Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dogmatic Religion

Greetings Everyone,

           Last blog I talked about the Virgin Birth and the true nature and essence of it. Now in this blog I talk about the dogmatic doctrines that seem to take Abba and Yeshua and turning them into something that they should not be. In other words, they are slandering their names, lying on them and using them for money and entertainment purposes. That is just simply not right at all. This is nothing but, a sinister teaching. Now, what is Dogma exactly:

"Dogma: a principle or a set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."

           Nowadays, you cannot walk into a church and question the authority without getting shunned by the majority. Nowadays, you cannot walk into a church and have a different opinion of what they have without the church shunning you out and not wanting you to come back for showing misbehavior. Questioning the church is something that you just don't do. It's either their way or the highway. I call this the Pharisee syndrome. They scare people into thinking that you are going to go into hell of total damnation if you do something differently even though you get the same results. This is dogma. The kind that tells you how do dress, what to wear, and how to get there on time to church. It's the kind that wants you to give them all of our months wages to support them. It's the kind that when you see a dirty deed that comes from them, they do not want you to say anything. Instead turn a blind eye to it and no harm will come to you. It's the kind that trains all of us to be beat into submission, turn into robots/zombies and accept whatever is happening to us without asking any types of questions. 

          I know that Yeshua, has taught us many things but I guarantee you guys that "Dogma" is surely NOT one of them.  This is a HORRIBLE teaching. And this kind of Dogma is the same kind of Dogma that is ran in our governments today and any other "world system" that we have came to grips with. This is a state of conditioning and oppression to every human being on this planet. No freedom to express yourself because there is always a certain kind of thing that you have to do in order to be"accepted" into society. I tell you, that we are not on this earth to impress them by a long shot. We are here to learn how to serve God that is acceptable and pleasing to Him and the state of our life's work that God has ordained us to do. That is what we are here for. We are NOT here to be oppressed by dogmatic people and have them rule our lives and tell us how to live and how we should do things. We are not here for that. 

           Yeshua, as well as every other prophet appointed by God, has been fighting this same dogmatic system within their time. So, of course, there is nothing new is under the sun here. (I will talk more on this later.) For instance if we didn't give out any money on Sunday (which is the wrong day of worship), then we would be considered going against God by other people and we would be bashed and gossiped about highly on this. What if our fellow brothers and sisters had a different opinion about something in the Bible or any other text? Dogmatic teachings would tell us to cut them off from fellowship. or even worse, be stoned for having a different opinion. To be killed for defiling the so called law of God. Instead of giving an open mind to what they say. The teachings that we are studying today are NOT Yeshua's teachings. Instead they are dogmatic teachings set by the Sons of Darkness to oppress us and enslave us to a system that is founded by the Dark Ones. 

              Now I am not saying that the religious text are all false and just abandon them. I am not saying that at all. What I am saying is this...

         These religions founded on the basis of the texts are being ignored. They are being written off for the dogmatic system that is before us. In other words, mainstream religion does not follow what the religious text teaches at all. Instead they are going after their own lusts and desires and "stamping the Word of God" on it in order to justify what they are doing as being "righteous." I know that some of you guys have already came to that conclusion but for my beloved brothers and sisters out there that are looking for the truth. I tell you to look into the texts for yourselves, do not stick to one religion, claim your spirituality and to keep an open-mind to everything. Whatever makes since to you, cool, go for it. Whatever that sounds fishy to you, drop it. Go by the Spirit within you. It will not stir you wrong. Okay, that's all I have for this blog. I will see you in another.

May Abba Bless You.
May Peace Be With You.

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