Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Binary Star Incident: Proxima Centauri is knocked out of Orbit

Hi Everyone,

      It has been a few days after the Binary Star Eclipse. After looking at amateur astronomers and looking at their data. It seems like NASA has been looking at the Comet Siding Spring and Mars event. However, after looking at NASA's animation and the data that the amateur astronomers have I noticed that Mars looked a little bit too "shiny". I never seen a planet shine like that before and have a yellow inner rim and a white-ish center core. Then, I instantly put it together. There is no way that Mars could look that that. It may look like a dim red star in the night sky but it would not look nothing like that. It has to be something else that they are looking at rather than Mars. Then I remembered that the Binary Star Eclipse is suppose to occur on that same day. So I realized quickly that that wasn't Mars that they were observing it was Proxima Centauri. For their own selfish reasons they lied again and called Proxima Centauri "Mars". However, the red Oort cloud was a dead giveaway that it wasn't Mars, because its obvious that Mars doesn't have an Oort cloud.

Proxima Centauri was suppose to have its Binary Eclipse on October 19, 2014, which is interestingly the same day Comet Siding Spring is suppose to have its close encounter with Mars.

Please Note that the Centauri System does have its own Solar system.
This may also explain why there is another solar system close to our own. 

       Proxima Centauri is apart of the trinary star system, consisting of three stars, of course. Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centuari B and Proxima Centauri . Centauri A is a bright yellow star, Centauri B is actually a blue star and Proxima Centauri is a faint red flare star. During this event of the Eclipse it seems like Proxima Centauri came to eclipse its former neighbor and Comet Siding Spring made a direct hit. Knocking little Proxima clear out of orbit. Here are some video here that can explain what I'm talking about:

This video covers the binary star eclipse. This is called a "beam" in the video but its actually two stars eclipsing and it shows the reaction of those who are covering it in a feed and how the feed has been shut down because of a "bizarre" event that happened. 

This video covers the explosion or the direct impact that Comet Siding Spring did on Proxima Centauri. 

        My mom and I have done some homework on this because we witnessed a star falling in the sky that the government tried desperately to cover up. So do not be fulled by these images. They are showing the Binary Star eclipse and Comet Siding Spring slamming right into Proxima Centauri causing it to fall. Which leads me to Revelation 9:1:

"The fifth angel sounded and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key to the bottomless pit was given to him. "

     According to the Bible, this is the star that will fall from Heaven and has the key to the bottomless pit. Now where is the bottomless pit located?....

In the Pacific Ocean.

     I will cover that in another blog entry. Until then....

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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