Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Origin of Religion: Roots Of The Babylonian Beast

Greetings Everyone,

Freedom Of Religion: No I Am Not Talking About American Rights Either...

             I wanted to first off say that sorry I have not been online. I have been going through some intense training. I have a little brake from it, so I thought that I would share some more references. Okay... In previous blogs, I have stated a dislike of religion and in particular Christianity because of the flaws. Now listen to me carefully. I want to start of saying the basic fundamental principals or beliefs that are found in all sacred text from around the world are true. (i.e. Believing,Simplicity, Karma, Loving your neighbors as you love yourself, being humble, reincarnation and etc.) These are the basic fundamentals of religion or as I call it spiritual teachings that flow from Our Beloved Father in Heaven. Now, what people fail to understand that when we follow these basic fundamental beliefs, we are following the SAME GOD. Abba is universal. So, each and ever religion has truth in them. Not just the big three. Now here is where it gets interesting. All spiritual beliefs were un-tampered with until the Dragon came and messed things up for all of us. When the Dragon came, he tampered with all of the teachings and turned it into a oppressing tool.

            This is where it gets interesting, the mainstream of all religion is a lie. Every time they publicize it they are setting forth their own agenda and then turn it around and say that its in the will of God. People who are intrigued by world religions know that these "radical practices" are NOT the original practices of that particular spiritual belief that the religion is based on. The religious figures in the books of both history and religion are indeed switched around and are they are being lied on. Thus calling slander unto their names. So when a person finds out the truth then they will be eager to say that this "religious" figure does not exist. But in fact they DO EXIST and THEY ARE BEING LIED ON! Now notices that each religious figure is always born on December 25th and have a virgin birth. These are the lies that causes mass manipulation. However, I wanted to tell you that this is NOT the case. It is a huge LIE!! They want you to think this. Each religion has the basis of pagan roots in them. Yes, I do mean ALL of them.

Here's Your Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving.

              This is where it gets even more interesting. The reason why you have this going on is that everyone is getting a huge multiple doses of Mirthas. This guy is a Roman pagan god that is very popular among the Roman gentiles way back in the day. Therefore we have people worshiping this guy. Now the reason why I am bringing this up is because this character is what they want you to worship. Now lets leave it right here for just a moment... I will pick back up on this later.... Out of all of the religions that are here, we here about the big three the most: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I want to push Judaism and Islam out of the way and focus on Christianity again. Why? Because, this is where we can easily identify the problem. Okay, Notice that Yeshua (Jesus) is selected out of all of the other figures to be picked on and has his name slandered and also the one being LIED ON the MOST!! In history, we know that Yeshua is in fact a real person. So with that said, he has taught the world many teachings and performed many miracles around the world. Now, with this said, we have the Dragon coming in and distorting information about Yeshua and feeding it to the people from all over the world. To fit this Mirthas character. Now there are many parts of the Bible that talks about Yeshua and those stories are true, but when you get to the bare bones and follow other teachings and things you notice that there are a lot of different information that doesn't match. For instance, what happened to Yeshua's past years, why are they not mentioned in the Bible? what happened to them?

             The Beast! That's why! He came in and infiltrated all of the sacred teachings and mixed them up with this Mirthas' character and then have us messed up. Then they add at the end of the Bible: Whoever, adds any additional information in this book will be damned into the pits of Hell. Now the last time I checked, Abba is the one who decides who goes where. Not the church. Just saying. Yet, religion is not a cut. They talk about peace and love and then they use it for war and kill everyone in sight. Now does that sound like peace and love to you? I don't think so. The things that we have been worshiping, the things that we have been believing in mainstream religion is what is going to get us killed in the end. We are following a "organized" cult. Yep, I said it. Organized cult that is camouflaged as peace and love. Each teaching that the religions is based off of are being written off and cast aside for what is being televised on TV. Now, we have everyone going around thinking, oh so they are doing it we must do it too. Okay granted some of the things that they do are true. Because the Beast uses the truth to snap you in and then when you see the war side of it then they use the fear so you can turn against them. This is the good old fashioned convert action on us. This is what I call being double-edged. So how is the world becoming a better place? Because, we have what? New technology? This is merely a distraction.

Okay, Indo, what are you saying?

            What I'm saying is this... DO NOT STICK TO ONE RELIGION!! IT"S POISON!!! It teaches you to be spiritually close minded and then you get messed up. The magnetic field is switching because earth is being prepared to go through her World Cycle and with that said... Everything that has been concealed from the mind will be brought forth. Come on guys! Open your eyes!! (sigh) I usually do not get so passionate during a teaching but I had to tell you guys this. This is important. This is how the masses are going to be fooled when the false one comes. So do not be deceived. Get to learn the REAL YESHUA!! Not what the world wants us to believe.

"And be not conformed of this world: but ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what that is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."   -Romans  12:2

  • Mainstream Religion is Really Bad
  • Mainstream Religion is backed by Pagan roots
  • Mainstream Religion is a form of control
  • Mainstream Religion is a tool for war
  • Mainstream Religion falsely brings peace
  • Abba, Our Beloved, is being LIED ON!
  • Yeshua's name is being slandered and also being LIED ON! 
  • All spiritual teachings are being written off from the masses.
  • When people start learning the truth they become discouraged and abandon all hope.
  • World 1 is a huge illusion and World 2 is being ignored. (See my Parallel World Teaching)

May Abba Bless You Always
May Peace Be With You

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