Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Peace Treaty For Global Nuclear Arrangements

Greetings Everyone,

            I just wanted to quickly share the what I found out. I noticed that the Beast and the False Prophet are going to meet sometime in March. I believe its March 27th. As I was reading this article, I notice that there is an important event that is going to take place. The 2014 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) event being held on March 23 and 24 at The Hague. This event, I believe, is going to help shape the world into more of a one government totality type deal. Remember my previous blog when we looked at the ancient file together? This is it. It claims that it is for the safety of the people from all over the world. However, there is a hidden agenda. I believe is a global peace treaty that is going to set up nuclear domination over the entire world. This is all taken place in the Netherlands.

Now here are their reasons for picking the Netherlands:

  • Netherlands is know for its commitment to Peace, Justice, and Security.
  • Netherlands is a major player in the nuclear industry.
  • Netherlands can me sued for the transit of smuggled nuclear materal.
  • Work on nuclear systems with international organizations like the UN, IAEA, EU, and Global Initiative to combat Nuclear Terrorism. (GICNI)
The theme of the NSS 2014 is this:

  • Reducing the amount of nuclear material in the world
  • Improving the security of nuclear material and radioactive sources
  • Improving international cooperation. 

         Now the Netherlands are a place where the mother of all nuclear supplies are being held at. The Dutch has some serious power. This anti-terrorism summit is what is leading me to think that this is another MAJOR peace treaty event between Pakistan and Israel. Why do I say that because both parties are going to be attending this event. This gives them more time to talk about their peace treaty in private. Not saying that they can't do this in their own countries but they can surely have time to discuss it. It also talks about the Encamps that kinda reminds me of FEMA camps, and they claim that they are for the citizens well-being. However, that is not the case.

Remember guys, in the terms of the Dark Ones:

 Peace = War. 

All the time. So if you hear a world leader talking about peace. By all means don't believe it.  Don't beileve any of these guys that seem to have power over the masses and media. They are up to no good. Now here are the attendees that are going to be attending this "Peace" Summit:

1. Algeria
2. Argentina
3. Armenia
4. Australia
5. Azerbaijan
6. Belgium
7. Brazil
8. Canada
9. Chile
10. China
11. Czech Republic
12. Denmark
13. Egypt
14. Finland
15. France
16. Gabon
17. Georgia
18. Germany
19. Hungary
20. India
21. Indonesia
22. Israel
23. Italy (The False Prophet)
24. Japan
25. Jordan
26. Kazakhstan (Fake Jew Origin)
27. Lithuania
28. Malaysia
29. Morocco
30. Mexico
31. Netherlands
32. New Zealand
33. Nigeria
34. Norway
35. Ukraine
36. Pakistan
37. Philippines
38. Poland
39. Korea
40. Romania
41. Russia
42. Saudi Arabia
43. Singapore
44. South Africa
45. Spain
46. Sweden
47. Switzerland
48. Thailand
49. Turkey
50. United Kingdom (The Dragon)
51. United Arab Emirates
52. United States (the Beast)
53. Vietnam
54. European Union (observer)
55. Integration Atomic Energy Agency (observer)
56. Interpol (observer)
57. United Nations (observer)

           The claim that they don't know that Obama is going to attend or not but my guess is he will besides he was the one that started this whole entire demonic organization since his presidency back in 2009. It's going down guys. All of this is suppose to go down in March, all of this before Passover. And there are already rumors of war going around now and now this Summit popping up out of nowhere. Okay guys, that's all I have for right now. Be Safe.

Remember: They Want World Domination. 

Do Not Be Fooled Guys.

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption."  -Galatians 6:7-8

May Abba Bless You Always.
May True Peace Be With You.

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