Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More Confirmation: NASA Sends Subliminal Messages About the Fallen Star

Hi Everyone,

      I want to cover the NASA Antares Rocket blowing up before it could even launch. They blew it up on purpose and why did they do it? Well to warn the Dark Ones about the Fallen Star. Come to find out the Star went SUPERNOVA and now is on its way to the Bottomless Pit.

       Remember the location that I told you about the Bottomless Pit. The Tamu Massif in the Pacific Ocean. That it was close to Japan but it spreads out towards the Coast of California. Well, the star is going to go there and cause a massive eruption on Japan and the Island of Japan is going to go extinct. There is no way an island can survive from a massive single super volcano underwater. 

     There are already reports circling around Japan about scientist that are warning them of a massive volcano that could result in a major 'Extinction'. You can go to Is Japan In Danger Of A Major 'Extinction'? for more information. However, Japan strikes back and says that they are going to reopen the Nuclear Plant regardless of the volcanic warnings made by scientist. You can go to this article here: Japan to reopen 1st nuclear plant after Fukushima disaster - despite volcano risks

Volcano Risks in Japan

Japan reopening nuclear plants

       This will probably be used as a cover up for the Fallen Star that is currently on its way towards the bottomless pit to let the Beast out. These events are happening so fast that it is really hard to keep up with all of them. I ask you guys to please be watchful and keep the Faith because all of these events are going to lead up towards the rapture event. As far as what's going on in the Heavens, the Heavenly Father is currently cleaning House and making room for the New Heavens. Every star is subjected to blow as Heaven is receiving its Judgement right now. However, that doesn't mean that our judgement is being prolonged. Everything that is effected in the Heavens is going to affect us. The Spiritual War has officially reached its climax. Remember to Keep the Faith and be Steadfast in Prayer.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You. 

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