Jeremiah 29:13...

Jeremiah 29:13...
Jeremiah 29:13- "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Look Beyond Illusion

Greetings Everyone,

            I apologize for not being on for a minute. I have habits of a recluse and I stay off to my thoughts most of the time. Today I wanted to start back on what I was teaching before I reported about the Nuclear Summit coming up and the other things that seemed to get my attention. I had to say something about it while it was in the sight of my mind. Okay, one of my main focuses is to show you the illusion and how to look past it. In my previous blogs I talked about how this world is split into a parallel setting. One that is false and one that is the reality. World 2 and World 1. To recap. We talked about one world, World One is what I call the "Backwards Society". Everything that we do goes against the natural laws brought forth on this earth. Now, we are programmed to do things via materials. We consume materials day in and day out that we lose ourselves in them and we then attach our identity towards them and eventually we label the materials as part of our identity. Once the poles on earth shift or if a huge geometric storm from the sun triggers power grids and things of that nature, these materials are not going to be any good for us. We would be done for.

            I suggest that you guys start detaching from these things and being to follow the natural Abba put on this earth. The way of the Gentile (esp. the Materialistic) Era is over. The Kingdom of God will be established. As a matter of fact. The kingdom is being build. Right here and right now. Can you see the changes? They are huge changes coming upon this earth. The separation process has already started. To be on the winning team, start connecting to Abba through the Messiah and the Holy Spirit will definitely work with you in making sure that you know exactly what you need to know at that moment. Okay? Once you see the world for what it truly is and start departing from the divisions, materialism, fear of the media and things of that nature them you will be free. Why? Because you know the truth. How? Because the Holy Spirit will teach you these things. Now, the Holy Spirit is not going to miraculously show up if you have been baptized.

              This is another reason why I say the churches are nothing but dead weight that cries lies from the body of the Roman Catholic church. So they are no good. So how do you know if you or anyone you are  assisting on this journey has the Holy Spirit? Well, you fill like you have embarked on a new mission. Letting yourself go and losing yourself in Abba's Spirit. Then your priorities begin to change. You want to put forth your best effort in making sure that it is to please Abba and no other. You gain more wisdom about your surroundings. Relationships that seem to be built on the rocks, finding out what the govt is really up to and even finding out more about your purpose in life and what steps you can do in order to fulfill it. You also receive the spirit of discernment. So you guys can basically smell a lie a mile away without even trying to. All of these are qualities of the Holy Spirit. It really does not have much to do with baptizing with water. However, being baptized in water is not a bad thing since it has been custom before the time of John the Baptist.

               The illusionist, this day and many days to come has only one agenda in mind and that is to destroy all human life, and all of what Abba has created and because we are all Abba's Children, he hates us for it. The illusionist then decided he was going to wreak havoc along with his crew and cause massive chaos. That is why we can never live in any peace. Yashayah (Yeshua) said that "The Kingdom of God is among you." This is true. It is among us. We are however eluded by the illusionist. He created this fake world for us to live in and now we have lost sight in the world we are suppose to live in. If we look past society and this world as a whole, we can actually see World One at hand. The world that we were suppose to be living in. Not this fake eluded world.

              This world talks about the colors of our skin and not the human race. This world talks about countless religions but if we look at all of the core beliefs in them we notice that they are speaking about the same qualities. This world is based upon the stereotypes that run our entire world. One cannot look at another without having some underline prejudice about them. Reality says that these stereotypes are all false. Cut off your electronics, shut out the so-called "Modern" world and meditate and focus on the real world and the spirit within. Once we all do this and stand together we can see the True Kingdom of God.

"Human-kind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. This is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."   -Alphonse Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist

              Now, now I know what I said about Alchemy. I talked about Modern Alchemy being bad. Because it is. It is very bad because they are using compounds and transmuting it for personal use that is harmful to our communities and other things. But I want to talk about the above quote here. The First Law of Equivalent Exchange. I apply this principal because we really do have to give up something in order to obtain something. 

"To get something, you must give something away.
To hold something, you must give something away.
To love something, you must give something away."
                                                                  - David Levithan, Realm of Possibility. 

               Same principal. In order to obtain something we must give something away and of equal value. So in order to fully step into the Kingdom of God we must first give up something. In order to step into the World of Peace we must give up the World of Chaos. In order to obtain the World of Peace, we must give up the World of Deception. We have to give up World 2 for World 1. We must give up our old personalities to gain new ones. Materialistic things for Everlasting Life. Some of us may not want to do that... Exchange the Modern for the Ancient. However, the earth made her choice. She wants to go back to what she knows. She wants to go back to how things use to be not what they are now. In order, to reach into Heaven, we have to let go of the things of this world. We cannot have both because both things will not be present in the Kingdom of God. That is why I say detach. Get away from this stuff. Focus on the new world. Get to know the Real You. A New Day of Peace and New Beginnings. The Beginnings of New Beginnings. So this is the theme and principal I want to be able to leave today. Okay guy, be safe and much love. 

May Abba Bless You.
May Peace Be With You.

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