eye of Orion

Looks Familiar?

       You see. We are moving towards the most Demonic places in the Heavens. All are travelling towards the Center to get Judged. All are being moved towards the Darkness to be put inside of the Black Hole. The Black Hole is already being made. That's why NASA on high alert and going on all these different planets to try and detect the Black Hole but it will not be detected. Now they can't send anything up there because of the Cosmic Radiation. They are stuck here on Earth and cannot escape the Karma that is being brought on their heads for being so evil. 

       As for Rigel, he is traveling at the end of his life. He may be blue now but he'll change. He was apart of the Milky Way just like Sirius. Yet they decided that they wanted to rebel right alongside the Devil. (The Devil is a Sun as well.) For that, they got ejected out of the Milky Way and have been terrorizing people ever since.

       This is where Earth is at right now. Please go to the Father if you have not done it yet. There is still little time yet. This is truly it. This is what the government is trying to keep us away from. So please guys. Seek the Father while there is still time left. Because it is getting ugly very quickly.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

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