Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Look Beyond Illusion

Greetings Everyone,

            I apologize for not being on for a minute. I have habits of a recluse and I stay off to my thoughts most of the time. Today I wanted to start back on what I was teaching before I reported about the Nuclear Summit coming up and the other things that seemed to get my attention. I had to say something about it while it was in the sight of my mind. Okay, one of my main focuses is to show you the illusion and how to look past it. In my previous blogs I talked about how this world is split into a parallel setting. One that is false and one that is the reality. World 2 and World 1. To recap. We talked about one world, World One is what I call the "Backwards Society". Everything that we do goes against the natural laws brought forth on this earth. Now, we are programmed to do things via materials. We consume materials day in and day out that we lose ourselves in them and we then attach our identity towards them and eventually we label the materials as part of our identity. Once the poles on earth shift or if a huge geometric storm from the sun triggers power grids and things of that nature, these materials are not going to be any good for us. We would be done for.

            I suggest that you guys start detaching from these things and being to follow the natural Abba put on this earth. The way of the Gentile (esp. the Materialistic) Era is over. The Kingdom of God will be established. As a matter of fact. The kingdom is being build. Right here and right now. Can you see the changes? They are huge changes coming upon this earth. The separation process has already started. To be on the winning team, start connecting to Abba through the Messiah and the Holy Spirit will definitely work with you in making sure that you know exactly what you need to know at that moment. Okay? Once you see the world for what it truly is and start departing from the divisions, materialism, fear of the media and things of that nature them you will be free. Why? Because you know the truth. How? Because the Holy Spirit will teach you these things. Now, the Holy Spirit is not going to miraculously show up if you have been baptized.

              This is another reason why I say the churches are nothing but dead weight that cries lies from the body of the Roman Catholic church. So they are no good. So how do you know if you or anyone you are  assisting on this journey has the Holy Spirit? Well, you fill like you have embarked on a new mission. Letting yourself go and losing yourself in Abba's Spirit. Then your priorities begin to change. You want to put forth your best effort in making sure that it is to please Abba and no other. You gain more wisdom about your surroundings. Relationships that seem to be built on the rocks, finding out what the govt is really up to and even finding out more about your purpose in life and what steps you can do in order to fulfill it. You also receive the spirit of discernment. So you guys can basically smell a lie a mile away without even trying to. All of these are qualities of the Holy Spirit. It really does not have much to do with baptizing with water. However, being baptized in water is not a bad thing since it has been custom before the time of John the Baptist.

               The illusionist, this day and many days to come has only one agenda in mind and that is to destroy all human life, and all of what Abba has created and because we are all Abba's Children, he hates us for it. The illusionist then decided he was going to wreak havoc along with his crew and cause massive chaos. That is why we can never live in any peace. Yashayah (Yeshua) said that "The Kingdom of God is among you." This is true. It is among us. We are however eluded by the illusionist. He created this fake world for us to live in and now we have lost sight in the world we are suppose to live in. If we look past society and this world as a whole, we can actually see World One at hand. The world that we were suppose to be living in. Not this fake eluded world.

              This world talks about the colors of our skin and not the human race. This world talks about countless religions but if we look at all of the core beliefs in them we notice that they are speaking about the same qualities. This world is based upon the stereotypes that run our entire world. One cannot look at another without having some underline prejudice about them. Reality says that these stereotypes are all false. Cut off your electronics, shut out the so-called "Modern" world and meditate and focus on the real world and the spirit within. Once we all do this and stand together we can see the True Kingdom of God.

"Human-kind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. This is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."   -Alphonse Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist

              Now, now I know what I said about Alchemy. I talked about Modern Alchemy being bad. Because it is. It is very bad because they are using compounds and transmuting it for personal use that is harmful to our communities and other things. But I want to talk about the above quote here. The First Law of Equivalent Exchange. I apply this principal because we really do have to give up something in order to obtain something. 

"To get something, you must give something away.
To hold something, you must give something away.
To love something, you must give something away."
                                                                  - David Levithan, Realm of Possibility. 

               Same principal. In order to obtain something we must give something away and of equal value. So in order to fully step into the Kingdom of God we must first give up something. In order to step into the World of Peace we must give up the World of Chaos. In order to obtain the World of Peace, we must give up the World of Deception. We have to give up World 2 for World 1. We must give up our old personalities to gain new ones. Materialistic things for Everlasting Life. Some of us may not want to do that... Exchange the Modern for the Ancient. However, the earth made her choice. She wants to go back to what she knows. She wants to go back to how things use to be not what they are now. In order, to reach into Heaven, we have to let go of the things of this world. We cannot have both because both things will not be present in the Kingdom of God. That is why I say detach. Get away from this stuff. Focus on the new world. Get to know the Real You. A New Day of Peace and New Beginnings. The Beginnings of New Beginnings. So this is the theme and principal I want to be able to leave today. Okay guy, be safe and much love. 

May Abba Bless You.
May Peace Be With You.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Coming of Judgement

Greetings Everyone,

          I just wanted to remind you that judgement is fastly approaching. I don't know all the specs on judgement because it is not for me to know. I do want you guys to know whats going on. That way you will not be caught off guard. In one of my recent dreams, I dreamt of the number 14. I find that intriguing, exciting, and uplifting, yet confused, apprehensive and slightly fearful. Its was exciting because we are currently in the year of 2014. I was happy to know that the spiritual number of 14 means double completion and deliverance. I was excited about it. The year of change. Yet I was fearful because I remembered the teterad that is coming up this April during the fake Passover. I say this because it is not the real dates of the Biblical Israelite calendar. The Jewish people mixed up the days on their calendar and now following the wrong days since Yom Kippur that happened a few months back.

            However, concerning the Te trad, then looked into the symbols of them. A little astrology work that seems to lead to nothing but a path of destruction, wrath and purification. I am not going to go into detail about this for personal reasons, buy guys, all of wait I'm seeing and what I have been taught and what I have been learning and hearing, I honestly believe this is the Year of Action. I really, really do. There is no doubt in my mind about that. I have never felt this strongly about this since I prophecised about the Downfall of America back in 2009. This is going to be huge. This is the year that all ancient prophecies have talked about leading to the greater apocalypse. Okay guys, I just wanted to take some time to remind you guys of judgement. Be Safe.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Peace Treaty For Global Nuclear Arrangements

Greetings Everyone,

            I just wanted to quickly share the what I found out. I noticed that the Beast and the False Prophet are going to meet sometime in March. I believe its March 27th. As I was reading this article, I notice that there is an important event that is going to take place. The 2014 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) event being held on March 23 and 24 at The Hague. This event, I believe, is going to help shape the world into more of a one government totality type deal. Remember my previous blog when we looked at the ancient file together? This is it. It claims that it is for the safety of the people from all over the world. However, there is a hidden agenda. I believe is a global peace treaty that is going to set up nuclear domination over the entire world. This is all taken place in the Netherlands.

Now here are their reasons for picking the Netherlands:

  • Netherlands is know for its commitment to Peace, Justice, and Security.
  • Netherlands is a major player in the nuclear industry.
  • Netherlands can me sued for the transit of smuggled nuclear materal.
  • Work on nuclear systems with international organizations like the UN, IAEA, EU, and Global Initiative to combat Nuclear Terrorism. (GICNI)
The theme of the NSS 2014 is this:

  • Reducing the amount of nuclear material in the world
  • Improving the security of nuclear material and radioactive sources
  • Improving international cooperation. 

         Now the Netherlands are a place where the mother of all nuclear supplies are being held at. The Dutch has some serious power. This anti-terrorism summit is what is leading me to think that this is another MAJOR peace treaty event between Pakistan and Israel. Why do I say that because both parties are going to be attending this event. This gives them more time to talk about their peace treaty in private. Not saying that they can't do this in their own countries but they can surely have time to discuss it. It also talks about the Encamps that kinda reminds me of FEMA camps, and they claim that they are for the citizens well-being. However, that is not the case.

Remember guys, in the terms of the Dark Ones:

 Peace = War. 

All the time. So if you hear a world leader talking about peace. By all means don't believe it.  Don't beileve any of these guys that seem to have power over the masses and media. They are up to no good. Now here are the attendees that are going to be attending this "Peace" Summit:

1. Algeria
2. Argentina
3. Armenia
4. Australia
5. Azerbaijan
6. Belgium
7. Brazil
8. Canada
9. Chile
10. China
11. Czech Republic
12. Denmark
13. Egypt
14. Finland
15. France
16. Gabon
17. Georgia
18. Germany
19. Hungary
20. India
21. Indonesia
22. Israel
23. Italy (The False Prophet)
24. Japan
25. Jordan
26. Kazakhstan (Fake Jew Origin)
27. Lithuania
28. Malaysia
29. Morocco
30. Mexico
31. Netherlands
32. New Zealand
33. Nigeria
34. Norway
35. Ukraine
36. Pakistan
37. Philippines
38. Poland
39. Korea
40. Romania
41. Russia
42. Saudi Arabia
43. Singapore
44. South Africa
45. Spain
46. Sweden
47. Switzerland
48. Thailand
49. Turkey
50. United Kingdom (The Dragon)
51. United Arab Emirates
52. United States (the Beast)
53. Vietnam
54. European Union (observer)
55. Integration Atomic Energy Agency (observer)
56. Interpol (observer)
57. United Nations (observer)

           The claim that they don't know that Obama is going to attend or not but my guess is he will besides he was the one that started this whole entire demonic organization since his presidency back in 2009. It's going down guys. All of this is suppose to go down in March, all of this before Passover. And there are already rumors of war going around now and now this Summit popping up out of nowhere. Okay guys, that's all I have for right now. Be Safe.

Remember: They Want World Domination. 

Do Not Be Fooled Guys.

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption."  -Galatians 6:7-8

May Abba Bless You Always.
May True Peace Be With You.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ancient File Of The Fallen Dark Ones: NWO

Greetings Everyone,

          Last blog that I did, I was stating about the Dogmatic Religion that we are all under. This is a major tool for mass manipulation. I know that I have said that I would talk more about the Gospel, which I will but, it is also my job to do warn you guys about what is going on. During my training and research about what is going on here. I realized that when Abba said "There is nothing new under the Sun." There really isn't. Today I wanted to focus on the Ancient File of the Fallen.... The Dark Ones and how it affects us and most important how this thing dates way back. The Ancient Dark File or known today as New World Order (NWO), is a theory where it composes of only one-world government that is governed by the Fallen. It is there to simply rule the world in an authoritative way and all of that stuff. Most of you guys have already heard of it and already know what they are all about, therefore I don't have to waste any time on these that. For those who are just know meeting the term NWO and have no idea of what it is. Then there is a short summary of what you need to know about this agenda.

               Just like my previous blog Parallel Worlds. The illusionist created a world of distractions and at the same time putting us in a state of hypnosis. Now we are in a materialistic world and only care about what someone else has rather than what that persons well being. Or even when we are in car accidents or what ever the case may be at a time of emergency, we usually have our minds on stuff rather than you health or the health of others. We got to get out of this. That is how we are in a state of pure chaos when a disaster happens. This is also how the powers that be gain control over us. ( They tell us ahead of time of what they are going to do to us via media. That is how cocky they are.) Please guys let go of the i Phones, cars, houses and any other addiction you may have and really tune in to what's going on here because this world is the Matrix.

                 Now how do the control us exactly? Well, through Dogmatic tactics. I would like for you guys to sit and think with me for a second of what system you think is not ran by a dogmatic tactic. So far I can only think of only one. The rest is heavily ran in an authoritative light. Government, Education, Justice and Religion, just to name a few. We are then following the words and laws of men. Nowadays these laws are not even inspired by the laws the Abba put down for the world to follow. Because of this we are then subjected to mind control, thus becoming a walking and talking puppet. every moment of the day we are being oppressed by some type of dogmatic statue. I am asking you guys to stand beside me and look at the world for what it really is. Like a person, just now, coming to town after 30 years of exile. This is every serious.

               Take a few minutes with me also and we will look at the ancient file together. Now this file is nothing new. It's been here since the very beginning, we just know seeing the full scope of it. This agenda has been in affect since the Fallen had made an oath on Mount Hermon in Israel. They made a pact to create chaos on men and also to share the same sin of course. Now we have the highest UN base in Mount Hermon. Very interesting. As we look on further, we notice that the UN is currently identified as the Beast with seven heads and ten horns. (I had previously stated that it was NATO, my mistake on that information.) This is the very system that is controlling the whole entire world when it comes down to foreign affairs. Now as far as this ancient document. They have been wanting to control the masses for a long time.

                In fact, this agenda was in thought in the times of Adam. Yep, this agenda has been there since the book of Genesis. However, it was in early development during the times of John the Baptist and Yeshua. The priests in those days were enforcing dogmatic tactics on people. If you don't do this than you are not a "follower of God" or "you are against God" due to difference of opinion. That is why Abba instilled the Universal Law of Free Will. Guys, the world that we are living in is not "Free Will" at all. This is Enslavement. The priest and the prophets stayed at it back then because of the priest had the "authority" therefore they think that they are better than the prophets. Then it eventually became more prevalent as the times went by.

                Now, in this day in age, we are actually entering into the FINAL Stages of the NWO agenda. All the drills that they were doing, all of the precautions that the were making are over. They are now ready to do all of this stuff for real. No more playing around. So in this blog, I just wanted to tell you the origins of NWO. Okay guys, be safe.

May Abba Bless You Always.
May Peace Be With You.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dogmatic Religion

Greetings Everyone,

           Last blog I talked about the Virgin Birth and the true nature and essence of it. Now in this blog I talk about the dogmatic doctrines that seem to take Abba and Yeshua and turning them into something that they should not be. In other words, they are slandering their names, lying on them and using them for money and entertainment purposes. That is just simply not right at all. This is nothing but, a sinister teaching. Now, what is Dogma exactly:

"Dogma: a principle or a set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."

           Nowadays, you cannot walk into a church and question the authority without getting shunned by the majority. Nowadays, you cannot walk into a church and have a different opinion of what they have without the church shunning you out and not wanting you to come back for showing misbehavior. Questioning the church is something that you just don't do. It's either their way or the highway. I call this the Pharisee syndrome. They scare people into thinking that you are going to go into hell of total damnation if you do something differently even though you get the same results. This is dogma. The kind that tells you how do dress, what to wear, and how to get there on time to church. It's the kind that wants you to give them all of our months wages to support them. It's the kind that when you see a dirty deed that comes from them, they do not want you to say anything. Instead turn a blind eye to it and no harm will come to you. It's the kind that trains all of us to be beat into submission, turn into robots/zombies and accept whatever is happening to us without asking any types of questions. 

          I know that Yeshua, has taught us many things but I guarantee you guys that "Dogma" is surely NOT one of them.  This is a HORRIBLE teaching. And this kind of Dogma is the same kind of Dogma that is ran in our governments today and any other "world system" that we have came to grips with. This is a state of conditioning and oppression to every human being on this planet. No freedom to express yourself because there is always a certain kind of thing that you have to do in order to be"accepted" into society. I tell you, that we are not on this earth to impress them by a long shot. We are here to learn how to serve God that is acceptable and pleasing to Him and the state of our life's work that God has ordained us to do. That is what we are here for. We are NOT here to be oppressed by dogmatic people and have them rule our lives and tell us how to live and how we should do things. We are not here for that. 

           Yeshua, as well as every other prophet appointed by God, has been fighting this same dogmatic system within their time. So, of course, there is nothing new is under the sun here. (I will talk more on this later.) For instance if we didn't give out any money on Sunday (which is the wrong day of worship), then we would be considered going against God by other people and we would be bashed and gossiped about highly on this. What if our fellow brothers and sisters had a different opinion about something in the Bible or any other text? Dogmatic teachings would tell us to cut them off from fellowship. or even worse, be stoned for having a different opinion. To be killed for defiling the so called law of God. Instead of giving an open mind to what they say. The teachings that we are studying today are NOT Yeshua's teachings. Instead they are dogmatic teachings set by the Sons of Darkness to oppress us and enslave us to a system that is founded by the Dark Ones. 

              Now I am not saying that the religious text are all false and just abandon them. I am not saying that at all. What I am saying is this...

         These religions founded on the basis of the texts are being ignored. They are being written off for the dogmatic system that is before us. In other words, mainstream religion does not follow what the religious text teaches at all. Instead they are going after their own lusts and desires and "stamping the Word of God" on it in order to justify what they are doing as being "righteous." I know that some of you guys have already came to that conclusion but for my beloved brothers and sisters out there that are looking for the truth. I tell you to look into the texts for yourselves, do not stick to one religion, claim your spirituality and to keep an open-mind to everything. Whatever makes since to you, cool, go for it. Whatever that sounds fishy to you, drop it. Go by the Spirit within you. It will not stir you wrong. Okay, that's all I have for this blog. I will see you in another.

May Abba Bless You.
May Peace Be With You.

Virgin Birth Explained

Greetings Everyone,

          In the last post I talked about the flaws in Christianity and how it teaches us to be closed minded. The organization of it is to bring us further apart and to turn against one another, war and destroy the planet. I will detail this another time. This blog I wanted to talk about the virgin birth of Yeshua. We have all been told that Yeshua has been born of the Holy spirit and the Virgin Mary. Yes, This is true. However, it has been misunderstood by the pagans and now we have other beliefs going around. Yeshua is a virgin soul. He was then created by God as a virgin soul without blemish placed inside of an earthly vessel. We must understand that it is forbidden by law for a spirit and a human body to conceive a child. That is the reason the fallen angels got kicked out of Heaven in the first place. Okay, before you guys try to bash me for saying this. Please take time to think about this. In order to get a human vessel, by divine law, a human has to mate with another human to get another human vessel. Remember the human body is just a vessel and casing of the Real Self.

            So Joseph and Mary did have a relations with each other. Now, lets move into this more deeper. When the angels told Mary that she will name the beautiful babe, Yeshua and he will be the Son of the Highest. Now, since we know that the human body is only a vessel, then what is the angel talking about? I come to tell you that he was talking about the Soul of Yeshua. Yeshua, is again a virgin soul. Meaning that he did not have to go through any type of reincarnation to get his spiritual growth. A genuine Virgin Soul.

"But now is Christ risen from the dead and became the first fruits of them that slept."  -1 Corinthians 15:20

             Yeshua is the first fruits because he is a Virgin Soul. We have indeed feel asleep and this is how the Dark Ones came and took over and began to oppress us. When Yeshua came he was to wake the world from sleep. This is why those who ran the synagogues and those who were apart of the Roman kingdom decided to come together and crucify Yeshua because he taught people how to do things a new way. He taught the universal laws that are still in affect today. These laws had been instilled every since the book of Genesis. So the whole angel and flesh getting together and having a baby is totally false. Remember, angels cannot impregnate a human woman because it goes against divine will and laws that are set down before Abba. That is the law. So I know that you guys are wondering what is so special about Yeshua, since the Holy Spirit has not help conceive him. He is special because He is the Virgin Soul. Pure Soul that has been born of God and is appointed by God to carry out His will and His authority towards us.

               It is important to know the tale and the truth of it all. I have been getting some training and have been studying about this. I really would like for you guys to seek out the Real Yeshua and not listen to anyone else about this matter. Follow your spirit and ask Abba to reveal this things to you. Don't take no ones word for it. Not even mine. Remember what 2 Thessalonians said:

"Let no man deceive you by any means..."  -2 Thessalonians 2:3

          So with that said. Please guys, go and seek for the truth yourselves and do not rely on men to tell you any different. The reason I am on here is to rise against the churches for spewing lies against us and those around the world. Going around promoting mass deception. For those who would like to get a head start on learning about the Real Yeshua I advice you go get this book:

          Its a great book, and it gives you more in depth information about Yeshua's life. I highly recommend it. This is only if you want a head start on learning about Yeshua and yet do not know where else to go. For those who are know apprehensive of my teachings since I have suddenly recommended a book that has the word "Mystic". I just want you to know not to be afraid of it. Please have an open mind about it. This will help understand Yeshua's point of view on many things. Well that's all I have for this blog posting. I will now provide a clear understanding about Mainstream Religion and why I gave it such a huge criticism and also why I am so against its mainstream teachings. 

May Abba Bless You
May Peace Be With You.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Origin of Religion: Roots Of The Babylonian Beast

Greetings Everyone,

Freedom Of Religion: No I Am Not Talking About American Rights Either...

             I wanted to first off say that sorry I have not been online. I have been going through some intense training. I have a little brake from it, so I thought that I would share some more references. Okay... In previous blogs, I have stated a dislike of religion and in particular Christianity because of the flaws. Now listen to me carefully. I want to start of saying the basic fundamental principals or beliefs that are found in all sacred text from around the world are true. (i.e. Believing,Simplicity, Karma, Loving your neighbors as you love yourself, being humble, reincarnation and etc.) These are the basic fundamentals of religion or as I call it spiritual teachings that flow from Our Beloved Father in Heaven. Now, what people fail to understand that when we follow these basic fundamental beliefs, we are following the SAME GOD. Abba is universal. So, each and ever religion has truth in them. Not just the big three. Now here is where it gets interesting. All spiritual beliefs were un-tampered with until the Dragon came and messed things up for all of us. When the Dragon came, he tampered with all of the teachings and turned it into a oppressing tool.

            This is where it gets interesting, the mainstream of all religion is a lie. Every time they publicize it they are setting forth their own agenda and then turn it around and say that its in the will of God. People who are intrigued by world religions know that these "radical practices" are NOT the original practices of that particular spiritual belief that the religion is based on. The religious figures in the books of both history and religion are indeed switched around and are they are being lied on. Thus calling slander unto their names. So when a person finds out the truth then they will be eager to say that this "religious" figure does not exist. But in fact they DO EXIST and THEY ARE BEING LIED ON! Now notices that each religious figure is always born on December 25th and have a virgin birth. These are the lies that causes mass manipulation. However, I wanted to tell you that this is NOT the case. It is a huge LIE!! They want you to think this. Each religion has the basis of pagan roots in them. Yes, I do mean ALL of them.

Here's Your Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving.

              This is where it gets even more interesting. The reason why you have this going on is that everyone is getting a huge multiple doses of Mirthas. This guy is a Roman pagan god that is very popular among the Roman gentiles way back in the day. Therefore we have people worshiping this guy. Now the reason why I am bringing this up is because this character is what they want you to worship. Now lets leave it right here for just a moment... I will pick back up on this later.... Out of all of the religions that are here, we here about the big three the most: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I want to push Judaism and Islam out of the way and focus on Christianity again. Why? Because, this is where we can easily identify the problem. Okay, Notice that Yeshua (Jesus) is selected out of all of the other figures to be picked on and has his name slandered and also the one being LIED ON the MOST!! In history, we know that Yeshua is in fact a real person. So with that said, he has taught the world many teachings and performed many miracles around the world. Now, with this said, we have the Dragon coming in and distorting information about Yeshua and feeding it to the people from all over the world. To fit this Mirthas character. Now there are many parts of the Bible that talks about Yeshua and those stories are true, but when you get to the bare bones and follow other teachings and things you notice that there are a lot of different information that doesn't match. For instance, what happened to Yeshua's past years, why are they not mentioned in the Bible? what happened to them?

             The Beast! That's why! He came in and infiltrated all of the sacred teachings and mixed them up with this Mirthas' character and then have us messed up. Then they add at the end of the Bible: Whoever, adds any additional information in this book will be damned into the pits of Hell. Now the last time I checked, Abba is the one who decides who goes where. Not the church. Just saying. Yet, religion is not a cut. They talk about peace and love and then they use it for war and kill everyone in sight. Now does that sound like peace and love to you? I don't think so. The things that we have been worshiping, the things that we have been believing in mainstream religion is what is going to get us killed in the end. We are following a "organized" cult. Yep, I said it. Organized cult that is camouflaged as peace and love. Each teaching that the religions is based off of are being written off and cast aside for what is being televised on TV. Now, we have everyone going around thinking, oh so they are doing it we must do it too. Okay granted some of the things that they do are true. Because the Beast uses the truth to snap you in and then when you see the war side of it then they use the fear so you can turn against them. This is the good old fashioned convert action on us. This is what I call being double-edged. So how is the world becoming a better place? Because, we have what? New technology? This is merely a distraction.

Okay, Indo, what are you saying?

            What I'm saying is this... DO NOT STICK TO ONE RELIGION!! IT"S POISON!!! It teaches you to be spiritually close minded and then you get messed up. The magnetic field is switching because earth is being prepared to go through her World Cycle and with that said... Everything that has been concealed from the mind will be brought forth. Come on guys! Open your eyes!! (sigh) I usually do not get so passionate during a teaching but I had to tell you guys this. This is important. This is how the masses are going to be fooled when the false one comes. So do not be deceived. Get to learn the REAL YESHUA!! Not what the world wants us to believe.

"And be not conformed of this world: but ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what that is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."   -Romans  12:2

  • Mainstream Religion is Really Bad
  • Mainstream Religion is backed by Pagan roots
  • Mainstream Religion is a form of control
  • Mainstream Religion is a tool for war
  • Mainstream Religion falsely brings peace
  • Abba, Our Beloved, is being LIED ON!
  • Yeshua's name is being slandered and also being LIED ON! 
  • All spiritual teachings are being written off from the masses.
  • When people start learning the truth they become discouraged and abandon all hope.
  • World 1 is a huge illusion and World 2 is being ignored. (See my Parallel World Teaching)

May Abba Bless You Always
May Peace Be With You

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Hand Of God

Greetings Everyone,

            I wanted to take the time and say that NASA has captured "The Hand Of God." This is an Amazing photo.

           Remember Luke 21:25 when it says:

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring."   -Luke 21:25

            Well guys, as we look all around us we see that most of events that are within this verse is starting to come to light. There is a lot of action going on in the nations. Lots of citizens rebelling against their governments. Thailand, Ukraine, Philippines and Cambodia, just to name a few. People are waking up to the lies that these governments have been telling them since they came into power. Yeah, I admit it took a long time for people to realize what the were doing but that was only due to sneakiness and we are dealing with evil spirits are working in a shell of a body. Guys, it is time to wake up and know that our rights are being taken away, creating chaos and destroying the planet all at the same time. Not to mention giving us toys so we would be preoccupied. Remember the toys I showed you in the previous blog?

             I mean come on guys. They're sucker punching us without our knowledge of it. It's a crime shame. While we are going around about our daily lives the powers that be are already thinking of a MILLION ways to kill us. Truly, brothers and sisters that reside in Babylon (America), we are the main country that they experiment on. Can't you see this? Why would the all of a sudden stock up for Region III? Or print out hidden messages in the currency? Or better yet, plan out false alarms and then test them out to see the reactions? I mean come on now. We have to use our clairvoyance and see things for what they really are and not what it seems to be.

            We are being manipulated into thinking things are fine and okay but in actuality it is lock down jail central. Slowly but truly, we are being turned into zombies. We are beginning to function without a brain. Just going through the motions and not really thinking for ourselves. We are going to be like mentally messed up just like the Stepford Wife move:

            I will speak more of that later. However, Abba is on earth right now and judgement is imminent. We must be on guard and watch for Him. You do not want to be caught naked when this event happens. Keep your brain fed with the Knowledge Of God and also keep a really tight relationship with our Beloved Father God. I highly recommend... I mean HIGHLY recommend that you guys get to know Yeshua a lot better than what the Bible tells us. We must know as much as we can about him because the dragon is about to show his face soon so we must work really hard so we will not be deceived by him. Okay? Alright guys, be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Who Can Separate You From God?

Greetings Everyone,

Which one is right and which one is wrong? We must look at the core of it all and not just
one particular thing: Mainstream.

        I was going through religions for the past couple of days. I decided after viewing the religions and seeing the flaws in all main stream religion and how its really there to divide all of us. All of our brothers and sisters out there. This is absolutely horrible how the world has come too. We have been living in a false reality as I have stated in my previous blogs. We have been lied to ever since we where born. Now, as the end of this world comes and a new earth and new journey unfolds it is time to ready ourselves for the return of Abba and Yeshua. With this said, I wanted to elaborate that each and every one of us has a direct lineage to God. We had this connection ever since we were babies. As we get older, we lose ourselves with the false illusions of all the money, glitz and glamour. We must understand that the money/materialistic stuff will no longer be here. We must know find Abba and when we seek Him, you can then know the value of the true earth. Not the artificial society toys that the demons gave us to keep us distracted.

         Seek Abba and you will find Him. Does He not say this in Jeremiah 29:13? Yes, each religions have some truth in them but we must understand that the whole truth is spread-ed all over the world and not just in one particular religion. That is what we must understand about this world. This world is a huge school house on how to rightly serve God. I also believe that this realm is the lowest realm because well demons are all over this planet. They are camouflaged as humans and are running this planet and destroying it the same time. The world is not going to get any better because of how it is being treated. As the radiation continues to travel, it will take a total of four years before it reaches the whole planet and even with that we have lots of dangers that face us when the clouds collect water from the oceans and collect the radiation and rains on the land. We will be greatly effected as well as all of our land animals. The sea animals are already having a hard time with it. In fact a lot of sea animals will die.

Let's pursue Happiness.

         We must wake up to this illusion that the whole world is going to be okay. This world is going in a puff of smoke. The whole light worker thing is a lie. A fabrication of someones imagination. I agree with the Essene Brotherhood when they stated that this world will first experience a ecosystem collapse before an economic collapse. This is already beginning to happen. We must get away from the things of this world and start get ourselves spiritually ready for what is to come.

The reality is that we are still divided. There is nothing new under the sun.

          I gotten of subject a little bit. Okay, the answer is No. To be short. We are never separated from God. Religions however wanted us to think this way. When I say religion I mean mainstream religion. The type of religion that is working against God and His Children. I tell you to look at the basic core of it before you begin to point fingers at me. I know that some of you will do it. However, I am here to give you the truth of it all whether it is something you would like to hear or not like to hear. Religion is to divide us not unify us under one religion. That is why we have so much chaos today if we think about it. So much needs to be done for spiritual development, but there is very little time. Very little time. I worry about the time frame, but that is also the main reason why I have been ministering ever since September because I want everyone to ascend to a better place and not be here with the beast. I want all of us to make it. Even thought the dream itself is impossible to achieve but I would like to try and help as many people as I can towards spiritual development and Oneness with God. Just my two cents. Be safe guys and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Develop The Ability To Identify God Everyday

Greetings Everyone,

            Okay, I wanted to talk about how to be able to see/identify God. I cannot promise you physical sight. It clearly states in the Bible: (I usually prefer the Authorized King James Version (AKJV).)

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."  -2 Corinthians 4:4

              So it clearly states that Yeshua is in fact the visible image of God. However, God is so Holy, that he is not visible to the naked eyes. So we go off of the seeing is believing theory as I explained in my previous blog. Now there are ways to identify God in our lives. We see Him, especially in our times of troubles. However, we see Him even if it is a random moment, especially, when a nice thing is done for you out of the blue. Or when you need some advice and someone just so happens to have that advice or just so happens to get your message through a song, internet article, news, magazines, even a fortune cookie. These are more things that make you aware that it is indeed God sending you messages. Remember there are millions of ways that God can communicate with you. Infinite ways, which even goes beyond comprehension but we usually get it later on when the actual even happens. 

Not sure where life's going?  That is where faith comes in.

            To help boost up faith and endurance of negative energy that seems to just come in and mess up things for you without notice. Everyday, take time out each day and just reflect on your whole day and see what you have noticed that sticks out to you. It can be either big or small or even both. Doing this will help you better identify God. I recommend even buying a small memo book/pad or even a journal and record your day. Everything that you did, and every event that has happened that day. Yup, even if it's bad. Still record it. Then you can look back on it and see the blessings bestowed on you each and everyday. Also once you get use to recording and getting established be sure to give thanks for your blessings that Abba gives you. Not only this particular practice helps see God, it will help strengthen your faith and it will help you endure all the negativity by focusing on your past blessings and knowing that things are going to turn out fine because God has your back. 

              We can see God through the blessings that He bestows on all of us. Abba blesses us daily. We wake up and greet Him every single day, because it is His mercy we wake up everyday. We are blessed with the gift of life. It is something that we should not take for granted. Life is a gift not an entitlement. Our lives can be taken away at any given moment. In conclusion, we can see God through the blessings that he gives us. We meet Him every time we wake up. Is that why some of us pray and ask God for another day just before we go to sleep? Our Abba literally moves mountains for us. All we have to do is Love Him, follow His instructions, and praise Him. Abba blesses us daily. So, just when you feel like things are turning for the worst and its about time to sulk and abandon all hope then you will receive something that is going to shock you. A true blessing in the skies. Okay guys please try the journal technique that I have talked about earlier in this blog. I think that it will help us identify God more and be able to strengthen our faith. Be safe and lots of Love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Oneness of God

Greetings Everyone,

             I wanted to talk about the Oneness of God and how to work towards obtaining this goal. I can only act as a person who can only point the way to you and walk with you until you can find you way back Home. So what is Home. Home is where being in Oneness with God through our Savior Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Now, you do not need me to tell you how crazy the world is today. That is because we have been put into a state of hypnosis of the world ever since we where born in the world. Believing that this is our so-called "Home". However, in actuality it is Hell that we are living in. Our very essence has been rejected, our freedom stolen. We are living a world where it goes against God's Universal Laws and Statues in its totality. There is hardly any morals found on earth. Young men and women are being taught buy televisions screens and video games and the internet. They rather see what other people are saying doing or even thinking about certain issues and believe it to be true instead of their own parents.

             The world cannot go on like this. We all need to get back on the road towards Home. I am not going to tell you that the road is a pleasant, smooth path with velvet plush red carpet to apply cushion to your feet. No, but I am telling you that the path going the opposite direction is a rocky run down road. This road is going to give you lots and lots of blisters and even bloody feet. Its going to be a hard road. Where times you are going to love it and times where you are going to hate it. Times where you are so honored to walk it and times where you just want to give up and not engage. The path with constant ups and downs. A path that is highly unappealing. Did not the bible say that beauty is vain? The prettiest road is not always the best bet. This is the first step towards going Home. Home to Abba.

              Now that we have established our road. We are going to walk it. How? By adjusting our actions and thinking patterns. Not taking the easy way out. I'm sure that some of you are thinking, 'Whaa?! No easy way out!? Well, maybe I should just turn around.' No worries, I was the exact same way. Before receiving my calling I wanted the easy way out all of the time. I rather have easy breezy than hustle and bustle, but once I received my calling and Abba revealed to me that there was no easy way out. I was nervous. How can I do it? No easy road to get to Him? Oh... I'm in trouble. However, I asked to be taught everyday, mercy for the things that I did not get right or I may have slipped on and keep doing my best. I hope that you all will do this too. Keep doing your best, and achieve righteousness in each and every way. We are walking this road right now.

             Next, I want to stress how important it to communicate with Abba. In this day in age, where modern technology stuff is like the "everything" of life, there is not enough communication flowing through at all. The communication between a Father and His Child. Now, I am not talking about those quick five minute less than prayers that we all say before falling asleep or even waking up. I'm talking about a pure connection one-on-one communication with Abba. Like you would talk to your family or friends. That kind of communication. Be open. Abba Hears you. So do not think He doesn't hear you guys. He hears you even when you murmur it can be heard all in Heaven. So, do not be afraid if you think that He does not hear you. I promise he does. Now, if you feel that it may be awkward and odd to hold a general conversation, write Him. Letters are great when you have a shy personality or have people over for a sleepover. He reads our letters as well. If you don't like either method, then send Abba a text message. Yup, I said quick message on Messenger or an email. What do I mean by that? Aren't we told that our brain is like a computer? Use your thoughts as a from of writing a text message, or an email. Tell Him how you feel. Hold those pure conversations with Him. Remember, that Abba is All-Knowing.

               Accept that you are a kid that has no control over the world. Please, those entertainers that are acting like they run everything are lying to themselves. Money can wither away just like other materialistic things. If flesh of man withers like the grass and have their years fall away like withered rose petals that fall to the ground then money doesn't stand a chance of survival. I mean, it's an inanimate object. Accept the fact that you are a child and like in my previous blogs, there is no such thing as an "Adult." It's just a label that's it. Deep down we are all children yearning for our Father at the end of the day. We are not complete with out Him. The more we know this the better.

             Remember to accept Yeshua Ha'Mashiach as our Lord and Savior. Please do this. Please accept him. He is our eldest brother among all of mankind. He died for us so we can live in eternal life with him and with Abba. I encourage you also to do some research on Yeshua Ha'Mashiach because there is so much of his life that has not been told. I really encourage you to research his life and to get to know him. It's highly recommended.

           Now also, as you accept Yeshua as Savior and receive your Holy Spirit this is where things will start synchronizing. Everything will start to be in sync. You and Abba will start acting as One Heartbeat, One Mind, One Love. Everything will be united as One. This is a process because we have to shed our egos that get in the way of our everyday life. There are going to be times where the ego self will be harder to deal with that other times. Please know that it will minimize and become as dust in the desert, if that. Then you will begin to experience the Oneness of God. You will be able to see God everyday in your life. You will. Remember, we do not run anything but we are solely apart of the earth. We do not have any super powers or anything like that. We are humans that are trying to learn how to conduct themselves in a way that is please our Father in Heaven. We are humans that are suppose to live in unity and harmony not in jealousy and anger towards one another.

           Abba resides within us. He has been with all of us this whole entire time. I think as the poles shift we will not see this as much as we would love to. Instead we will see the final stand between good and evil. The Yin and Yang (if you put them in good fight against evil terms.) We are going to see a really rough transition that is going to happen before seeing the New Millennium. A era where Yeshua will established his kingdom on earth and there will be no evil entities getting in the way. The kingdom of God is within us. God lives in us through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and we live in Him through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. That is why it is so important to accept Yeshua as our Lord and Savior because he is the link between Abba and all of His Children.

            So to conclude this lesson we have a link to Abba. Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. He clears our sins. The gift of the Holy Spirit is our pathway to communication with Abba. We then decide what road we want to take whether it is a fancy one or a low key and humble path. We then strengthen our relationship with our Father. We will work towards getting Oneness with God. Be save and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.

No Equals In The World Of Illusion

Greetings Everyone,

          Sorry for not being able to blog my teachings and lessons that I have come across and learned from Abba ministered to me by Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. I have been learning during my absence. I am still learning and Abba has blessed me with more knowledge and I have not quite mastered all of it yet. However, I will take some time to teach about equality. This is NOT about political correctness or anything like that. I am going by what is according to nature. Now, with that said. Let me just say that I believe that women should have a voice as far as teaching the gospel. I don't see why it has to be predominately male in the first place. No, I am not vexed. I'm perfectly fine. So just hear me on this.

           Now before you guys start ranting and sounding off scriptures to me about how women should not have a role as far as preaching the gospel. Yes, I know about Jezebel and what she did. However, I am talking about women who have been servants of God. Like Anna, Miriam, Judith, Esther, Virgin Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rebekkah, Deborah, Rachel, and Susanna. All servants of Abba (God). So with that said. I think that women can also be talked too in dreams and visions like our (I'm a woman, too) male counterparts. Like with Anna (Yeshua's grandmother), Deborah and Miriam (Moses sister). Abba has shown in the story of Susanna as well as the story of Judith that He has gave them strength and has came to their aid in their time of need. All of these stories have been down played because it does not involve a male as a center of the story. So there really are not any equals in this illusionist world.

            Why am I making a fuss about it? Well because it goes against the nature of things. There is a male and female counterpart for a reason. So I do not understand why there is so much inequality. I mean are we still on the Eve thing? Yeah, it was bad, I admit, but Aaron fashioning the golden calf was bad. Adam being lead by satan to the tallest mountain, so both Adam and Eve be pushed off the mountain is also bad. In the Tribe of Judah, males were taking foreign women as wives instead of their own native counterparts was bad as well. So there are lots of things that turned out to be bad. And they were not always started by a woman.

           So I just don't see how women cannot preach the gospel unto others. Women have insight too. It does not take a man to decipher the bible. It takes discernment to decipher the bible. The discernment of God. What do I mean by that? I mean this... The bible has been tampered with guys and I believe that it was the Vatican that has done that and have blamed poor King James for it. Calling him a homosexual man that bashed women when actuality, King James was none of those things. Things have been very much so altered that everyone is all messed up. If it was only a place for men to rule and women have no say then most likely there will be no sign of women in the first place. Women would never be made. So there has to be some type of significance to why we are here.

             Even the most deepest mysteries that have been revealed are located in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. There is also other mysteries that may have been revealed to her but its hard to see the connection because her gospel has been destroyed and there is not much of it that is left. Why would they destroy it. So basically, the reason for women bashing most likely started with the pagan Romans that had no morals of themselves but carry much of the corruption that we see here today. They carry much of the same characteristics as what we are see in modern society.

            And I am talking about the gospel that rightly supports Abba's Laws and Statues and all who observe Yeshua Ha'Mashiach as the Anointed Messiah. Not all of this so called "pagan" worship. People are so quick to judge. I think that we should all see an the insight of a woman as well as a man. We have listened to the insight of a man for a long time and now it is time for us to see things through the eyes of a woman. See how we view things and how things work within us. How Abba talks to us and how Yeshua minister to us and how the Holy Spirit talks to us. How Abba speaks through us? We all should think about these things. This world is already backwards as far as thinking. In order to change it we must first change our mindset and that is going to require a open mind to things.

So the bottom line is this...

                 A woman can preach the gospel if she wanted too. If the world was suppose to be predominately male then it would be an all male, then Abba would make it so. But, however, he has it where both male and female. So with that said, it is to go against the very essence of Abba. Bashing women is not the way to go. It is an to go against everything that is according to its nature. Even the smallest of plants have a male and female counterpart. Everything has a masculine and feminine aspect. So please keep this in mind. As I explain this to you guys. Okay guys, be safe and lots of love.

May Abba Bless You Always.
moon cycle